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Text Quotes
These technologies can make life easier, can let us touch people we might not otherwise. You may have a child with a birth defect and be able to get in touch with other parents and support groups, get medical information, the latest experimental drugs. These things can profoundly influence life. I’m not downplaying that. (Support Quotes)
Documentary filmmaking has all the challenges and hardships of narrative filmmaking without any of the infrastructure or support. That’s both a blessing and a curse. (Support Quotes)
It is a contradiction to support increased development assistance, yet turn a blind eye to actions by multinationals anothers that undermine the tax base of a developing country. (Support Quotes)
If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support. (Support Quotes)
Why is patriotism thought to be blind loyalty to the government and the politicians who run it, rather than loyalty to the principles of liberty and support for the people? Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it’s wrong. (Support Quotes)
My family understands the pain of struggling with a loved one who’s suffering from a blood-related cancer, and we seek to support those who are working to find a cure. (Support Quotes)
My mother became much older when I came out (ed’s note: of detention). She had problems with her hearing and high blood pressure. But they still support me. (Support Quotes)
The ocean is our life support system. No blue, no green. It’s really a miracle that we have got a place that works in our favor. (Support Quotes)
The Left despises Texas, with its stellar record of job growth; Texas, with its strong support for traditional marriage and the sanctity of life; Texas, the root of the conservative tree. Should the Left succeed in its attempt to turn Texas purple, America could turn permanently blue. (Support Quotes)
Ed The Truth Is Illegal Markey responded to Teamster support for ANWR by dismissively sniffing, it was only one issue. Luckily, the Democrats have all those other issues dear to the heart of the average blue-collar worker: abortion on demand, gay marriage and taxpayer-funded crucifixes submerged in urine. (Support Quotes)
My family were really hard-working, blue-collar people, and I didn’t know the idea or concept of working and having fun. I thought you just worked and made money to support your family. (Support Quotes)
Schubert had arguably the same melodic gift as Mozart, but even less support. He didn’t have the early exposure, never got to travel anywhere, and yet generated and amassed a body of work that grew and developed and is very profound. (Support Quotes)
The mobs of great cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body. (Support Quotes)
I’m obsessive. That’s the word for me. I obsess - perhaps to the point where it’s moderately dysfunctional. I tend to put a book through about 100 revisions. If anything, that’s an understatement. If there’s another author out there who does this sort of revision, I would really like to meet him. Maybe we could form some sort of support group. (Support Quotes)
While the recent addition of the National Guard providing a support role manning computers and cameras has allowed more Border Patrol agents to work the field, more agents are still needed. (Support Quotes)
Obama wants to raise the issue of immigration reform so that he can demonize Republicans as anti-Hispanic. That’s why Obama ignores the broad support for an immigration plan that would provide border security once and for all and then deal with the illegal immigrants who live here. (Support Quotes)
My mom told me to stay away from gangs. But if you’re asking me about immigration reform, it must accomplish two objectives: Border security must be first, and it must be more than a promise. We have to import workers, not welfare. Anyone who wants to work should, and they should pay taxes, but I don’t support amnesty. It’s an issue of fairness. (Support Quotes)
If you aren’t born here, to be a real New Yorker, you have to bring your talent, be a successful mentor, and support the New Yorkers who made the city by giving back. (Support Quotes)
I was thinking about how fleeting and precious life is. Life is also arbitrary. For example, the choices that you make, the luck of being born into the right bed, to parents who support and help you and who love you. That doesn’t always happen - and then, what happens when it doesn’t? (Support Quotes)
Karen Russell learned to think from her father, someone Peter Gammons knows well, Boston Celtics legend Bill Russell, who used his prominence to support Martin Luther King Jr., to support the civil rights movement, and other important work, including work in Africa throughout his career. And Bill Russell is still at it. (Support Quotes)
Bottom trawling is a ghastly process that brings untold damage to sea beds that support ocean life. It’s akin to using a bulldozer to catch a butterfly, destroying a whole ecosystem for the sake of a few pounds of protein. We wouldn’t do this on land, so why do it in the oceans? (Support Quotes)
When I want to support a film starring actors I like, I purchase several tickets at the box office - even if I can’t stay for the movie. (Support Quotes)
It is a privilege to join the campaign to support Bradley Manning for his courage and integrity in serving his country by helping make the government accountable to its citizens, and to inform the world of what its people should know. (Support Quotes)
It is important for all of us to show our support for the brave men and women in the United States military. (Support Quotes)
I am joining the more than 200,000 women who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. We are a testament to the importance of early detection and new treatments ... I am inspired by the brave women who have faced this battle before me and grateful for the support of family and friends. (Support Quotes)
Last month, the House of Representatives passed the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, which would provide training and assistance to unemployed veterans, and break down bureaucratic barriers preventing them from finding work. It’s smart legislation that members of both parties support, and I’m pleased the Senate passed it. (Support Quotes)
I support the world and love everybody. It’s about spreading love and breaking down barriers, not building up hate. (Support Quotes)
Artists need support, time and money to develop their ideas, and if people rip stuff off, you don’t have to be that brilliant to figure out that you’re ultimately going to affect the end product. (Support Quotes)
Our Government is pleased to partner with the Kelowna Visual and Performing Arts Centre Society, located in the heart of British Columbia’s vibrant Central Okanagan region. Support for the performing arts is essential for the professional growth and development of our Canadian artists. (Support Quotes)
I will stay living in Staffordshire. Other people would be moving offshore. I am reasonably happy to help support the British economy. I have done very well out of Britain. (Support Quotes)