Summer Quotes

Text Quotes
That’s why you can’t be a true Yankee without winter: because all the best pleasures are earned - the fire, the fried oysters; the warmer seasons, too. Who knows the real worth of summer at the beach without a good taste of the seaside in winter? (Summer Quotes)
Ireland, in breadth, and for wholesomeness and serenity of climate, far surpasses Britain; for the snow scarcely ever lies there above three days: no man makes hay in the summer for winter’s provision, or builds stables for his beasts of burden... the island abounds in milk and honey. (Summer Quotes)
I came back out here from England and I was there for a while and it was beautiful and it is just great to see London going from Spring to Summer and Autumn. (Summer Quotes)
I love borders. August is the border between summer and autumn; it is the most beautiful month I know. (Summer Quotes)
It was kind of a beautiful day, finally real summer in Indianapolis, warm and humid - the kind of weather that reminds you after a long winter that while the world wasn’t built for humans, we were built for the world. (Summer Quotes)
The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybody that summertime cannot last for ever. Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year - the days when summer is changing into autumn - the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change. (Summer Quotes)
I think gardens are fantastic, and I’d love to draw and design and stuff like that. I love just planting flowers during the summer. There’s something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful. (Summer Quotes)
I realized that I’ve had a really rocky relationship with food - it has not been a gauzy, beautiful summer of ripe melons and perfectly buttered toast. (Summer Quotes)
I suppose I’m happy when I know I’ve given a horse a good ride, no matter where it is. I like playing golf in the summer; I’m happy when I hit a good shot, and I enjoy watching Arsenal playing beautiful football, but overall I can’t believe you can be happy when you’re not winning. I honestly can’t accept that. (Summer Quotes)
I absolutely love Ireland. It’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, and I have strong ties here. Both my grandmothers are from Ireland, and I have spent every summer in Bantry since my father, who is an artist, had the romantic idea 20 years ago to buy an old farmhouse on the west coast and renovate it. (Summer Quotes)
I like the sounds of EDM; the guys create new sounds, beautiful sounds. The melodies, it’s a little less. I like the kind of melodies I did with Donna Summer, or ‘Flashdance,’ where you have a verse, a chorus - a song setup. (Summer Quotes)
Sprinting for a full day in Atlanta in midsummer proved very challenging. That humidity is crazy. Georgia is a beautiful state, but the weather is intense. I was warned, but for some reason I thought it would be like L.A. in the summer. The reality? No. (Summer Quotes)
Depending upon my activities, I sleep between five and ten hours every night. I sleep in an extra-wide single bed, and I use only one heavy down comforter over me, summer or winter. I have never been able to wear pajamas or creepy nightgowns; they disturb my sleep. (Summer Quotes)
I’m having a seriously hard time getting used to the fact that summer is over and I have to get out of bed every morning to go to school. (Summer Quotes)
In the summer we graduated we flipped out completely, drinking beer, cruising in our cars and beating up each other. It was a crazy summer. That’s when I started to be interested in girls. (Summer Quotes)
It’s the place of the story, beginning here, in the meadow of late summer flowers, thriving before the Atlantic storms drive wet and winter upon them all. (Summer Quotes)
In 2005, I had one more year of college left, and I was taking a summer class in Barbados. I got discovered in the airport on my way back and started modeling at the beginning of my senior year at Bucknell. (Summer Quotes)
After a summer trip to Switzerland, which was rich in experiences, I started writing. In the beginning, I aimed at descriptions of nature and folk life until, as the years passed, the description of man became my chief interest. (Summer Quotes)
Once you get over the culture shock, Filey is a pleasant spot, particularly at the beginning or end of the summer, when the hotels are half full. The brave go in winter, when the wind can be bitter and biting and Filey resumes its real life as a tiny, introverted fishing community. (Summer Quotes)
I spent the first summer after my diagnosis creeping about in giant sun hats and tents, cursing the sun, staying inside as much as possible. Now I am beginning to think the most important thing is educated sun exposure, because the melanomas of today are not caused by today’s sunbathing, but by our childhoods and early adolescence. (Summer Quotes)
Do you know what a showmance is? It is like being at a summer camp when you’re a teenager. You spend summertime away from your home. When you spend three months very closely with someone at a particular place, it is like a summer love. You have no choice but to get involved with that person. (Summer Quotes)
I didn’t dream about being a director. I didn’t know I wanted to do something with film until the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. (Summer Quotes)
When I’m drawing, I’m drawing with the light, being completely open and creative. I can’t draw in the evening. I need light and I need warmth if it is a summer thing, and I need cold if it is a winter collection. The good thing is that I have houses to go to whenever I’m working. I draw according to the place. (Summer Quotes)
When I was in lower school, I graduated from fourth grade, and the principal gave us a summer assignment to take a 30-minute reflection period every day. And, of course, there were no cell phones at the time. She said to just think. And that’s lost. It doesn’t exist anymore. Just imagine being on a couch and just thinking. (Summer Quotes)
I drove 3,500 miles this summer on our family holiday, we drove across 10 countries. I have driven across the United States four times. I love cars, I love being in cars, I think so do most people. I want to help and support those people who have that same kind of enthusiasm for driving that I have. (Summer Quotes)
The rhythm of a New York summer is passionate and powerful, evoking a rapid calypso, with July being the musical climax. (Summer Quotes)
Working is bad enough in the winter, but in the summer it can become completely intolerable. Stuck in airless offices, every fibre of our being seems to cry out for freedom. We’re reminded of being stuck in double maths while the birds sing outside. (Summer Quotes)
Not many countries establish a prize for peace. The Seoul Peace Prize has its roots in the 1988 Summer Olympics when this country opened its doors to people and athletes from more than 160 countries. Korea did so in part because it believes in the power of sports for peace and development. (Summer Quotes)
There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you.... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself. (Summer Quotes)
Mandy tidied the weeds and pulled out some of the summer flowers. It saddened her to do so. She was parting with beloved friends. (Summer Quotes)