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Sufficient Quotes

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Many are really virtuous who cannot explain what virtue is... But the powers themselves in reality perform their several operations with sufficient constancy and uniformity in persons of good health whatever their opinions be about them  (Sufficient Quotes) What the world needs is not romantic lovers who are sufficient unto themselves, but husbands and wives who live in communities, relate to other people, carry on useful work and willingly give time and attention to their children  (Sufficient Quotes) I will not allow my daughters to learn foreign languages because one tongue is sufficient for a woman  (Sufficient Quotes) We cannot make owners by merely giving men something to own. And, I repeat, whether there be sufficient desire for property left upon which we can work, only experience can decide  (Sufficient Quotes) Consistency is necessary, but its not sufficient to make it to a level that breaks you out in front of everyone else  (Sufficient Quotes) One day you are an apprentice, and everybody’s pet; the next, you are coldly expected to deliver. There is never sufficient warning that the second day is coming  (Sufficient Quotes) The leisure class is one in which individuals have sufficient economic security and sufficient leisure to find opportunity for a variety of satisfactions in life  (Sufficient Quotes) It is the most astonishing thing that persons who have not sufficient education to spell correctly, to punctuate properly, to place capital letters in the right places, should, when other means of support fail, send mss. for publication  (Sufficient Quotes) It’s not sufficient in the internet age to communicate through the media; you have to be able to do it on the ground, door by door, coffee shop by coffee shop, shop floor by shop floor. You really have to do that as well  (Sufficient Quotes) Prejudice will always exist. So will sickness and disease, but that scarcely seems sufficient reason for telling our medical scientists to put on their hats, close up their laboratories, and give the spirochetes, bacilli and viruses a free hand  (Sufficient Quotes) There is hardly anything that an ingenious mind cannot bring itself to doubt, granted sufficient industry and application  (Sufficient Quotes) The only two good words that can be said for a hurricane are that it gives sufficient warning of its approach, and that it blows from one point of the compass at a time  (Sufficient Quotes) A mutual fund can do for you what you would do for yourself if you had sufficient time, training, and money to diversify, plus the temperament to stand back from your money and make rational decisions  (Sufficient Quotes) To be alive is sufficient evidence that we are needed in the world. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here  (Sufficient Quotes) In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient  (Sufficient Quotes) It is sufficient for you that the one who envies you is distressed at the time of your joy  (Sufficient Quotes) Men throw themselves on foreign assistances to spare their own, which, after all, are the only certain and sufficient ones  (Sufficient Quotes) Gen. Schurz thinks I was a little cross in my late note to you. If I was, I ask pardon. If I do get up a little temper I have no sufficient time to keep it up  (Sufficient Quotes) The fantastical idea of virtue and the public good being a sufficient security to the state against the commission of crimes, which you say you have heard insisted on by some, I assure you was never mine  (Sufficient Quotes) When a man’s knowledge is sufficient to attain, and his virtue is not sufficient to enable him to hold, whatever he may have gained, he will lose again  (Sufficient Quotes) Conventional turbines only work up to 200 feet, but capturing a small fraction of the global wind energy at higher altitudes could be sufficient to supply the current energy needs of the globe  (Sufficient Quotes) Ten decimal places of? are sufficient to give the circumference of the earth to a fraction of an inch, and thirty decimal places would give the circumference of the visible universe to a quantity imperceptible to the most powerful microscope  (Sufficient Quotes) Every man’s nature is a sufficient advertisement to him of the character of his fellows  (Sufficient Quotes) Insulin is not a cure for diabetes; it is a treatment. It enables the diabetic to burn sufficient carbohydrates, so that proteins and fats may be added to the diet in sufficient quantities to provide energy for the economic burdens of life  (Sufficient Quotes) History suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly it is not a sufficient condition  (Sufficient Quotes) If we wish to preserve a free society, it is essential that we recognize that the desirability of a particular object is not sufficient justification for the use of coercion  (Sufficient Quotes) The man who has sufficient power over himself to wait until his nature has recovered its even balance is the truly wise man, but such beings are seldom met with  (Sufficient Quotes) Women are degraded by the propensity to enjoy the present moment, and, at last, despise the freedom which they have not sufficient virtue to struggle to attain  (Sufficient Quotes) The heart is a small thing, but desireth great matters. It is not sufficient for a kite’s dinner, yet the whole world is not sufficient for it  (Sufficient Quotes) To be among people one loves, that’s sufficient; to dream, to speak to them, to be silent among them, to think of indifferent things; but among them, everything is equal  (Sufficient Quotes)
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