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Every fact in my films is true. And yet how often do I have to read over and over again about supposed falsehoods?  (Supposed Quotes) When the error is universal, it is supposed to end. The adoption of the foundling establishes its consanguinity  (Supposed Quotes) You will never achieve what you are capable of if you’re too attached to things you’re supposed to let go of  (Supposed Quotes) We ignore each other and try to pretend the other person doesn’t exist, but deep down we know it wasn’t supposed to end like this  (Supposed Quotes) It’s not hard to move on. It’s just hard to leave behind what you’re not supposed to bring along  (Supposed Quotes) Sometimes I’m scared to see myself and I wish I were someone else. I hate how I’m not who I am supposed to be and I’m just my own worst enemy  (Supposed Quotes) Sometimes the threat is not those that oppose you, it’s those that were supposed to be beside you. Loyalty is rare  (Supposed Quotes) You can’t live life forward if you keep going back to a person that’s supposed to be left in your past  (Supposed Quotes) Why would they have book covers if we aren’t supposed to judge the book by them? It makes no sense  (Supposed Quotes) Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling. It should inspire you and give you joy and strength. But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end  (Supposed Quotes) People always complain about The Grammys because they’re not a pop contest, but they’re not supposed to be a pop contest. They’re about excellence  (Supposed Quotes) Meditation is simplicity itself. One is to just let go, nothing special is supposed to happen  (Supposed Quotes) Music is supposed to create an associate level, wherein I and you and you and I can associate without any misunderstanding  (Supposed Quotes) How am I supposed to make life choices when I still use my fingers to count and sing the whole alphabet to see what letter comes next  (Supposed Quotes) Maybe if you can’t get somebody out of your head, they’re supposed to be there  (Supposed Quotes) So we ignore each other, and pretend the other person doesn’t exist, but deep down, we both know it wasn’t supposed to end like this  (Supposed Quotes) Let’s work it out, give and take or agree to disagree cause this ain’t the way loves supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) We all have this idea in our heads of how things are supposed to be, but sadly this is why we end up disappointed. Expect less. Enjoy more  (Supposed Quotes) Many people never get what they deserve because they are too busy holding things they are supposed to let go  (Supposed Quotes) We all have this perfect picture in our minds of how things are supposed to be and that’s why we all end up being disappointed  (Supposed Quotes) Then, are you master of us all? You didn’t teach her that. Was she supposed to imbibe it from my quiet subservience?  (Supposed Quotes) As a leader, you’re supposed to be above reproach, and what that means is you can’t even give the appearance that you’re going to do something wrong  (Supposed Quotes) No matter how hard I seem to try, you turn around and twist my words into a lie. Are friendships supposed to be like this? Cuz if they are. Then I quit  (Supposed Quotes) I’m not supposed to communicate something that’s completely unrealistic  (Supposed Quotes) We’re supposed to be perfect our first day on the job and then show constant improvement  (Supposed Quotes) Sometimes you just need to slow down, stay calm and simply let things happen as they were supposed to happen  (Supposed Quotes) Are you looking into Joe Biden’s supposed botox shots in his forehead  (Supposed Quotes) Friends should know your hopes and dreams and always be inspired. They’re not supposed to give up on you when they think your ideas have tired  (Supposed Quotes) I just wonder how many people never get the one they want, but end up with the one they’re supposed to have  (Supposed Quotes) Let’s celebrate the one holiday that’s actually supposed to be a joke  (Supposed Quotes)
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