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Blacks are supposed to rejoice whenever our way of life becomes more mainstream. We seldom do. For we see in it a sanctioning that can only be granted by white society. In other words: If you’re white, it’s all right. If you’re black, step back  (Supposed Quotes) I always kind of thought I want to be a good person, I want to be right to my fellow men and love them like were supposed to  (Supposed Quotes) Becoming interested in poetics got me interested in theater. Theater is supposed to be poetry, you know, before it’s anything else. It just doesn’t fly if it isn’t musical  (Supposed Quotes) All phenomena of which we are aware take place in our own minds, and therefore the only thing we have to look at is the mind; which is a more constant quantity over all the species of humanity than is generally supposed  (Supposed Quotes) If you wanna be an artist carry sketch pad with you, and sketch everything you see. Get so you can draw anything and it looks like what it’s supposed to be. It’s a lot of work, but if you really have it in you, it’s not like work. It becomes fun  (Supposed Quotes) The whole point of being a closet fan of anything is that people aren’t supposed to then out you and say that you’re closet fans of stuff  (Supposed Quotes) It’s not necessarily what a family is typically supposed to look like. But it is what it is. It’s about a connection and bond that everyone can identify with  (Supposed Quotes) I had a very rough and tumultuous childhood. I often wish that I had the opportunity to make my own choices in life and choose my own path. But at the same time, I realize that things happen the way they’re supposed to  (Supposed Quotes) I find, surprisingly, that actors are liberated in their work if there’s stuff going on around them, because they can’t think too much about who they’re supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) When I grew up, it was a time when women were just supposed to be cute and not have many opinions. My mother and her friends were quite different. They were all the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen, and they were very strong women  (Supposed Quotes) It’s all about commerce. Movies are not made like paintings, where you can make them for free and put them at the side. Movies are supposed to make money  (Supposed Quotes) Any type of humor can be transferred to the screen, as long as there’s clarity. The audience wants to know just what they’re supposed to be feeling, when they’re supposed to laugh  (Supposed Quotes) The more people, as you know, are able to be on whatever spectrum of femininity and masculinity they are on at that moment, that opens the door for women to not have to be the opposite of what the supposed traditional male is  (Supposed Quotes) It’s the idea that we as people can control our own destinies. The government and the corporations, more even than the government, can’t dictate what artwork we’re supposed to like or what comedy we’re supposed to laugh at  (Supposed Quotes) My problem with the traditional acting method was that I never understood what you were supposed to be thinking about when you’re onstage  (Supposed Quotes) I’ve always like the time before dawn because there’s no one around to remind me who I’m supposed to be, so it’s easier to remember who I am  (Supposed Quotes) Cinema is a territory. It exists outside of movies. It’s a place I live in. It’s a way of seeing things, of experiencing life. But making films, that’s supposed to be a profession  (Supposed Quotes) Genres do exist because frequent users of any large bookstore can instantly tell what any piece of fiction is supposed to be about by its title, its cover and its location in the shop  (Supposed Quotes) The whole idea of a democracy is that we ourselves, the people, are supposed to make a path of our politics, and it is we who with our feet and our vote and our labors and our vigilance are supposed to shape our country  (Supposed Quotes) I have learnt that I am incapable of packing the right amount of clothing, probably because I start 10 minutes before I’m supposed to leave, and that I truly hate airports  (Supposed Quotes) Interfaces called transparent allow us to interact/do what we’re supposed to do without being aware of how the effects are obtained. We should perhaps speak instead about their opacity, given that we cannot see through them to the machine  (Supposed Quotes) Acting like the person I’m supposed to be has always been the easiest thing for me  (Supposed Quotes) If success is really dependent on someone liking you or not liking you, and you have to teeter on that kind of tightrope of how you’re supposed to act and how you’re supposed to look and who you are, it’s just not a healthy way to live  (Supposed Quotes) We’re emotionally unfit. We expect things to be given to us that other generations had to earn. We think we’re supposed to get homes with no money down and be supported by the government if we’re unemployed  (Supposed Quotes) I do not concern myself with being unique, and I do not concern myself with success. I feel I just do and say what I am supposed to. I do not know where it comes from. I go where I am told, and I just allow whatever it is to come out  (Supposed Quotes) I spent most of my time in my room staring at a mirror. I never knew I was supposed to socialize. I just spent hours making faces at myself, having a good time  (Supposed Quotes) I have no idea what the hell is going on in the world, in my life, in what anything means, or what I’m supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) You never know what a movie is going to look like when you’re shooting it and you just hope it’s going to look like it’s supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) I think if you can take care of yourself, and then maybe try to take care of someone else, that’s sort of how you’re supposed to live  (Supposed Quotes) Alright, listen up. I’m supposed to give you some fatherly and wise advice at this time in your life. Listen up, if you’re wondering if a boy’s thinking about you, he’s not. He’s thinking about sex, or he’s hungry: those are the only two options  (Supposed Quotes)
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