Sunday Quotes

Text Quotes
I was sent to boarding school - a grim place. The only good thing the headmaster did for us was every Sunday evening in the winter he would show us films in the chapel. He couldn’t afford a sound projector, so we saw silent films, which you could then still rent from photographic shops. (Sunday Quotes)
When I’m in Los Angeles, my wife and I go to the farmers’ market with the kids every Sunday. (Sunday Quotes)
I’m wishing every Saturday had primaries, because welcome to an amazing Sunday, where everything seems a tad bit clearer this morning. (Sunday Quotes)
I make a sincere effort to do some form of exercise every day, except for Sunday. That’s church and hang out day. (Sunday Quotes)
I’d like to see the first act of Sunday in the Park with George, and the second act of Hamilton. Every day. (Sunday Quotes)
Lots of Orthodox go to church every Sunday but don’t know much about the faith. Yet they know that there is something that they don’t know much about. (Sunday Quotes)
If God grants me longer life, I will see to it that no peasant in my kingdom will lack the means to have a chicken in the pot every Sunday. (Sunday Quotes)
I hear Jerry Falwell every Sunday here talking about the devil and Hollywood. . . . I’m gonna write him a letter. Hollywood wasn’t built on filth and dirt - it was built on talent. (Sunday Quotes)
The Commander in Chief directs that Divine service be performed every Sunday at 11 o’clock...It is expected that officers of all ranks will by their attendance set an example to their men. (Sunday Quotes)
I grew up Presbyterian, just a basic Protestant upbringing. There were years in my life when I would go to church every Sunday and to Sunday school. Then I just phased out of it. (Sunday Quotes)
The writers on my team and the producers and executive producer should be called talent. We anchor four hours on Saturday and three on Sunday. How they do that astonishes me. (Sunday Quotes)
However, by Sunday noon--not coincidentally, the unhappiest hour in America--you may have run through your options and wind up slumped on a couch, suffering from the Sabbath existential crisis. It’s at just such unfocused, unproductive times, says Csikszentmihalyi, that people start ruminating and feeling that their lives are wasted and so forth. (Sunday Quotes)
O holy Sunday, let your darkness not come along my way. Let her nurture internal and external world, as I start my personal day. (Sunday Quotes)
My biggest ambition when I was younger was to appear on stage at what was then Nimrod, which is the theatre where my father used to take me on Sunday afternoons to see matinees. The most extraordinary things used to occur on that stage. (Sunday Quotes)
I didn’t have a fireworks moment for my salvation. I had a falling in love with Jesus in Sunday school when I was a very young child. (Sunday Quotes)
Sunday afternoons at a parish center - or a community center - is familiar territory for me (Sunday Quotes)
We’re the kind of family that gets together for Sunday lunch. I see my younger sister all the time. (Sunday Quotes)
I’ve created an internal rule that Sunday is off-limits unless I put it on the schedule myself. That’s family time. (Sunday Quotes)
That’s one of the things my family miss most when I’m travelling - my Sunday roasts and my Japanese meals. (Sunday Quotes)
When I was growing up, we always had a big family dinner at around noon on Sunday. I still love that whenever it is possible to gather the family together. (Sunday Quotes)
Although I may not know a lot about football, I do know a lot about food! As a result, not many people ask me to join their fantasy leagues, but they will come to me for suggestions on what to serve for guests for a weekly Sunday get-together. (Sunday Quotes)
I take my kids to a farmers’ market each Sunday to buy organic produce (Sunday Quotes)
I’m at my 3 year-olds year-end concert. It’s full of very off-key, mostly unfocused children, but this father is still beaming. Must be how God feels on Sunday. (Sunday Quotes)
I confess that as a young boy, Sunday was not my favorite day. Grandfather shut down the action. We didn’t have any transportation. We couldn’t drive the car. He wouldn’t even let us start the motor. We couldn’t ride the horses, or the steers, or the sheep. (Sunday Quotes)
Sunday, there’s not a lot of structure. I might spend an hour thinking about why I don’t exercise, and feeling very guilty about not exercising. I tried running, over 10 years ago. It didn’t really take. (Sunday Quotes)
I was not so committed to financial success that I was willing to abandon my principles and priorities. One of the most visible examples of this is our decision to close on Sunday. (Sunday Quotes)
I used to hate to go to school, because when it was Friday afternoon and everybody was finished school, I knew I was going to work Saturday and Sunday. (Sunday Quotes)
On that Sunday morning the first thing that impressed the people who approached the tomb was the unusual position of the one and a half to two ton stone that had been lodged in front of the doorway. (Sunday Quotes)
The best thing I can say is professional football is a business. When they are recruiting football players, they are not recruiting model citizens. Everybody has to be aware of this. What’s being selected for the NFL is the ability to play and perform on Sunday afternoons. Everything else is secondary. (Sunday Quotes)
I’m a rabid Steelers fan: I’m originally from Pittsburgh. So if the Giants or Pittsburgh are playing, the rest of Sunday is all about food and football. (Sunday Quotes)