Summer Quotes

Text Quotes
I was supposed to get a nice body for summer, but there’s a small problem. I like food (Summer Quotes)
I’d like to introduce you to my luxurious summer retreat and the 12 to 14 acquaintances with whom I share it (Summer Quotes)
I have so many things to do before summer ends and not enough time to do them (Summer Quotes)
I hope my unforgettably deranged behavior last summer won’t hinder my access to this year’s share house (Summer Quotes)
Hope you’ve been enjoying the pleasant summer weather on your daily walks of shame (Summer Quotes)
I suggest the high price of gas as a timely excuse to deflect summer house invitations (Summer Quotes)
May your summer birthday be less hot and sticky than the moment of your birth (Summer Quotes)
I’d love to discuss joining a summer athletic league as long as it doesn’t result in us joining a summer athletic league (Summer Quotes)
Let’s say goodbye to the hottest summer on record and to the people who kept reminding us it was the hottest summer on record (Summer Quotes)
Sorry a guy hiding from the government for leaking classified information has done more traveling than you this summer (Summer Quotes)
I hope you enjoy the rest of summer as much as you enjoy dreading the end of summer (Summer Quotes)
My favorite thing about summer is having a valid excuse for my excessive sweating (Summer Quotes)
Nothing ruins a beautiful summer day like seeing a hipster wearing a winter hat (Summer Quotes)
Enjoy your summer birthday while you’re still young enough to not be a likely candidate for dying of heat stroke (Summer Quotes)
Summer flings are how people get pregnant. Don’t let your time off from school change your whole life. Don’t be reckless (Summer Quotes)
I’m glad the slower summer pace at work gives us more time to complain about work (Summer Quotes)
This summer I’m staying in shape by running laps between my desk and the air conditioner (Summer Quotes)
In every girls life; there’s a boy she’ll never forget and a summer where it all began (Summer Quotes)
America may be the best country in the world, but that’s kind of like being the valedictorian of summer school (Summer Quotes)
I hope you find time on your summer vacation to take breaks from posting photos of your summer vacation (Summer Quotes)
I hope you’ll tell me if I ever overstay my welcome in a presidential race, but not so much in your summer house (Summer Quotes)
I’ve been waiting all winter to start complaining about the summer heat (Summer Quotes)
At least there’s not much summer left to be ashamed about not getting into shape for summer (Summer Quotes)
We’d appreciate it if you taught the summer interns how to avoid being sexually harassed by you (Summer Quotes)
Halloween comes at the perfect time to finish off the final remnants of our summer bodies (Summer Quotes)
Another month. Another year. Another smile. Another tear. Another winter and another summer too. But there can never be another you (Summer Quotes)
Happy birthday to someone who now stands out as the weird, old person at summer music festivals (Summer Quotes)
I hope I don’t get kicked out of our summer share before your birthday (Summer Quotes)
I’d rather be with one guy the whole summer, than a bunch of pointless summer flings (Summer Quotes)
The next time you’re complaining about the heat, be thankful you don’t have to wear a fur coat all summer (Summer Quotes)