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Language is so different from life. How am I supposed to fit the one into the other? How can I bring them together?  (Supposed Quotes) Abstraction and representation are supposed to be going down two very different paths, one sociological and the other aesthetic.  (Supposed Quotes) If you are you, 24 hours a day, then you do not have to remember who you are supposed to be in different situations - something that I imagine could be troublesome.  (Supposed Quotes) There are people who view their feminism in different ways. I used to beat myself up if I didn’t react to things like I was supposed to.  (Supposed Quotes) Vice presidents are supposed to be eternally loyal, which is why it is so difficult for some to figure out how to succeed their bosses.  (Supposed Quotes) The fidelity question is difficult for me. Society has made us believe we’re supposed to be monogamous when we’re not killer whales, or whatever the monogamous species is.  (Supposed Quotes) In high school, I had a really difficult time just loving myself. It’s weird; I feel like in the world we live in today, you’re not supposed to be like, ‘I’m beautiful,’ like that’s a conceited thing to say.  (Supposed Quotes) In difficult times, we’re not supposed to quit believing; we’re not supposed to quit growing.  (Supposed Quotes) When digital culture first came along, it was supposed to create more time, by allowing us to shift time around. Somehow instead we’ve strapped devices to ourselves that ping us all the time.  (Supposed Quotes) We’re supposed to take our problems to a family adviser. Personally, I’ve never met a family adviser. They’re all off somewhere listening to dirty stories.  (Supposed Quotes) Well, in the past, the size of government was one of the more fundamental dividing lines between Right and Left. The Right was supposed to represent the small government philosophy - limited spending, low taxes. Obviously, things have shifted.  (Supposed Quotes) If democracy is control by the people, as it is supposed to be, it is the right form of government. I believe in a complete democracy - individual, political, social, economic. If we really had that, which we don’t now, it would be in harmony with divine purpose.  (Supposed Quotes) It doesn´t come later. Everything you´re supposed to do is here right now.  (Supposed Quotes) It doesn’t matter what people say or what the rules say or what you’re supposed to do, you go after what’s in your heart.  (Supposed Quotes) I’ve never been good with structure - doing assignments for the sake of them or doing things I’m supposed to do.  (Supposed Quotes) Lack of true progress may not be a result of not doing what one is supposed to, but lack of focused effort trying not to do too much.  (Supposed Quotes) I’m most in my element on tour, with a gig that day, like today. I’m on the road where I am supposed to be. I will be where I’m supposed to be at nighttime, on stage, in front of people, doing my thing.  (Supposed Quotes) You are supposed to be ON. By ON I mean doing your very best work always. Operating at a level where you are dangerously good and exceptionally creative.  (Supposed Quotes) The ‘Friday sessions’ refer to something that you’re not paid for and not supposed to do during your professional life. Curiosity-driven research. Something random, simple, maybe a bit weird - even ridiculous. Without it, there are no discoveries.  (Supposed Quotes) I don’t know and I don’t care anymore. I was supposed to have my way for once, just once in my life. I did everything right and I got nothing for it. I want to kill them all. no, better yet, I want to die. No, even bettter than that: I want to kill them all then die.  (Supposed Quotes) What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.  (Supposed Quotes) I don’t believe in regrets. I don’t think regrets actually exist. I think regrets are things people make up in their heads. So, I don’t regret anything. Everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to.  (Supposed Quotes) I have a general sense of mission, and I intuitively know when something is influencing that mission. I think this is what I’m supposed to be doing. Doors keep opening. In the end, it’s the best use of my skills. I’ve finally consented to the idea that I’m an artist.  (Supposed Quotes) Families always have these unspoken dramas, and at holidays, everyone is supposed to sit down and pretend that none of that is going on.  (Supposed Quotes) My earliest drawing is a supposed Carracci. It wasn’t very expensive, I guess, because they don’t know if it’s a real Carracci. But it has all these seals on it of people who’ve owned it, and one of the great portrait painters of England, Reynolds, had owned it, so that’s the earliest.  (Supposed Quotes) Long walks on the beach are the supposed holy grail of a romantic evening. The beach becomes a kind of utopia - the place where all our dreams come true.  (Supposed Quotes) You’re supposed to be using your gifts and fulfilling your dreams, at every age  (Supposed Quotes) When a 300-pound person like me is playing, I’m supposed to drink at least a gallon of water a day.  (Supposed Quotes) He’s an angel. Isn’t he supposed to love everyone, even the damned? Especially when said damned are his drinking buddies.  (Supposed Quotes) Parents are supposed to give the child back to herself with love. If they’ve got duct tape over their eyes because of narcissism, it doesn’t happen.  (Supposed Quotes)
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