Supermarket Quotes

Text Quotes
Squeal like a cheerleader named prom queen, aging retiree placing the game-winning bingo button, frenzied fan finding Johnny Depp in her supermarket. (Supermarket Quotes)
I was always that girl growing up who you could find dancing down supermarket aisles. It’s that sense of not feeling inhibited. Dancing in supermarkets is my favorite thing. (Supermarket Quotes)
I do most of my shopping over the Internet because as a busy working mum I can do the supermarket shop when the kids have gone to bed. (Supermarket Quotes)
Few of us can accurately gauge how we will feel tomorrow or next week. That’s why when you go to the supermarket on an empty stomach, you’ll buy too much, and if you shop after a big meal, you’ll buy too little. (Supermarket Quotes)
The supermarket chain Whole Foods has quite a radical employee empowerment program, where employees get to decide whether another employee can work in their team or not. If they think this person’s a slacker, doesn’t have good ideas, they can vote and say, no, we don’t want this person to be working with us on the vegetable aisle. (Supermarket Quotes)
I don’t have maids or servants, and my husband and I love waking up early and going to the 24-hour supermarket when there is nobody else there. (Supermarket Quotes)
I think it’s dynamite, the way my career has just kept moving, even when people didn’t know it did. I made such interesting films, but, yeah, they’re not necessarily the big movies that go to the supermarket. I don’t need those movies, because I don’t wanna do them. (Supermarket Quotes)
It’s quite amazing to me, as I walk around a supermarket or a health food shop, to observe the number of Fairtrade choices: not just staples such as coffee, tea, fresh fruits and rice, but cocoa and chocolate, herbs and spices, honey, ice cream, and jams. (Supermarket Quotes)
My experience of Chinese culture is indirect, through echoes. When I approach the cashier at my local Chinese supermarket, they switch to English before I’ve even said a word. They somehow know that I’m not quite Chinese enough. (Supermarket Quotes)
To wash down your chicken nuggets with virtually any soft drink in the supermarket is to have some corn with your corn. Since the 1980s virtually all the sodas and most of the fruit drinks sold in the supermarket have been sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup. (Supermarket Quotes)
It’s easy to be cynical; harder is remembering that on any given day the person beside you on the subway or taking to long to pay for a tub of yogurt at the supermarket could be going through something tremendous and sorrowful and arduous (Supermarket Quotes)
Successful investors like stocks better when they’re going down. When you go to a department store or a supermarket, you like to buy merchandise on sale, but it doesn’t work that way in the stock market. In the stock market, people panic when stocks are going down, so they like them less when they should like them more. When prices go down, you shouldn’t panic, but it’s hard to control your emotions when you’re overextended, when you see your net worth drop in half and you worry that you won’t have enough money to pay for your kids’ college (Supermarket Quotes)
I think it’s dynamite, the way my career has just kept moving, even when people didn’t know it did. I made such interesting films, but, yeah, they’re not necessarily the big movies that go to the supermarket. I don’t need those movies, because I don’t wanna do them (Supermarket Quotes)
Few of us can accurately gauge how we will feel tomorrow or next week. That’s why when you go to the supermarket on an empty stomach, you’ll buy too much, and if you shop after a big meal, you’ll buy too little (Supermarket Quotes)
You cannot sell a blemished apple in the supermarket, but you can sell a tasteless one provided it is shiny, smooth, even, uniform and bright (Supermarket Quotes)
Health cannot be bought at the supermarket. You have to invest in health. You have to get kids into schooling. You have to train health staff. You have to educate the population (Supermarket Quotes)
These days, when people are alone, or feel a moment of boredom, they tend to reach for a device. In a movie theater, at a stop sign, at the checkout line at a supermarket and, yes, at a memorial service, reaching for a device becomes so natural that we start to forget that there is a reason, a good reason, to sit still with our thoughts: It does honor to what we are thinking about. It does honor to ourselves (Supermarket Quotes)
At bank, post office or supermarket, there is one universal law which you ignore at your own peril: the shortest line moves the slowest (Supermarket Quotes)
Magnum photographers were meant to go out as a crusade... to places like famine and war and... I went out and went round the corner to the local supermarket because this to me is the front line (Supermarket Quotes)
In the middle of this it was good to have some moments in which whatever was left of you could sit in silence. When you could remember. When the evidence that had gathered could be sorted. And it was a difficulty if another person imagined these moments were their property. Your life got sliced from two sides like a supermarket salami until there was nothing left in the middle. You were the bits that had been given away right and left to others. Because they wanted the piece of you that belonged to them. Because they wanted more. Because they wanted passion. And you did not have it (Supermarket Quotes)
It’s fun to go to a supermarket or a park or a shopping mall where human beings convene. They’re so caught up in their own personal reality as to not see life, except in terms that add to or detract from their movie (Supermarket Quotes)
I must have been born under an unlucky star. You know I have filled out entry blanks for every single drawing in the supermarket for the last twelve years, and the only thing I ever won was a coupon for a small little jar of tomato paste. But they were out of tomato paste, and by the time they got more in, my coupon had expired. And now I have venereal disease (Supermarket Quotes)
As with products on supermarket shelves, the public has a right to know where their financial products and services come from (Supermarket Quotes)
Anytime I see someone blocking the aisle in the supermarket while talking on a phone, I want to ram that person with my shopping cart (Supermarket Quotes)
Supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip shows are not just innocently shallow entertainment, but a fundamental part of a much larger movement that involves apathy, greed and hierarchy (Supermarket Quotes)
Forget about being world famous, it's hard enough just getting the automatic doors at the supermarket to acknowledge our existence (Supermarket Quotes)
I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks (Supermarket Quotes)
But it was just luck really if the girls survived. You're like a man firing a machine gun into a supermarket who happens not to become a murderer (Supermarket Quotes)
The woman just ahead of you at the supermarket checkout has all the delectable groceries you didn’t even know they carried (Supermarket Quotes)
I never make a trip to the United States without visiting a supermarket. To me they are more fascinating than any fashion salon (Supermarket Quotes)