Suffering Quotes

Text Quotes
Look: We hate nothing that exists, not even death, suffering and dying, does not horrify our souls, as long as we learn more deeply to love (Suffering Quotes)
When you begin to see that your enemy is suffering, that is the beginning of insight (Suffering Quotes)
The secrets of alchemy exist to transform mortals from a state of suffering and ignorance to a state of enlightenment and bliss (Suffering Quotes)
This poem has been called obscure. I refuse to believe that it is obscurer than pity, violence, or suffering. But being a poem, not a lifetime, it is more compressed (Suffering Quotes)
My own experience and development deepen every day my conviction that our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with individual suffering and individual joy (Suffering Quotes)
The end of suffering does not justify the suffering, what a mess I am, I thought, what a fool, how foolish and narrow, how worthless, how pinched and pathetic, how helpless (Suffering Quotes)
Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself (Suffering Quotes)
It would then be brought abruptly to an end, for the brightness had shown suffering the way (Suffering Quotes)
For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you (Suffering Quotes)
... a writer’s works, like the water in an artesian well, mount to a height which is in proportion to the depth to which suffering has penetrated his soul (Suffering Quotes)
We are contented with our day when we have been able to bear our grief in silence, and act as if we were not suffering (Suffering Quotes)
The evil and suffering in this world are greater than any of us can comprehend. But evil and suffering are not ultimate. God is. Satan, the great lover of evil and suffering, is not sovereign. God is (Suffering Quotes)
Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have a choice to be right, or to be kind, choose kind and watch your suffering disappear (Suffering Quotes)
Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness (Suffering Quotes)
Buddha says there are two kinds of suffering: the kind that leads to more suffering and the kind that brings an end to suffering (Suffering Quotes)
There’s your labyrinth of suffering. We are all going. Find your way out of that maze (Suffering Quotes)
Stories are the only enchantment possible, for when we begin to see our suffering as a story, we are saved (Suffering Quotes)
At a certain level of suffering or injustice no one can do anything for anyone. Pain is solitary (Suffering Quotes)
If there is suffering, then it’s best to accept it, because it won’t go away just because you pretend it’s not there. If there is joy, then it’s best to accept that too, even though you’re afraid it might end one day (Suffering Quotes)
Fulfill me, make me happy, make me feel safe, tell me who I am. The world cannot give you those things, and when you no longer have such expectations, all self created suffering comes to an end (Suffering Quotes)
Stunned and still not suffering. Swollen with care and anxiety and still not suffering. Useless, old and full of grief, but still not suffering (Suffering Quotes)
I am not worthy of my suffering. A great sentence. It suggests not only that suffering is the basis of the self, its sole indubitable ontological proof, but also that it is the one feeling most worthy of respect; the value of all values (Suffering Quotes)
Love is an incurable disease. In love, there is permanent suffering. Those who love and those who are happy are not the same (Suffering Quotes)
Oh, but when love is reached through suffering, it has a power it can never gain through innocence (Suffering Quotes)
Use what seems like poison as medicine. Use your personal suffering as the path to compassion for all beings (Suffering Quotes)
In a world where everyone struggles to survive whatever the cost, how could one judge those people who decide to die? No one can judge. Each person knows the extent of their own suffering or the total absence of meaning in their lives (Suffering Quotes)
Pointless, needless suffering and pain? I don’t suppose it would help if I told you that was the way life is. The good suffer, the evil flourish, and all that is mortal passes away (Suffering Quotes)
He’s incapable of suffering for a long time, or being happy for a long time. Which means that he’s incapable of anything really worth while (Suffering Quotes)
My sweetheart! When I think of you, it’s as if I’m holding some healing balm to my sick soul, and although I suffer for you, I find that even suffering for you is easy (Suffering Quotes)
Nothing good came free. Even love. You paid for all things. And if you were poor, suffering was your currency (Suffering Quotes)