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I categorically resist this idea that films are supposed to be autobiographical and the only stories you tell are about your own life  (Supposed Quotes) How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it, except the pleasure of seeing it  (Supposed Quotes) There is a feeling of disbelief that comes over you, that takes over, and you kind of go through the motions. You do what you’re supposed to do, but in fact you’re not there at all  (Supposed Quotes) They give me a shot and a handful of pills to swallow. I stare at the thin red wall of my inner eyelid and listen to my skin and I can’t be sure how the medication is affecting me. I can’t remember how I’m supposed to feel. I can’t remember my name. I have never seen my face  (Supposed Quotes) She began to feel like the plastic doll she had been named after, without even a hole where her mouth was supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) The government is supposed to respond to the will of the people. Not dictate to the people what they are doing  (Supposed Quotes) You go through different stages when you’re working on the music in film. At least, I do. You have a temp score, so you have music from other people, usually from other movies, to give you a sense of what the mood is supposed to be, what the atmosphere is  (Supposed Quotes) In music, you collaborate with people. It’s supposed to be a mutually beneficial thing  (Supposed Quotes) Animals can learn, but it is not by learning that they become dogs, cats, or horses. Only man has to learn to become what he is supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) We’re supposed to take our problems to a family adviser. Personally, I’ve never met a family adviser. They’re all off somewhere listening to dirty stories  (Supposed Quotes) To live a very long time... is supposed to be the desired object of all human life. But it is not. The main thing is to ride the flood tide... How glorious it is to create! For those few moments of a lifetime when the stream is running full and deep: those are the justification for everything  (Supposed Quotes) The simple fact was that if the song wasn’t about me, I couldn’t see how it could possibly be about anybody else, including the one I knew it was supposed to be about, and good luck to him, too  (Supposed Quotes) If suicide be supposed a crime, it is only cowardice can impel us to it. If it be no crime, both prudence and courage should engage us to rid ourselves at once of existence when it becomes a burden. It is the only way that we can then be useful to society, by setting an example which, if imitated, would preserve every one his chance for happiness in life, and would effectually free him from all danger or misery  (Supposed Quotes) The mind may be reluctant to think properly when thinking is all it is supposed to do; the task can be as paralysing as having to tell a joke or mimic an accent on demand  (Supposed Quotes) You have to be more disciplined in what you do. You have to make the plays when you’re supposed to make them. When the play is presented to you, you have to make it. We have to have guys flying around the ball. It will definitely be a good game to watch this weekend  (Supposed Quotes) The figures... are not supposed to reveal anything... It’s like seeing a stranger in some place like an air terminal for the first time. You look at him, you notice his shoes, his suit, the pin in his lapel, but you don’t have any particular feeling about him  (Supposed Quotes) People look at you and me to see what they are supposed to be. And, if we don’t disappoint them, maybe, just maybe, they won’t disappoint us  (Supposed Quotes) The only really unplayable lie I can think of is when you’re supposed to be playing golf and come home with lipstick on your collar  (Supposed Quotes) Art is not supposed to change the world, to change practical things, but to change perceptions. Art can change the way we see the world. Art can create an analogy  (Supposed Quotes) Yoga means we take responsibility for the tasks in our life. Whatever we are supposed to have karmically, life gives us. The question is: how do we handle it?  (Supposed Quotes) Feel the underlying meaning of the teachings that are espoused by me or anyone else. The word’s don’t mean much. Words are supposed to be catalysts for higher states of attention. That is where the action is  (Supposed Quotes) I’m not scared to fail, I’m not scared to lose, I’m not scared to die, for that matter... It’s going to work out the way it’s supposed to work out  (Supposed Quotes) Before a fight I’m always afraid... before I used to have a hard time just dealing with it because I would try to run away from it, but then as I competed more I understood the fact that this is how I’m supposed to feel  (Supposed Quotes) I like searching for the collision detection boundaries, finding invincibility glitches, and purposefully doing other stuff that normal players aren’t supposed to do. In order words, I’m a bug checker  (Supposed Quotes) You’re supposed to take a second if life is going well, to enjoy it and not just move on with the rest of your day worrying about the next thing. And it’s a really trite point in some ways. But it’s bizarre how little I had done it at various points in my life  (Supposed Quotes) Journeys are the midwives of thought. Few places are more conducive to internal conversations than a moving plane, ship or train. There is an almost quaint correlation between what is in front of our eyes and the thoughts we are able to have in our heads: large thoughts at times requiring large views, new thoughts new places. Introspective reflections which are liable to stall are helped along by the flow of the landscape. The mind may be reluctant to think properly when thinking is all it is supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) Ethics occupies a central place in philosophy because it is concerned with sin, with the origin of good and evil and with moral valuations. And since these problems have a universal significance, the sphere of ethics is wider than is generally supposed. It deals with meaning and value and its province is the world in which the distinction between good and evil is drawn, evaluations are made and meaning is sought  (Supposed Quotes) Once your kid reaches middle school, parents are really supposed to fade out of the social picture. Kids are supposed to make their own plans, keep up with sophisticatedly crude discussions, and be able to go out on their own without supervision  (Supposed Quotes) In democratic countries, however opulent a man is supposed to be, he is almost always discontented with his fortune, because he finds that he is less rich than his father was, and he fears that his sons will be less rich than himself  (Supposed Quotes) Intelligence officers are supposed to put the facts on the table and really walk away from the policy discussion  (Supposed Quotes)
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