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Critics are reprimanded when they get sarcastic. How absurd! Is the torch of criticism supposed to shine without burning?  (Supposed Quotes) People who have had power, when they become powerless, are really tragic... We just allow ourselves to be conditioned by a society so we become as important as we’re supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) Belief in a certain series of myths was neither obligatory as a part of the true religion, nor was it supposed that, by believing, a man acquired religious merit and conciliated the favour of the gods  (Supposed Quotes) To write about history or language is supposed to be within the reach of every man. To write about natural science is allowed to be within the reach only of those who have mastered the subjects on which they write  (Supposed Quotes) In the pulpit, were supposed to present the teaching with all of its unvarnished clarity, but when you step out of the pulpit, you have to meet people where they are and try to walk with them  (Supposed Quotes) I never really understood what was expected of me as a man, or how I was supposed to interact with women, but worse, with other guys. I did not relate to them  (Supposed Quotes) Prejudice usually can’t survive close contact with the people who are supposed to be so despicable, which is why the propagandists for hate always preach separation  (Supposed Quotes) It’s supposed to be a good thing that he’s got this dialogue started. To me, I think, I just took away something bad from it, because, apparently he had to do this not to convince them of anything. To educate them  (Supposed Quotes) A character, to be acceptable as more than a chess piece, has to be ignorant of the future, unsure about the past, and not at all sure of what he’s supposed to be doing  (Supposed Quotes) I think I’ve always had a disconnect from what I’m supposed to be like  (Supposed Quotes) You have to be a mindful eater. There has to be intention in what you do in your life if you’re going to be happy and authentic. Food isn’t supposed to be entertainment in the way that your kids, your work, and your relationship are  (Supposed Quotes) Prima facie, every estate, whether given by will or otherwise, is supposed to be beneficial to the party to whom it is so given  (Supposed Quotes) It is of great importance that the laws by which the contracts of so numerous and so useful a body of men as the sailors are supposed to be guided, should not be overturned  (Supposed Quotes) We must not, by any whimsical conceits supposed to be adapted to the altering fashions of the times, overturn the established law of the land: it descended to us as a sacred charge, and it is our duty to preserve it  (Supposed Quotes) None seem to bear the imputation of supposed guilt with greater intolerance than such as are, on other occasions, obviously culpable of vice or crime  (Supposed Quotes) I don’t know why people say I’m not supposed to be doing what I’m doing. I’m just trying to do my job. I’m blessed, and I’m glad that I’m blessed  (Supposed Quotes) Conscious virtue is the only solid foundation of all happiness; for riches, power, rank, or whatever, in the common acceptation ofthe word, is supposed to constitute happiness, will never quiet, much less cure, the inward pangs of guilt  (Supposed Quotes) Because a thing is eloquently expressed it should not be taken to be as necessarily true; nor because it is uttered with stammering lips should it be supposed false  (Supposed Quotes) We conclude that hedge funds are far riskier and provide much lower returns than is commonly supposed  (Supposed Quotes) The world! It is a word capable of as diverse interpretations or misinterpretations as the thing itself a thing by various people supposed to belong to heaven, man, or the devil, or alternatively to all three  (Supposed Quotes) Most of us carry into marriage not only our childlike illusions, but we bring to it as well the demand that it has to be wonderful, because it’s supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) Meditation is not supposed to be the fabrication or the reinforcement of some particular state, but simply the cultivation of the awareness of whatever is arising in the mind  (Supposed Quotes) The efficiency of most workers is beyond the control of the management and depends more than has been supposed upon the willingness of men to do their best  (Supposed Quotes) My hope is... that we may recover... something of a renewal of that vision of the law with which men may be supposed to have started out with in the old days of the oracles, who communed with the intimations of divinity  (Supposed Quotes) The fact which the politician faces is merely that there is less honor among thieves than was supposed, and not the fact that theyare thieves  (Supposed Quotes) Parents are supposed to instruct their kids. It doesn’t mean they necessarily have that gift of teaching  (Supposed Quotes) The cynics, they can only speak of the dark, of the obvious, and this is not hard. For all it’s supposed sophistication, it’s cynicism that’s simplistic. In a fallen world, how profound is to see the cracks?  (Supposed Quotes) History says that progress often requires sacrifice, but what kind of progress can we claim when it is built on the lives of the citizens it is supposed to aid?  (Supposed Quotes) You’re not supposed to totally know what’s happening. The songs are supposed to give you clues so you can fill in the blanks  (Supposed Quotes) Any time there’s racism somewhere in sports, we should get it out of there because sports is a place where everything’s supposed to be fair  (Supposed Quotes)
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