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Look at the news stand, you know? I mean, it’s a cacophony of famous people or people who want to be famous with blurbs all around it, and it’s supposed to be, you know, that’s supposed to be creativity in journalism. My God, it’s unbelievable. It’s shocking.  (Supposed Quotes) Minnesotans lost their jobs because the credit rating agencies didn’t do the only job they’re supposed to have, the only job they had, which is to give accurate, objective ratings to financial products.  (Supposed Quotes) Isn’t cricket supposed to be a team sport? I feel people should decide first whether cricket is a team game or an individual sport.  (Supposed Quotes) I look back on my 20s. It’s supposed to be the prime of your life, the most vital, the most beautiful. But you’re making your critical decisions and sometimes your most critical mistakes.  (Supposed Quotes) The average politician was crooked. That was my ambition, to be a crooked politician. I’d see them in these restaurants, and they’d all hold these conferences. I’d see politicians who were supposed to be on opposite sides of issues all together at one table.  (Supposed Quotes) Young filmmakers are supposed to be the young turks that advance the current state of filmmaking ideas.  (Supposed Quotes) Everybody understands that you’re supposed to say ‘our employees are our most valuable asset’ to the point where, even if it’s really true, they’re not going to really trust you until you’ve earned that - same with customers.  (Supposed Quotes) On a good day I think I’m handsome, on an average day I’m average. I’m a man’s man so I don’t necessarily know how cute we’re supposed to be.  (Supposed Quotes) Today, [cyber security] is totally questioned. People don’t even know if we have the capability that we’re supposed to have when you look at what’s going on with other countries.  (Supposed Quotes) Fundamentalist Muslim terrorists kill three thousand Americans, but America isn’t supposed to respond, because if we respond, they’ll respond. We always hear about ‘karmic retributions’ and the ‘cycle of violence’ only after we’ve been hit.  (Supposed Quotes) I am angry about the mammoth, out-of-control social welfare entitlement programs from Washington, D.C., that were supposed to solve our problems. The obvious truth is these impractical, politically motivated programs have irreparably damaged the fabric of our black society and community.  (Supposed Quotes) That’s crudely put, but If we’re not supposed to dance, Why all this music?  (Supposed Quotes) I’m not much of a political person and even if I was, look, Rock ‘n’ Roll is supposed to be fun and sexy and a little bit dangerous.  (Supposed Quotes) I wasn’t supposed to make it out of Detroit. I wasn’t supposed to get a scholarship. I was supposed to be [covering] kicks the rest of my life. But here I am. I’m a man playing with the house’s money, and that’s a dangerous man.  (Supposed Quotes) It’s totally produced now. It’s almost like a conveyor belt of what metal’s supposed to be like these days. It’s not music to me.  (Supposed Quotes) There is no significance of God in my life, God is my life. I would not be, without God. I am supposed to be dead.  (Supposed Quotes) Sometimes you weren’t supposed to share pain. Sometimes it was best just to deal with it alone.  (Supposed Quotes) Before a fight I’m always afraid... before I used to have a hard time just dealing with it because I would try to run away from it, but then as I competed more I understood the fact that this is how I’m supposed to feel.  (Supposed Quotes) I came with the notion of perhaps saying something for monks and to monks of all religions because I am supposed to be a monk. ... My dear brothers, WE ARE ALREADY ONE. BUT WE IMAGINE THAT WE ARE NOT. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be is what we are  (Supposed Quotes) At any given moment, it’s not about where we are supposed to be. It’s about what work, which relationship, what decision I take. Every moment counts. Every decision counts. And if we look at our decisions in life as such, we stop battling and start winning.  (Supposed Quotes) My mother was supportive without knowing it. Deep down she wanted all the right things, she just didn’t see the world like I did, and she’s not supposed to.  (Supposed Quotes) I love people that willfully defy what you’re supposed to be and create their own definition of their selves.  (Supposed Quotes) The kind of values for which I was supposed to kill, such as democracy and national independence, were better served, I thought, through non-violent action.  (Supposed Quotes) We are here today because of grass-roots conservatives all over the place. That’s the way the democratic process is supposed to work. It’s not supposed to be a bunch of guys in a smoky room in Austin picking the next Senator.  (Supposed Quotes) You’re not supposed to speak ill of the dead, but Earl Blackwell finally died, and I was on his blacklist every year for being the worst dressed person.  (Supposed Quotes) I especially worry about the ways Canadians can be glib about our supposed difference from the US in our acceptance of diversity.  (Supposed Quotes) From a constitutional standpoint, the religion of a candidate is supposed to make no difference. Even before the founding fathers dreamed up the First Amendment, they inserted a provision in the Constitution expressly prohibiting any religious test for office.  (Supposed Quotes) All artists are anarchists in some way - some more extreme than others, but it’s something that I think artists are supposed to do. We’re supposed to present a different angle on everything, and I certainly think it is [art] as much as poetry, in my opinion.  (Supposed Quotes) As an actor, you’re supposed to be able to form yourself into different characters and different roles. It’s a transformation, and it is awesome.  (Supposed Quotes) I just know that I’m a fan of all different kinds of genres. You’re supposed to be free doing music, and that’s how I feel.  (Supposed Quotes)
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