Summertime Quotes
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Text Quotes
Hey summertime, I'm ready for your 9pm sunsets again (Summertime Quotes)
I got that summertime sadness (Summertime Quotes)
I’m a little drunk on you, and high on summertime (Summertime Quotes)
You can have a cold war with yourself, even in the summertime (Summertime Quotes)
Summer, summer, summertime time to sit back and unwind (Summertime Quotes)
Life has many changes. Tomorrow it may rain, and it’s supposed to be sunshine, ‘cause it’s summertime. But God’s got a funny soul, he plays like Charlie Parker (Summertime Quotes)
It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine... it’s summertime! (Summertime Quotes)
The early influences, in many ways, were in Baltimore. I was passing open windows where there might be a radio playing something funky. In the summertime, sometimes there’d be a man sitting on a step, playing an acoustic guitar, playing some kind of folk blues. The seed had been planted (Summertime Quotes)
Summertime is my favorite time of year in Sandpoint, reason being, Lake Pend Oreille is warm and ready for action. (Summertime Quotes)
It would’ve been amazing [to work as programmer]. You’re good at numbers, you’re good with people, you like to wear shorts in the summertime. (Summertime Quotes)
It’s such a weird thing to try to plan a baby around a TV season. There’s a three-month or four-month window in the summertime to have a baby and hang out with it a little bit before hopefully going back to work, so we were just very lucky. (Summertime Quotes)
The crickets felt it was their duty to warn everybody that summertime cannot last for ever. Even on the most beautiful days in the whole year - the days when summer is changing into autumn - the crickets spread the rumor of sadness and change. (Summertime Quotes)
Do you know what a showmance is? It is like being at a summer camp when you’re a teenager. You spend summertime away from your home. When you spend three months very closely with someone at a particular place, it is like a summer love. You have no choice but to get involved with that person. (Summertime Quotes)
When I was a kid growing up, we had a cherry tree in the backyard, 100 years old. I climbed it, and it gave shade in the summertime and excellent cherries in the late summer. Having cherry blossoms around gives the best springtime vibe ever. (Summertime Quotes)
I’ve always been adventurous. In the summertime, my mom would lock me outside of the house and say, ‘Do something, and come back later.’ (Summertime Quotes)
In the Middle East in the summertime, to keep cool, a lot of people sleep on the rooftops (Summertime Quotes)
You’re lookin’ so good in what’s left of those blue jeans Drip of honey on the money maker gotta be The best buzz I’m ever gonna find Hey, I’m a little drunk on you And high on summertime (Summertime Quotes)
The funny thing is, people only know me for having straight hair for work, but I live in Atlanta where it’s hot and humid in the summertime. So when I’m home, I wear my hair natural. My hair is naturally curly; I don’t have a relaxer. (Summertime Quotes)
I grew up working on farms. You’d do anything for money. You’d pick blueberries in the summertime for weeks; you’d cut down, like, spruce and fir trees for pulp. (Summertime Quotes)
In the summertime, I played Little League baseball; football in the fall; basketball in the winter (Summertime Quotes)
In my early teens, I acquired a kind of representative status: went on behalf of the family to wakes and funerals and so on. And I would be counted on as an adult contributor when it came to farm work - the hay in the summertime, for example. (Summertime Quotes)
I still love farming and gardening and things like that in the summertime (Summertime Quotes)
I grew up in northern California, where it was consistently in the hundreds in the summertime. My dad didn’t think he should have to turn on the air conditioning when we had a swimming pool in our backyard; it was our built-in air conditioner (Summertime Quotes)
I can’t wait to start blaming my normal lack of productivity on it being summertime (Summertime Quotes)
I drive a lot in the summertime, but after that, I don’t drive if there’s snow predicted for anywhere in 500 miles (Summertime Quotes)
In the summertime, because it gets so hot here, you could literally smell the tourists coming (Summertime Quotes)
In the summertime, we do a lot of video work. With that, I can show them if their head is moving too far or if the ball position or alignment isn’t right (Summertime Quotes)
We were at another funeral party. I wasn’t sure who had died this time, but it was a suicide, and upsetting because it was completely out of season. No on killed themselves in summertime. It was rude (Summertime Quotes)
And red is not the color of apples or roses or the dresses that pretty girls wear in the summertime. That is not the color of red at all (Summertime Quotes)
That it would always be summer and autumn, and you always courting me, and always thinking as much of me as you have done through the past summertime! (Summertime Quotes)
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