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Nothing beautiful can be summarized  (Summarized Quotes) Ive summarized dozens of books in my literary career; its become rather second nature  (Summarized Quotes) I think we have a moral obligation to our children that can be easily summarized: number one, protect them from harm  (Summarized Quotes) Musicians are often asked to answer for an entire culture, or for an entire movement. It’s a process of commodification. It becomes packaged and summarized in a word like ‘emo’ or ‘grunge’... or ‘folk music.’ I think that’s just language itself, trying to understand the mysteries of the world.  (Summarized Quotes) We can summarize electricity, magnetism and gravity into equations one inch long, and that’s the power of field theory. And so I said to myself: I will create a field theory of strings. And when I did it one day, it was incredible, realizing that on a sheet of paper I can write down an equation which summarized almost all physical knowledge.  (Summarized Quotes) The notion that a story has a message assumes that it can be reduced to a few abstract words, neatly summarized in a school or college examination paper or a brisk critical review.  (Summarized Quotes) President Obama has never summarized the Obama Doctrine with such clarity, but here is what it would look like: ‘I will undertake any military attack against our enemies, regardless of the risks and collateral damage, so long as it is over by the time I have to announce it.’  (Summarized Quotes) My impression of the American people can be summarized by a quotation from Benjamin Franklin, Those things that hurt instruct! I realised that people in this part of the world meet their problems head on. They attempt to get out of them rather than suffer them.  (Summarized Quotes) For the whole Law is summarized in a single statement: “You must love your neighbor as yourself  (Summarized Quotes) I believed in realism, as summarized by John McCarthy’s comment to the effect that if we worked really hard, we’d have an intelligent system in from four to four hundred years  (Summarized Quotes) The notion that a story has a message assumes that it can be reduced to a few abstract words, neatly summarized in a school or college examination paper or a brisk critical review  (Summarized Quotes) The first principle from which stems the moral of about all people at all time; it is summarized in this precept: Love thy neighbour as thyself, and: do as you would be done by  (Summarized Quotes) Somehow I can't believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C s. They are curiosity, confidence, courage, and constancy  (Summarized Quotes) To treat a big subject in the intensely summarized fashion demanded by an evening’s traffic of the stage when the evening, freely clipped at each end, is reduced to two hours and a half, is a feat of which the difficulty looms large  (Summarized Quotes) Creative work, summarized: In the time you set aside each day to work your ass off, ignore anything that makes you consider stopping  (Summarized Quotes) For some people, history is simply what your wife looks good standing in front of. It’s what’s cast in bronze, or framed in sepia tones, or acted out with wax dummies and period furniture. It takes place in glass bubbles filled with water and chunks of plastic snow; it’s stamped on souvenir pencils and summarized in reprint newspapers. History nowadays is recorded in memorabilia. If you can’t purchase a shopping bag that alludes to something, people won’t believe it ever happened  (Summarized Quotes) We can summarize electricity, magnetism and gravity into equations one inch long, and that’s the power of field theory. And so I said to myself: I will create a field theory of strings. And when I did it one day, it was incredible, realizing that on a sheet of paper I can write down an equation which summarized almost all physical knowledge  (Summarized Quotes) All our yesterdays are summarized in our now, and all the tomorrows are ours to shape  (Summarized Quotes) The historic ascent of humanity, taken as a whole, may be summarized as a succession of victories of consciousness over blind forces - in nature, in society, in man himself  (Summarized Quotes)