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The weird thing was that Soft Cell was supposed to have come and gone before I started the album  (Supposed Quotes) Well, I think In Love and War, which had a wonderful performance by Sandy, sandra Bullock, who the authorities and, the supposed authorities, in cinema didn’t want to know about  (Supposed Quotes) Certainly from the rehearsal process with Elizabeth I think it was very clear. Well let me start again. We were initially supposed to be more combative  (Supposed Quotes) If I sleep in and don’t run, I’ll feel a little bit off because I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. But I’m not going to beat myself up because of it. I’ll just get right back on track  (Supposed Quotes) But I did have two months off between Loser and the start of Prozac Nation. So, it was supposed to be Jason time, right? My time to enjoy myself away from movies  (Supposed Quotes) Apollo 13, as you may remember, gave us a reactor that is bubbling away right now somewhere in the Pacific. It’s supposed to be bubbling away on the moon, but it’s in the Pacific Ocean instead  (Supposed Quotes) The freedom that women were supposed to have found in the Sixties largely boiled down to easy contraception and abortion; things to make life easier for men, in fact  (Supposed Quotes) Sometimes I pay for it, With the way I walk now, the things I did to my body wasn’t supposed to be done. At 48 years old, it is saying, ‘Hey, Earl, remember what you did to me?’  (Supposed Quotes) Is puppy love the reason so many Americans are blind to the incompetence and waste of Republicans - who at a minimum are supposed to be good money managers - running Iraq reconstruction  (Supposed Quotes) I’ve left Bethlehem, and I feel free. I’ve left the girl I was supposed to be, and some day I’ll be born  (Supposed Quotes) We’re supposed to be civilized. We’re supposed to go to work every day. We’re supposed to be nice to our friends and send Christmas cards to our parents  (Supposed Quotes) Every government, left or right, always engages in moral crusades. What else are they supposed to do? Especially when they make war; any war has to be a moral crusade  (Supposed Quotes) The supposed right of intolerance is absurd and barbaric. It is the right of the tiger; nay, it is far worse, for tigers do but tear in order to have food, while we rend each other for paragraphs  (Supposed Quotes) Less racist now but it has been. I don’t think it’s been completely stamped out. There’s a class element to it. And who’s supposed to do what. You’re very unlikely to get a gay grip  (Supposed Quotes) It makes it very hard to say what you believe in and not be attacked for it. And it’s not fair; I’m Korean, but I’m not supposed to talk about my experience and my life? It’s unaccepting  (Supposed Quotes) When one man becomes more important than the country he’s supposed to be leading, this will always create a problem  (Supposed Quotes) The essence of being a gentleman is to understand the way you’re supposed to treat a respectable woman  (Supposed Quotes) Young kids are always singing and painting. When you get to that second and third grade level, you’re supposed to put all that aside  (Supposed Quotes) If what happens in Las Vegas is supposed to stay in Las Vegas, how did Harry Reid get out  (Supposed Quotes) I especially want to change the way we as Latinas see our beauty. I feel that there is a misinterpretation of what we’re supposed to look like  (Supposed Quotes) It’s hard as a person to just put your life out there for the world to judge. That’s what music is and what you’re supposed to do with the art, live and release it to the world  (Supposed Quotes) It (the heart) is supposed in popular language, to be the seat sometimes, of courage, sometimes of affection, sometimes of honesty, or baseness  (Supposed Quotes) Don’t let anyone tell you that high school is supposed to be fun. High school is to be endured. College is fun  (Supposed Quotes) I’ve grown up and understood how I’m supposed to conduct myself and I respect people as I go along the way  (Supposed Quotes) Why do we insist women are cast 10 years younger than the role they’re playing? Men don’t know what a 30-year-old is supposed to look like because on TV she’s always 20  (Supposed Quotes) Then there was LSD, which was supposed to make you think you could fly. I remember it made you think you couldn’t stand up, and mostly it was right  (Supposed Quotes) Endings must come naturally, you’re supposed to let it happen, not just to make it happen like that  (Supposed Quotes) Of course, everybody’s family is dysfunctional - we’ve accepted that. What are we supposed to do? Hate our parents for the rest of our lives?  (Supposed Quotes) I think the media put more pressure on women, especially in regards to the way they look and how they’re supposed to behave  (Supposed Quotes) Marriage is supposed to be permanent. It’s like a tattoo that yells at you  (Supposed Quotes)
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