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I am only half there when I am ill, and so there is only half a man to suffer. To suffer in one’s whole self is so great a violation, that it is not to be endured  (Suffer Quotes) Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation, must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred  (Suffer Quotes) Life isn’t easy, no matter where you are. You’ll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them  (Suffer Quotes) Most of us suffer from a kind of myopia. We see only the things that fit in with our beliefs about the world  (Suffer Quotes) I don’t think a living being should suffer for the sake of fashion, period. End of story. You don’t have to kill an animal just because you want to be hot and fly. And I really stand by that  (Suffer Quotes) You’ll have to learn that public life takes a lot of sweat; but it doesn’t need to worry you. You won’t always be right, but you mustn’t suffer from being wrong. That’s what kills people like us  (Suffer Quotes) The biggest difference is in the leadership. It was better for us. We had more coaches and mentors to help us. A lot of the younger players today suffer from a lack of direction  (Suffer Quotes) When it becomes more difficult to suffer than to change. You will change  (Suffer Quotes) I have two young children with autism. What could they have ever done to deserve that? What kind of a God allows the innocent to suffer? It’s a mystery. Yet still, I believe in God  (Suffer Quotes) Most people have no imagination. If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother?  (Suffer Quotes) No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences, so-called trauma - but we make out of them just what suits our purposes  (Suffer Quotes) Our society’s strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women  (Suffer Quotes) Never will the Anarchists in Spain be made to suffer as they have been and are in Russia  (Suffer Quotes) The public must suffer untold pangs from the stiffness, the deliberate stifling of emotion, on the part of many British actors  (Suffer Quotes) My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession  (Suffer Quotes) Give immediate instruction to all your posts in said territory, under your direction, at no time and on no pretence to hoist, or suffer be hoisted, the English flag  (Suffer Quotes) I regret and suffer those losses, but it’s God’s will. He will pardon me if I committed excesses, but I don’t think I did  (Suffer Quotes) Do not suffer any man to baptize or minister unto you, unless God has spoken unto him by the voice of his servants, and authorized him to minister in his name  (Suffer Quotes) Because there is something helpless and weak and innocent - something like an infant - deep inside us all that really suffers in ways we would never permit an insect to suffer  (Suffer Quotes) One reason I don’t suffer Writer’s Block is that I don’t wait on the muse, I summon it at need  (Suffer Quotes) I suffer much less than many of my colleagues. I am perfectly able to go to Australia and film within three hours of arrival  (Suffer Quotes) When I see something unjust, I have to intervene - it’s hard for me to watch the underdog suffer  (Suffer Quotes) I suffer from Irish-Catholic guilt. Guilt is a good reality check. It keeps that ‘do what makes you happy’ thing in check  (Suffer Quotes) TV is very much a producer and writer or creator-driven machine in the States. And I’m the kind of actor that needs to be pushed and have someone on my case a little bit, so I suffer from that  (Suffer Quotes) All the things that human beings suffer from are how their environment treats them, and how the elements of their planet affects their mind and body - like radiation, cancer, and all  (Suffer Quotes) I think if you live in a black-and-white world, you’re gonna suffer a lot. I used to be like that. But I don’t believe that anymore  (Suffer Quotes) Resolved, never to suffer the least motions of anger to irrational beings  (Suffer Quotes) It’s just not right to make an innocent child suffer because of the father’s misdeeds  (Suffer Quotes) People are afraid of falling in love because they don’t want to suffer  (Suffer Quotes) I think writing is a difficult thing and you need to suffer a little bit, even if it’s just to sit there and think what an idiot you are and how anyone else could do this better than you can  (Suffer Quotes)
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