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Top management is supposed to be a tree full of owls hooting when management heads into the wrong part of the forest. I’m still unpersuaded they even know where the forest is  (Supposed Quotes) I broke a mirror in my house and I’m supposed to get seven years bad luck, but my lawyer thinks he can get me five  (Supposed Quotes) A judge is not supposed to know anything about the facts of life until they have been presented in evidence and explained to him at least three times  (Supposed Quotes) Comparative criticism teaches us that moral and aesthetic defects are more nearly related than is commonly supposed  (Supposed Quotes) Danger is the very basis of superstition. It produces a searching after help supernaturally when human means are no longer supposed to be available  (Supposed Quotes) Genius is supposed to be a power of producing excellences which are out of the reach of the rules of art: a power which no precepts can teach, and which no industry can acquire  (Supposed Quotes) God may rationally be supposed to have framed so great and admirable an automaton as the world for special ends and purposes  (Supposed Quotes) I was supposed to wear this really great costume, beautiful white flannel trousers, a captain’s cap, it looked marvellous, but right before shooting they had it changed and they told me to wear my own stuff instead. I felt rotten because it looked so cheap  (Supposed Quotes) It’s such a simple thing, really. It’s an awareness that the other people in the world are other people, and that you are one of them. That every time you have a chance to help somebody out, to do what’s right instead of what you think you’re supposed to do, you should do it  (Supposed Quotes) Never worry about theory as long as the machinery does what it’s supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) Back then, I was doing more of my impression of what a comic is supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) How often do we not see children ruined through the virtues, real or supposed, of their parents?  (Supposed Quotes) Daniel supposed he had a secret life. Most people did; it was hardly possible to live without one  (Supposed Quotes) Maybe when you meet the people you are supposed to meet you know it, without knowing it  (Supposed Quotes) Just remember it’s the birds that’s supposed to suffer, not the hunter  (Supposed Quotes) Life just happens the way it’s supposed to happen. It delivers you to where it delivers you  (Supposed Quotes) All the president is, is a glorified public relations man who spends his time flattering, kissing, and kicking people to get them to do what they are supposed to do anyway  (Supposed Quotes) They act as if they supposed that to be very sanguine about the general improvement of mankind is a virtue that relieves them from taking trouble about any improvement in particular  (Supposed Quotes) I always turn in my books on time, so you can always count on a book coming out when it’s supposed to  (Supposed Quotes) But we didn’t have the financial structure, like the right attorneys, the right managers, the right accountants, and we were going against the grain of what black entertainers is supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) But we have to ask ourselves, what’s the purpose of the stock market? It’s supposed to be a source of capital for growing business. It’s lost that purpose  (Supposed Quotes) I was only going to go to college because that’s what I thought you were supposed to do  (Supposed Quotes) I didn’t feel the kind of joy every day playing drums that I thought you were supposed to feel  (Supposed Quotes) Members of Congress have more in common with the people they hobnob in Washington, D.C., than they do with the people they’re supposed to represent  (Supposed Quotes) Courts are supposed to be places of reason. But this, of course, is a fantasy. I mean, there is reason being used as a technique. But courts, in fact, are baths of emotions  (Supposed Quotes) Heath Ledger was supposed to put our album on what would have been a new record label. I still feel a little dead after losing him  (Supposed Quotes) When you’re really having fun, you’re always doing it a little bit in a way that you’re not supposed to. That’s when great things happen  (Supposed Quotes) I have the mentality that sometimes a role is just meant for someone else. If you’re supposed to get a part, the light will shine on you. And if not, nothing you do is going to help  (Supposed Quotes) The Bible tells us that we’re supposed to leave an inheritance for children  (Supposed Quotes) I wasn’t a class clown, I just found at an early age that I was able to make people laugh. So I mostly wrote funny stuff instead of writing what I was supposed to be writing  (Supposed Quotes)
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