Superior Quotes

Text Quotes
Peace through superior violence inevitably leads to the atom bomb and all that it stands for (Superior Quotes)
The townspeople outside the reservations had a very superior attitude toward Indians, which was kind of funny, because they weren’t very wealthy; they were on the fringes of society themselves. (Superior Quotes)
The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them. (Superior Quotes)
I define power as ‘control over one’s life.’ A balanced life is far superior to the male definition of power: earning money someone else spends while he dies sooner. (Superior Quotes)
Baseball grew rapidly in favor; the field was ripe. America needed a live outdoor sport, and this game exactly suited the national temperament. It required all the manly qualities of activity, endurance, pluck, and skill peculiar to cricket, and was immeasurably superior to that game in exciting features. (Superior Quotes)
The French want no-one to be their superior. The English want inferiors. The Frenchman constantly raises his eyes above him with anxiety. The Englishman lowers his beneath him with satisfaction. (Superior Quotes)
I think private ownership is generally superior to public because you care about the land more and it doesn’t get trashed. (Superior Quotes)
When a woman is allowed to become a man’s equal, she becomes his superior (Superior Quotes)
Defeatist thoughts handicap persons from elevating their mechanistic life to superior states. The majority of persons consider themselves defeated even before beginning the struggle or the Gnostic esoteric work. (Superior Quotes)
Men’s indignation, it seems, is more exited by legal wrong than by violent wrong; the first looks like being cheated by an equal, the second like being compelled by a superior. (Superior Quotes)
Mother’s Day celebrates a huge lie about the value of women: that mothers are superior beings, that they have done more with their lives and chosen a more difficult path. (Superior Quotes)
Men do not rest content with parrying the attacks of a superior, but often strike the first blow to prevent the attack being made. (Superior Quotes)
Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough. (Superior Quotes)
There’s no dishonor in being forced by a superior power into slavery, but it is an eternal disgrace to voluntarily surrender one’s liberty for a filthy bowl of oatmeal and promise of security by liars. (Superior Quotes)
Secretary of state is far superior to vice president, because it’s involved in continuously solving problems and making policy and not being on standby. (Superior Quotes)
In all teaching there must be a fusion of authority as an adult providing a stable framework for the children in one’s care, and humility as another human being ready to educate an equal who may turn out to be a superior. (Superior Quotes)
In a capitalist society there are always inequalities of class and wealth. People who inherit money and property will always see themselves as being superior to those who have to work for it. (Superior Quotes)
All my life I believed I became an athlete through my own determination, but it’s impossible to think that being descended from slaves hasn’t left an imprint through the generations. Difficult as it was to hear, slavery has benefited descendants like me - I believe there is a superior athletic gene in us. (Superior Quotes)
The only way that someone could be superior over you, is if you repeatedly convince yourself to believe so. (Superior Quotes)
You can only rule over a subject race, especially when you are in a small minority, if you honestly believe yourself to be racially superior, and it helps towards this if you can believe that the subject race is biologically different. (Superior Quotes)
. . .nature indifferently copied is far superior to the best idealities (Superior Quotes)
Some people are a little bit better than others, some people are great, some people are superior. It depends on the level of effort. (Superior Quotes) have the opportunity to free fall in this moment between birth and death, right through the hole of your fear, into the unthreatenable openess which is the source of your gifts. The superior man lives as this spontaneous sacrifice of love. (Superior Quotes)
Creatures which, lacking mankind’s superior brain power, did not concern themselves with finding someone to blame, and instead tried to find someone to eat. (Superior Quotes)
You don’t want to dwell on your enemies, you know. I basically feel so superior to my critics for the simple reason that they haven’t done what I do. Most book reviewers haven’t written 11 novels. Many of them haven’t written one. (Superior Quotes)
Going forward, we are mindful of the challenges we face in the competitive retail landscape, but we have demonstrated that our concept of building compelling brands that focus on the customers’ lifestyles can produce superior results. We will not waver from that concept. (Superior Quotes)
My father liked doing carpentry work, construction work, in the summer vacation. And so my mother designed a cabin, a log cabin, like a - it was like a Swiss chalet. I was twelve years old, and my father and I built it on a rocky point peninsula out into Lake Superior. (Superior Quotes)
I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. (Superior Quotes)
The Negro neighborhood, which is inferior, is begging for a chance to - integrate itself into that which is - is superior, which is not going to happen. It’s going to cause trouble. (Superior Quotes)
There is a very popular opinion that choosing life is inherently superior to choosing death. This belief that life isinherently preferable to death is one of the most widespread superstitions. This bias constitutes one of the most obstinate mythologies of the human species. (Superior Quotes)