Suggestion Quotes

Text Quotes
Whoever criticizes others must have something to replace them. Criticism without suggestion is like trying to stop flood with flood and put out fire with fire. It will surely be without worth (Suggestion Quotes)
True readers... Are ready to go through a whole volume, if there be but hope of finding in it a single genuine thought or the mere suggestion even of a truth which has some fresh application to life (Suggestion Quotes)
You know what it’s like to persuade a pigheaded child to do something they don’t want to. If they hear the same suggestion from someone else, they’ll go right off and do it (Suggestion Quotes)
I decided that the devil finds work for idle hands and thanked him for his suggestion (Suggestion Quotes)
I wasn’t born to be a fighter. The causes I have fought for have invariably been causes that should have been gained by a delicate suggestion. Since they never were, I made myself into a fighter (Suggestion Quotes)
The city reveals the moral ends of being, and sets the awful problem of life. The country soothes us, refreshes us, lifts us up with religious suggestion (Suggestion Quotes)
During this time I had the singular good fortune of being able to discuss the problem constantly with Einstein. Some experiments done at Einstein’s suggestion yielded no decisively new result (Suggestion Quotes)
Too much reality in a picture is always a disappointment to the imaginative soul. We love suggestion and not hard facts (Suggestion Quotes)
Any suggestion that science and religion are incompatible flies in the face of history, logic, and common sense (Suggestion Quotes)
No other people have a government more worthy of their respect and love or a land so magnificent in extent, so pleasant to look upon, and so full of generous suggestion to enterprise and labor (Suggestion Quotes)
A suggestion had been made to me looking toward a professorship in some Western college, but after due consideration, I declined to consider the matter (Suggestion Quotes)
The idea of bringing young people up to Literature is doubtless calculated to raise the eyebrows almost as much as the suggestion of bringing them up to the Stage (Suggestion Quotes)
To portray America over the past twenty years or so, I would think immediately of football, probably the Super Bowl in its sumptuous suggestion of a national death wish (Suggestion Quotes)
A word refers to something in the real world and so, in a way, does a photo. It’s not the thing itself, but it’s a kind of suggestion of where you might look for that thing (Suggestion Quotes)
The ideal woman to me would be the gun-toting moll. Someone who is true blue and ready to face the world. Open to ideas and suggestion, not stubborn and closed minded (Suggestion Quotes)
Who does not know history’s first law to be that an author must not dare to tell anything but the truth? And its second that he must make bold to tell the whole truth? That there must be no suggestion of partiality anywhere in his writings? Nor of malice? (Suggestion Quotes)
For Republicans, accepting responsibility means accepting punishment; for Democrats, it means only an admission of error and a suggestion they’ll do better in the future. This double standard must end (Suggestion Quotes)
It’s fine to seek professional help, but I urge everyone - no matter how big their portfolio - to truly understand every suggestion they’re given before acting (Suggestion Quotes)
Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. (Suggestion Quotes)
A suggestion had been made to me looking toward a professorship in some Western college, but after due consideration, I declined to consider the matter. (Suggestion Quotes)
At the outset, I want to say that the suggestion that the struggle in South Africa is under the influence of foreigners or communists is wholly incorrect. I have done whatever I did because of my experience in South Africa and my own proudly felt African background, and not because of what any outsider might have said. (Suggestion Quotes)
My landscapes are not only beautiful or nostalgic, with a Romantic or classical suggestion of lost Paradises, but above all ‘untruthful’... (Suggestion Quotes)
I have always believed that if you need to take your clothes off to get your man, you’ve begun to lose the battle. If you pull it off right, you can do it in a very classy way... Being sexy is about suggestion; it’s about the tease. It’s not about being obvious and forcing yourself out in the open. That takes all the fun out of being a woman. (Suggestion Quotes)
My suggestion to newspapers everywhere is to give the public a reason to read them again. So here’s an idea: get on a big story with widespread public appeal, devote your best resources to it, say a quiet prayer, and swing for the fences. (Suggestion Quotes)
One of the extraordinary features of the Blair government has been its slavish support for the central tenets of Bush’s foreign policy - above all, the war in Iraq. During the Cold War, the Wilson government resisted the suggestion that it should send troops to Vietnam. (Suggestion Quotes)
There may be something to the suggestion about the pace of technological change intimidating writers, though - it’s been awfully hard to keep ahead of real developments. (Suggestion Quotes)
What I find problematic is the suggestion that when, say, Madonna adopts an African child, she is saving Africa. It’s not that simple. You have to do more than go there and adopt a child or show us pictures of children with flies in their eyes. That simplifies Africa. (Suggestion Quotes)
My suggestion is that there’s no way out of the human condition. Sex, death, marriage, children, parents, illness. There’s no way out. They’re a misery, all of them. (Suggestion Quotes)
Imagination does not stir at the suggestion of the feeble, much diluted stuff that is too often put into children’s hands. (Suggestion Quotes)
Few years ago [Donald] Trump was being roasted by Comedy Central. They always have rules about things that you can’t joke about. Donald Trump’s rule at that time, the only thing that you couldn’t joke about was a suggestion that he has less money that he claimed to. (Suggestion Quotes)