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We’ve seen a departure from the traditional work of the National Security Agency. They’ve become sort of the national hacking agency, the national surveillance agency. And they’ve lost sight of the fact that everything they do is supposed to make us more secure as a nation and a society  (Supposed Quotes) I’m certainly not interested in religion for religion’s sake or for some kind of structure or stabilizing force. Religion is supposed to be for God’s sake and God is an unpredictable, wild thing  (Supposed Quotes) Our prayer life will become restful when it really dawns upon us that we have done all we are supposed to do when we have spoken to Him about it. From the moment we have left it with Him, it is His responsi-bility  (Supposed Quotes) Before the 1970s, banks were banks. They did what banks were supposed to do in a state capitalist economy: they took unused funds from your bank account, for example, and transferred them to some potentially useful purpose like helping a family buy a home or send a kid to college  (Supposed Quotes) We live in a time when Christians need to be told that they are supposed to live like Christ. That’s Weird  (Supposed Quotes) Life has many changes. Tomorrow it may rain, and it’s supposed to be sunshine, ‘cause it’s summertime. But God’s got a funny soul, he plays like Charlie Parker  (Supposed Quotes) I gave to a [Hillary Clinton ]foundation that, frankly, that foundation is supposed to do good. I didn’t know her money would be used on private jets going all over the world  (Supposed Quotes) Orthodox churches, autocracy and national traditions are supposed to form a new national ideology in Russia. This would mean that Russia would be overtaken by its past, and our past would be our future  (Supposed Quotes) There are so many things that can take over your life: money, alcohol, drugs - even fashion. People hand you things, and you start to believe life is easy. And it’s not like that - you’re not supposed to be the person you play in the movies  (Supposed Quotes) You have to have a government that does give both money and energy to function in a leadership role modeling giving for the people. Government is supposed to lead by example in many cases  (Supposed Quotes) You weren’t supposed to hear Elvis Presley. You weren’t supposed to hear Jerry Lee Lewis. You weren’t supposed to hear Robert Johnson. You weren’t supposed to hear Hank Williams. And they told the story of the secret America  (Supposed Quotes) My mom was beautiful; she was supposed to be the original Jane in the original Tarzan movie. They asked her to put her foot in the water and there was an alligator in there, and she wouldn’t put her foot in the water  (Supposed Quotes) We have to change this idea that women are only supposed to work in the house... Women should go out and be what they want  (Supposed Quotes) You don’t have to play a whole lot of guitar to be a good blues player. Some people plays too much guitar. Stack it on top of each other the way it don’t - you’re working too fast. Blues not supposed to be played fast. Blues supposed to be played slow. You could kill a man with just one chord  (Supposed Quotes) Normally, it’s one or the other - a pretty, straight woman or a more charactery woman who isn’t supposed to be attractive. But women like Tina Fey are leading the charge on being both. You can be funny and attractive  (Supposed Quotes) I think for me, or for anyone who plays the quarterback position, it’s almost an unspoken word when you think about leadership. Some guys can be a leader and be a running back or a lineman, or wide receiver, strong safety, or linebacker. But when you speak of quarterbacks, it’s automatically a default that you’re supposed to be a leader  (Supposed Quotes) It was jarring to be berated for ‘acting white’ when I was placed in a predominantly black middle school in Southern California. I was also chubby, into boys who weren’t into me, and tried too hard to fit into this ‘blackness’ I was supposed to be  (Supposed Quotes) I explain to athletes, you’re supposed to be a well-oiled machine. You’re supposed to be in better shape than the people watching you. You’re supposed to be an unbelievable specimen of a human being. You have to treat your body different while you’re performing  (Supposed Quotes) When I went to live in South Africa, I immediately began to understand what went wrong. Because here was a place supposed to be under apartheid - I arrived there in 1991 - but here a black person had more say and had more influence over his white government than an average Kenyan had over the Moi government  (Supposed Quotes) Where I teach students in drama school, there’s a course called Dramatics. In this course, all students must put on a play. However, acting majors are not supposed to act. They can write the play, for example, and the writers may work on stage art. Likewise, stage art majors may become actors, and in this way you put on a show  (Supposed Quotes) The global policy shift toward neo-liberalism that took place during the 1980s and 1990s was supposed, according to its proponents, to bring a convergence of living standards of richer and poorer nations. This never actually happened  (Supposed Quotes) If the day gets really bad, I can always pull out fan mail. Who else gets mail where kids write to you and say, ‘Dear Mr. Scieszka, we were supposed to write to our favorite author, but Roald Dahl is dead. So I’m writing to you.’  (Supposed Quotes) What is a government supposed to do for its people? To improve the standard of living, to help them get jobs, get kids to schools, and have access to medicine and hospitals. Government may not directly provide these public goods and services, but government must be accountable for whether or not they are delivered to citizens  (Supposed Quotes) Agribusiness - with its wicked powerful lobby and its infiltration of top bureaucratic posts - essentially runs roughshod over the government agencies that are supposed to monitor it. It’s the rich fox guarding the filthy, overcrowded henhouse  (Supposed Quotes) When you see Robert Englund in a movie, you think he is the bad guy, but if I’m not the bad guy, and I’m supposed to just kind of fool the audience, it makes it a lot easier for whichever actor is the bad guy. So I find myself doing a lot of those, I think they’re called red herring characters, faking out the audience  (Supposed Quotes) We’re going to have robots in the home, but they’re not going to be walking. Legs are complicated, unreliable and costly. Robots are going to look and be designed to meet the function they’re supposed to perform. People will still name them and connect with them  (Supposed Quotes) Writing is very much an emotional process; it requires you to be very in touch with your feelings. That is the opposite of what you’re taught as a medical doctor. We’re supposed to be detached and logical. Maybe because I started off as a writer and then became a doctor, I’m able to integrate those two  (Supposed Quotes) In my work, it’s simultaneously realities, instead of parallel. Simultaneous avoids the problem of alternate reality. In parallel reality, there’s always a hierarchy, and there doesn’t necessarily have to be a hierarchy. When you’re in a palace like Blenheim, you’re supposed to be in awe - why not be in awe of something different than the stuff they’re showing you? It’s about finding your own existential place  (Supposed Quotes) Philip is being very vocal about it. For me, I don’t think the story isn’t at all anti-religious in any way. I think what’s it more against is the control and the misuse of power that any organised religion, or any political organisation exercises over the people they’re supposed to represent. I think that, for me, is what’s important in the movie  (Supposed Quotes) The aging process is fascinating because it doesn’t disturb me, because this is what it is supposed to be like. But I’ll tell you what does - it’s the lack of strength - you can’t hold up suitcases and do it yourself. Loss of physical strength  (Supposed Quotes)
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