Suffering Quotes

Text Quotes
Ahimsa means infinite love, which again means infinite capacity for suffering (Suffering Quotes)
Too many of my constituents, like many other hard working Americans across the country, are suffering unnecessarily due to our flawed health care system. (Suffering Quotes)
Our health care system squanders money because it is designed to react to emergencies. Homeless shelters, hospital emergency rooms, jails, prisons - these are expensive and ineffective ways to intervene and there are people who clearly profit from this cycle of continued suffering. (Suffering Quotes)
Those who die, merely suffering the woes of life like cats and dogs, are they human beings? The worthy are those who, even when agitated by the sharp interaction of pleasure and pain, are discriminating and, knowing them to be of an evanescent nature, become passionately devoted to the Atman. This is all the difference between human beings and animals. (Suffering Quotes)
My aim in helping the patient was not to cause death. My aim was to end suffering. It’s got to be decriminalized. (Suffering Quotes)
People were already beginning to forget, what horrible suffering the war had brought them. I did not want to cause fear and panic, but to let people know how dreadful war is and so to stimulate people’s powers of resistance. (Suffering Quotes)
We are misery-making machines! Homo sapiens has perfected the art of causing suffering. Pain is humankind’s collective GDP. (Suffering Quotes)
So many of us are causing pain and suffering to ourselves on daily basis, because we do not know the value of life (Suffering Quotes)
Being a dandy is a condition rather than a profession. It is a defense against suffering and a celebration of life. (Suffering Quotes)
Everywhere man is confronted with fate , with a chance of achieving something through his own suffering. (Suffering Quotes)
Everywhere man is confronted with fate, with the chance of achieving something through his own suffering. (Suffering Quotes)
The fossil-fuel-based development model has not benefitted all people and those who have benefitted least are now suffering great harm in the face of climate change. (Suffering Quotes)
My message is that happiness is the first principle of life. But you must choose it. We all have pain, but suffering is a choice. You can be happier if you make some changes in your life. (Suffering Quotes)
Places change over time with or without oil spills, but humans are responsible for the Deepwater Horizon gusher - and humans, as well as the corals, fish and other creatures, are suffering the consequences. (Suffering Quotes)
Surrender . . .sacrificing my life or suffering in order to change what needs to be changed (Suffering Quotes)
Suffering is arguably God’s choicest tool in shaping the character of Christ in us (Suffering Quotes)
Monica Besra, a Bengali woman from a remote Indian village, was reportedly suffering from a malignant ovarian tumor when she went, in 1998, to a hospice founded by Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. Nuns at the mission reportedly placed a medallion with Teresa’s image on Besra’s abdomen, and the tumor disappeared. (Suffering Quotes)
Whether we’re talking about fish species, pigs, or some other eaten animal, is such suffering the most important thing in the world? Obviously not. But that’s not the question. Is it more important that sushi, bacon, or chicken nuggets? That’s the question. (Suffering Quotes)
What I remember as a child is that other kids didn’t care about suffering. I always did. (Suffering Quotes)
You want a child who never makes you anything but proud? Please. Don’t bother taking on parenthood if you can’t handle the fact that sometimes your child’s identity won’t be what you would have chosen. And if you want to prevent a child from ever suffering? Well, then don’t have a child. No one is born into the world never to suffer. (Suffering Quotes)
Filipinos don’t realize that victory is the child of struggle, that joy blossoms from suffering, and redemption is a product of sacrifice. (Suffering Quotes)
When I think back to my childhood, it’s with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. I was always forgetting things. My mum called me scatty because I could never sit still. But there was no sense I was suffering from a medical condition as such. (Suffering Quotes)
My dad was a terrible father. Dreadful. But he had a very difficult childhood. He was fostered - he never knew who his father was. So he had a very different attitude to family and kids. I don’t have any issues. I’m not suffering some secret angst. (Suffering Quotes)
The world is full of terrible suffering, compared to which the small inconveniences of my childhood are as a drop of rain in the sea. (Suffering Quotes)
The church still meets people at the transition points. Marriages break down. Children commit suicide and leave helpless parents. Death and suffering are everywhere. (Suffering Quotes)
Humanitarian issues must bring together all people who act in good faith trying to alleviate the suffering of people in dire need - especially women, children and the elderly. (Suffering Quotes)
In Egypt, every family is suffering from the deteriorated schooling and university system of the Mubarak regime. What families want most of all is to secure a good education for their children. (Suffering Quotes)
Even if you were aware of children and felt compassion, when you have your own, it multiplies. It breaks your heart to know that there are so many children in the world suffering so much. (Suffering Quotes)
We apologise for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians. We apologise especially for the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, their communities and their country. (Suffering Quotes)
I was suffering a divorce, and I was very unhappy because my children were very young. It hit me when a woman, a fan, was chatting with me. She was pleased to meet Big Bird because her children liked him and liked the show, but she didn’t know that my face was streamed with tears. (Suffering Quotes)