Superior Quotes

Text Quotes
As everyone knows, there is no intelligence in coercion or forcing another into action or realization. And if the name of the galactic game is superior, intelligent harmonization, it must be played so that the local intelligence is taught or shown how it works in such a manner that it comes to its own conclusions. In other words, the galactic code of honor is to manifest and demonstrate harmony by whatever means possible (Superior Quotes)
We thought everybody knew by now that barrel length has almost nothing to do with accuracy. I believe the myth of the superior accuracy of a long rifle dates from colonial days, when the only way to extend sight radius was to make the barrel as long as possible. It is interesting how long it takes a myth to die (Superior Quotes)
Those which defend liberty, equality and fraternity, seem to us superior to those which accept tyranny, the subservience of women, social and ethnic hatred (Superior Quotes)
It’s obviously a characteristic of human beings that we like to feel superior to others, but our problem is we are not superior (Superior Quotes)
I’ve never known, at least a modern historical instance, where the truth wasn’t superior to distortion in every way (Superior Quotes)
Inspiration comes unawares, from unaccountable sources that have nothing to do with planning or intelligence. Let it cool ever so slightly, and you are left, pen or brush in hand, with no inspiration at all. Gifted people need not, therefore, make a song and dance about being or supposing themselves superior. They simply happened to be born with that fortunate, subconscious equipment of theirs, and the mystery exists independently of intelligence or ambition (Superior Quotes)
We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours (Superior Quotes)
I reject the idea that humans are superior to other life forms... Man is just an ape with an overly developed sense of superiority (Superior Quotes)
You are not only a man, you are a superior man: a man who does his best to live as love in the world and in his intimacy, a man whose heart remains open and whose truth remains strong (Superior Quotes)
Because of its independence of surface limitations and its superior speed the airplane is the offensive weapon par excellence (Superior Quotes)
The first rule of all air combat is to see the opponent first. Like the hunter who stalks his prey and maneuvers himself unnoticed into the most favourable position for the kill, the fighter in the opening of a dogfight must detect the opponent as early as possible in order to attain a superior position for the attack (Superior Quotes)
The ability to face constructively the tension of opposing ideas and instead of choosing one at the expense of the other, generate a creative resolution of the tension in the form of a new idea that contains elements of the opposing ideas but is superior to each (Superior Quotes)
A woman who is perfectly woman is superior to a man who is imperfectly man, just as a farmer who is faithful to his land and performs his work perfectly is superior to a king who cannot do his own work (Superior Quotes)
The superior freedom of the capitalist system, its superior justice, and its superior productivity are not three superiorities, but one. The justice follows from the freedom and the productivity follows from the freedom and the justice (Superior Quotes)
There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market (Superior Quotes)
Cheerleading is a part of you. You live it all the time. People will judge you based upon it, but you can’t be ashamed because although they may make fun of you, they are just jealous that you are on of the elite, the superior, the best... a cheerleader! (Superior Quotes)
Wrong education and upbringing produces ugly personalities, whereas a fine upbringing and good education will bring forth superior sense and feeling, as well as nobility and purity of mind (Superior Quotes)
Children allowed to take responsibility and given a serious part in the larger world are always superior to those merely permitted to play and be passive (Superior Quotes)
There is no one who is without faults, and who is not in some way a burden to others, whether he is a superior or a subject, an old man or a young one, a scholar or a dunce (Superior Quotes)
What is patience but an equanimity which enables you to rise superior to the trials of life (Superior Quotes)
Newton was a genius, but not because of the superior computational power of his brain. Newton’s genius was, on the contrary, his ability to simplify, idealize, and streamline the world so that it became, in some measure, tractable to the brains of perfectly ordinary men (Superior Quotes)
We are superior to the competition because we hire employees who work in an environment of belonging and purpose. We foster a climate where the employee can deliver what the customer wants. You cannot deliver what the customer wants by controlling the employee (Superior Quotes)
Employees who are controlled cannot respond caringly, you need superior knowledge and real leadership, not management. Because of this we specifically developed a selection process for leaders; we don’t hire managers (Superior Quotes)
The child should be taught to consider his instructor... superior to the parent in point of authority... The vulgar impression that parents have a legal right to dictate to teachers is entirely erroneous... Parents have no remedy as against the teacher (Superior Quotes)
In order to become a grandmaster class player whose understanding of chess is superior to the thousands of ordinary players, you have to develop within yourself a large number of qualities, the qualities of an artistic creator, a calculating practitioner, a cold calm competitor (Superior Quotes)
It’s time for us to review the circumstances under which corporations gain rights superior to that of individuals in our society. It’s time for us to look at the practices of corporations and holding them accountable for violations of law which often go unnoticed because there is very little regulation (Superior Quotes)
Superior writers, videographers and other content makers want to work with their own kind and for their own kind (Superior Quotes)
Modesty teaches us to speak of the ancients with respect, especially when we are not very familiar with their works. Newton, who knew them practically by heart, had the greatest respect for them, and considered them to be men of genius and superior intelligence who had carried their discoveries in every field much further than we today suspect, judging from what remains of their writings. More ancient writings have been lost than have been preserved, and perhaps our new discoveries are of less value than those that we have lost (Superior Quotes)
The superior gratification derived from the use and contemplation of costly and supposedly beautiful products is, commonly, in great measure a gratification of our sense of costliness masquerading under the name of beauty (Superior Quotes)
I don’t believe any religion should be exclusive or feel superior in any way, or be judgmental. It should be a quiet, private thing (Superior Quotes)