Supernatural TV Show Quotes
Text Quotes
Dean Winchester is a monster. It’s possible there’s a little monster in all of us (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
You can’t go, man. Not now. We were just starting to be brothers again (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
Do you know what I say when I feel like swearing? “Fudge” If you fudging touch me I’m gonna fudging kill you! (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
Hey, see if they’ve got any pie. Bring me some pie! Love me some pie (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
You have a God? Sure, His name is Lucifer. You mean the devil? Your word, not ours (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
The universe is trying to tell us something we both should already know. We’re stronger together than apart (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
You two just gonna stand there like ugly girls at the prom, or you gonna pitch in? (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
We stay cooped up in this motel room all night, I’m gonna lose my mind. Spoiler Alert: You already have (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
Sam, are you still growing? You look taller than you did at Easter. I don’t think so. Doesn’t he look bigger? His head does (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
I gotta say, I am a little disappointed. Yeah, cause you wanted to shoot zombies? Damn straight I wanted to shoot zombies (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
I may be on the side of angels but don’t think for one second that I am one of them (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
So what do you say we kill some evil sons of bitches and raise a little hell, huh? (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
Sammy, all I’m saying is that you’re my weak spot. you are. And I’m yours (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)
I can’t do this, man. I can’t live on rabbit food. I’m - I’m a warrior (Supernatural TV Show Quotes)