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Summit Quotes

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Success is not arriving at the summit of a mountain as a final destination. It is a continuing upward spiral of progress. It is perpetual growth  (Summit Quotes) It may take us a little longer to reach the summit, but never fear, we will get there!  (Summit Quotes) Happiness is the summit of a high mountain; we can visit it, but we can’t stay there! We are forced to go down to the valleys of sadness  (Summit Quotes) How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said  (Summit Quotes) To ask for power is forcing uphill a stone which after all rolls back again from the summit and seeks in headlong haste the levels of the plain  (Summit Quotes) Viewed from the summit of reason, all life looks like a malignant disease and the world like a madhouse  (Summit Quotes) Love a man, even in his sin, for that love is a likeness of the divine love, and is the summit of love on earth  (Summit Quotes) We never do what we wish when we wish it, and when we desire a thing earnestly, and it does arrive, that or we are changed, so that we slide from the summit of our wishes and find ourselves where we were  (Summit Quotes) He was justifying his existence, than which life can do no greater; for life achieves its summit when it does to the uttermost that which it was equipped to do  (Summit Quotes) A dispassionate white sun shone at the summit of the sky. I wanted to hone myself on it till I grew saintly and thin and essential as the blade of a knife  (Summit Quotes) Even if we stand at the very summit of virtue, it is by mercy that we shall be saved  (Summit Quotes) The summit, which is set up to educate people about managing their money and protecting their income, leads to empowerment of self, for which this summit needs to be applauded  (Summit Quotes) They have not any difficulties on the way up because they fly, but they have many when they reach the summit  (Summit Quotes) Each moment of every one of my relationships serves as the secret path to the summit of myself  (Summit Quotes) Concerned that others were not coming onto the summit and because I had no radio link to those below me, I began to wonder if there were difficulties down the mountain. I made the decision to descend  (Summit Quotes) Life achieves its summit when it does to the uttermost that which it was equipped to do  (Summit Quotes) It is not easy to see how things could be worsened by a parley at the summit, if such a thing were possible  (Summit Quotes) Soldiers, think of it, from the summit of these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you  (Summit Quotes) In the march up the heights of fame there comes a spot close to the summit in which man reads nothing but detective stories  (Summit Quotes) The only zen thoughts you can find on a mountain summit are those you brought yourself  (Summit Quotes) At the snowy summit of all these things, however, is the fact that you simply cannot go about locking your siblings in towers when they misbehave. It is unseemly and betrays a sad lack of creativity  (Summit Quotes) Our American story, for generations, is of a people who seek to move forward. A people who look at a mountain and worry not about the tough climb ahead, but dream about the view from the summit  (Summit Quotes) I think the funds that have been pledged at Euro Summit, combined with the outcome of the private sector involvement process should be sufficient in order to support financially the Greek Economy  (Summit Quotes) No exile at the South Pole or on the summit of Mont Blanc separates us more effectively from others than the practice of a hidden vice  (Summit Quotes) I think tremendous change has taken place since the World Summit for Children in 1990  (Summit Quotes) Mountain hikes instilled in me a life-long urge to get to the top of any inviting summit or peak  (Summit Quotes) It will be undertaken, of course, in the June or July summit, and then to bring NATO closer to Russia or vice versa is a way to move toward integration - toward the integration of Europe  (Summit Quotes) [To Aquinas] the intellect [stands] at the summit of ... the human soul  (Summit Quotes) Summit meetings tend to be like panda matings. The expectations are always high, and the results usually disappointing  (Summit Quotes) Humanity starts at the level of the human consciousness and makes its deliberate way to the summit, which is God Consciousness  (Summit Quotes)
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