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Routine is supposed to be the great deadener of souls; how much worse is the half-completed task, the broken round, the unfulfilled routine?  (Supposed Quotes) I’m supposed to be all re-injected with yes-we-can fever after the big health care speech, and it was a great speech - when Black Elvis gets jiggy with his teleprompter, there is none better. But here’s the thing: Muhammad Ali also had a way with words, but it helped enormously that he could also punch guys in the face.  (Supposed Quotes) I was not a great student at the University of Chicago. I think that is - the record will bare me out. But I spent a lot of time reading history, sociology, psychology - reading everything except what I was supposed to read for class the next day.  (Supposed Quotes) I confidently affirm that the greater part of those who are supposed to have died of gout, have died of the medicine rather than the disease - a statement in which I am supported by observation.  (Supposed Quotes) Atticus Finch. That’s who I want to be when I grow up. He’s the greatest guy ever - a good dad, a good lawyer, doing the right thing. And he knows he’s not supposed to win, but he’s doing it anyway.  (Supposed Quotes) Boyz-n-the-Hood’ was actually supposed to be written for Eazy’s group. He had a group out in New York called Home Boys Only, called HBO. One of them looked like LL Cool J. Eazy wanted to write a song for them, a street song, like what we were doing on the mix tapes. So when I wrote it, it was too West Coast for them.  (Supposed Quotes) My kids think you are always supposed to be in a small group and lead one  (Supposed Quotes) I feel like everything you learn as an actor growing up is wrong. You’re supposed to hit your mark, find your light and know your lines. Those are all things that just make things wooden, dull and boring.  (Supposed Quotes) One pleasure attached to growing older is that many things seem to be growing younger; growing fresher and more lively than we once supposed them to be.  (Supposed Quotes) What we’re supposed to do as actors is be able to portray real human beings and emotions. And if you grow up in this bubble of showbiz and you only know people who make movies, you don’t really have an understanding of the world outside.  (Supposed Quotes) When you grow up in the church, the only translation in that insular world that people understand is preaching. You’re supposed to be a minister. So I was going down that path, and then I saw the Tonys.  (Supposed Quotes) Tiger Woods was a month away from 34 years of age when his debutantes began turning up in the news. He was a grown man with a wife and two children. Well, we supposed he had a wife, but that was before we learned she was only an ornament.  (Supposed Quotes) I do hope that for the young women watching the show they know it is heightened reality and just grown ups playing teenagers. That’s not how it is supposed to go. Just keep it to yourself.  (Supposed Quotes) What Republicans need to do is to go back to their roots - starting with Lincoln - and remind the nation that they are the party of national growth, racial equality and unity of purpose. These Lincolnian themes will serve Republicans - and the nation - much better than becoming the party on the lookout for the supposed rat head of higher taxes.  (Supposed Quotes) I always wished my dad was there to intimidate my boyfriends or something. It’s supposed to be your dad giving your guys friends the stink-eye for sneaking beer through your house, not your mom.  (Supposed Quotes) Sage, aren’t you guys supposed to have uniforms? This looks like what you usually wear.  (Supposed Quotes) I had always known that I was Jewish - we celebrated the holidays, we went to a synagogue - but I had never known that I was supposed to feel ashamed about it.  (Supposed Quotes) I think half of our life is written out for us and things happen the way their supposed to happen  (Supposed Quotes) We’re not completely happy here because we’re not supposed to be! Earth is not our final home; we were created for something much better.  (Supposed Quotes) Movie stars are supposed to be healthy. They’re kept happy and nutritionally together.  (Supposed Quotes) Marriage isn’t supposed to make you happy - it’s supposed to make you married  (Supposed Quotes) It’s hard out here for a fantasy writer, after all; there’s all these ‘rules’ I’m supposed to follow, or the Fantasy Police might come and make me do hard labor in the Cold Iron Mines.  (Supposed Quotes) I work very hard at relationships. I’ve done the thing of being home. I worked all day and came home and did all the stuff at home that a woman is supposed to do, the cooking and the entertaining. I’m a perfectionist, and, besides, I loved all those things.  (Supposed Quotes) Life is not supposed to be easy. Stop working so hard to make it that way. Go ahead and handle it!  (Supposed Quotes) If what happens in Las Vegas is supposed to stay in Las Vegas, how did Harry Reid get out?  (Supposed Quotes) I don’t think I’m supposed to boss other people around just because I’m a so-called celebrity or star. I hate that when people act that way. No one deserves it. I’ve seen it happen. I don’t call those people out - they know who they are. Some enjoy that reputation.  (Supposed Quotes) My sisters, we didn’t like each other as kids. We were scared of each other, I think, but we’ve grown to love each other. It was fun to write about these sisters who were supposed to hate each other but really don’t.  (Supposed Quotes) We all hate on ourselves way too much, and there are so many people who think they have to look like those women on TV. That’s so unreasonable. Everybody is supposed to be a different size. And if I can just be confident in myself, then I’ll look better. It’s quantum physics!  (Supposed Quotes) A woman is supposed to have curves like an old Bentley, not like some old bike  (Supposed Quotes) All my friends had grandparents who had accents. I thought all grandparents were supposed to have accents. My friends were all second-generation, as I was.  (Supposed Quotes)
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