Summer Sanders Quotes

Text Quotes
Growing up, I was a little hippie kid. I went to some good concerts... Amnesty International with Bob Dylan and Tracy Chapman... The best concert I ever went to was this one at the Cow Palace my freshman year in college on New Year’s Eve. It was Pearl Jam opening for Nirvana opening for Red Hot Chili Peppers. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I enjoyed every bit of my swimming career. I think that’s the most important advice - to enjoy what you do (Summer Sanders Quotes)
When I was training for the Chicago Marathon, I would eat a cup of cereal after an 18-mile long run, and then I’d have to get out the door with nothing but a granola bar in my hand. I can’t change my busy schedule with my kids, but I can work harder to improve in this area. I think it’s a part of training that most of us find difficult. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
The 2013 Boston Marathon was, for me, a milestone. A bucket list event that was supposed to be my last marathon until my next big milestone, turning 50. But I couldn’t leave marathoning on a memory like that, so I am running this year to honor everyone in the running community and those unsung heroes from April 15, 2013. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Make sure that when you look at your plate, it’s a beautiful blank canvas to start with, and you want lots of color on there. You want to make sure you have whole grains and protein. It should not be beige in color; it should be green and bright red, and orange and yellow. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
The first lesson my kids got about the ocean was to respect it. You can never turn your back on the ocean when you’re dealing with tides and currents - factors beyond your control. You have to be the CEO of your family on the water. CEO stands for ‘constant eyes on,’ and it’s something I never forget. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I never get enough sleep, even when I travel. I wake up in the middle of the night, either with the help of my kids or because my mind is going. I wish I got eight hours a night, but it is more like an interrupted six or seven. The secret is to go to sleep well before midnight. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Man In The Mirror’ by Michael Jackson - I used to have my very first dance parties with my kids to this song when they were little, even carried them around to it. It just makes you want to be a better person and be inspired. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I know I’m not perfect at giving my body what it needs to refuel after a run. Recognizing my bad habits has helped me pay more attention to what I eat. I have been known to rush through my day without making nutrition a priority, so I work hard to prepare healthy snacks in advance of my runs and while the kids are at school. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Protein is important and hard for me to get in a hurry. We’re busy. I don’t always remember to thaw the chicken for dinner. I always have eggs, and they’re light and satisfying. I never feel stuffed at the end of it. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture. It’s not about winning and losing; it’s about every day hard work and about thriving on a challenge. It’s about embracing the pain that you’ll experience at the end of a race and not being afraid. I think people think too hard and get afraid of a certain challenge. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
If you write something down on paper, it becomes an actual goal. Before you write it down, it’s a thought, a dream that may or may not get done. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Don’t just tell your kids to be active and to get outside and play. Lead by example. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
That’s what I love about running - I feel like we all celebrate each other. Even if you’re racing somebody at the finish, it’s like you’re in it together (Summer Sanders Quotes)
As a woman, you need to take control of your health. There’s no harm in going in and getting checked out. Eventually, you have to ask yourself: ‘Do I want to live at 100% or 80%?’ (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I was a die-hard, obsessed fan of Michael Jordan. I’d take his posters with me to away meets, I’d walk out on the deck in my Air Jordans before I swam, I’d write 23 on my cap. I’m just a huge Jordan fan (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Quite simply, my diet has and will always be everything in moderation. People look at Olympic athletes and think they must cut out all those things everyone else indulges in, and speaking for myself, I never did (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I lead by example. My kids know what sweat is. They’ve seen me come home from so many runs and asked, ‘What’s on your skin? How did you get it?’ And I tell them, ‘It’s from exercise!’ So now my son will come home from a bike ride, take off his helmet and say, ‘Look, Mom. I’m sweating! I just worked out!’ (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I tried piano, acting, and a bunch of things. My family let me do what I wanted to do; they made sure I had balance in my life because I was self-driven. Listen to your kid, encourage them, and make it fun. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
It’s hard to go out and practice every single day, and you get really tired. But you have to believe in yourself. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
We had this thing at Stanford called the ‘Campus Loop,’ and then we had another run called ‘The Dish,’ and you’d run up to this giant satellite dish, which was probably extremely unhealthy. I would do those two runs, and I just found it so therapeutic. My girlfriends and I would have these great conversations about guys and school and life. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I am addicted to cereal. I am one of those people who just loves their cereal morning, noon and night. Kellogg’s message is what I tell my kids every single day, which is: You’ve gotta start off your day right with a good, healthy breakfast to give yourself the potential for greatness. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I’ve been barefoot most of my life: either flip flops or barefoot on the pool deck. Although you’d think that would make me a good candidate for barefoot running, that doesn’t work with me. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Once you learn the basic rules of good nutrition, you’ll realize it’s not so complicated. It doesn’t matter if you’re running errands or 13 miles, you need enough fuel to last all day. Proper nutrition is the difference between feeling exhausted and getting the most out of a workout. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
One of my favorite workouts to do with my girlfriends is yoga. We are equally impatient with our yoga. We are those people who are sweating in the back, and we’ll be in downward dog giggling and looking at each other. And I know what we’re all thinking: What are we going to order for dinner afterward? (Summer Sanders Quotes)
I watched some serious 80s television. ‘Alice,’ ‘Good Times,’ ‘The Jeffersons,’ ‘Family Ties,’ ‘Cheers’... every night it was eat dinner, watch ‘Cheers.’ I was actually on ‘Jeopardy’ with Rebecca Lobo and Dot Richardson, and we were laughing because I was just nailing every random 80s trivia question - sitcom, theme music, movie, you name it. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
At the end of a marathon, it’s going to hurt whether you’re speeding up or slowing down. You may as well push. (Summer Sanders Quotes)
When people say, ‘Hey, wanna come to our house for dinner?’ I say, ‘Yeah, what should I bring?’ They say, ‘How about the dessert?’ I just don’t skimp on the dessert. I make it the yummy way it should be made, and then I just don’t eat the whole pan (Summer Sanders Quotes)
My healthiest habit is eating a healthy breakfast every morning. I never miss breakfast. As a busy mom, there will be days when I’m cruisin’ along and I’ll look at the clock and I haven’t eaten lunch. And I’ll run downstairs, and I’ll start shovelin’ stuff down the pie hole, and I’ll think, ‘That was no lunch at all.’ (Summer Sanders Quotes)
Nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. It goes back to the lessons you learned as a kid. Start with a real breakfast; don’t ever skip that. If you’re waking up early for a run, make sure you drink at least a glass of water and put something healthy into your stomach before you go out the door. (Summer Sanders Quotes)