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People would be surprised to know that I’ve gone to regular school my whole life, and I don’t have one friend who is an actor!  (Surprised Quotes) On the last drafts, I focus on the words themselves, including the rub of vowels and consonants, stressed and unstressed syllables. Yet even at this stage I’m often surprised. A different ending or a new character shows up and I’m back to where I began, letting the story happen, just trying to stay out of the way  (Surprised Quotes) When I first started, I was kind of surprised that anyone would ever hire me at all. So I took everything that I was offered  (Surprised Quotes) I’m also interested in pets with alopecia. And design. I’m surprised I haven’t gone through with a homeware brand. The bedding, the comforters, the candles, the this and that. I would like to design everything  (Surprised Quotes) I feel like people want to be surprised when they get out of the movies. They want something thrown at them they didn’t expect. They want stuff that reminds them of the feelings that you get when you’re watching art house movies but with the fun of like a big summer movie. That’s the goal, I guess  (Surprised Quotes) I learned that if I could read, I could cook. I surprised myself I like it  (Surprised Quotes) Often times, I’m surprised by what I’m writing or what I’m playing, and then that inspires me to keep going with it, so it ends up being a very adventurous process  (Surprised Quotes) To try and fit reincarnation into a neat mental package is very unwise. You will be very surprised when you discover that it doesn’t work out that way. Your illusions will be painful for you  (Surprised Quotes) The essence of analysis is surprise. When people are themselves surprised by what they say, that’s when they are really making some progress  (Surprised Quotes) I am the first to be surprised and often terrified by the images that I see appear on my canvas  (Surprised Quotes) Those who are not conversant in works of art are often surprised at the high value set by connoisseurs on drawings which appear careless, and in every respect unfinished; but they are truly valuable... they give the idea of a whole  (Surprised Quotes) Write down each day what surprised you and how you surprised others. When something strikes a spark of interest, follow it  (Surprised Quotes) People may be surprised at how hard and difficult filmmaking can be, having the creativity and the technical aspects together is very hard to do  (Surprised Quotes) We make tools for people. Tools to create, tools to communicate. The age we’re living in, these tools surprise you.... That’s why I love what we do. Because we make these tools, and we’re constantly surprised with what people do with them  (Surprised Quotes) I’m extremely surprised to learn that a story, which has become familiar to children through the medium of comic strips and many succeeding novels and adventure stories, should have had such an immediate and profound effect upon radio listeners  (Surprised Quotes) However desperate the situation and circumstances, don’t despair. When there is everything to fear, be unafraid. When surrounded by dangers, fear none of them. When without resources, depend on resourcefulness. When surprised, take the enemy by surprise  (Surprised Quotes) I always like being surprised and sort of caught off guard by other people’s work. So it doesn’t cause me any anxiety to explore different avenues  (Surprised Quotes) I am not surprised that there are gambling houses, like so many snares laid for human avarice; like abysses where many a man’s money is engulfed and swallowed up without any hope of return; like frightful rocks against which the gamblers are thrown and perish  (Surprised Quotes) It’s always surprised me that the most successful and really amazing shows are also the happiest environments, and very welcoming  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised that each expert cared for different images, and had varied suggestions for how to continue my work. If each expert had been my teacher, I would have pursued four different directions, and lost my way  (Surprised Quotes) I’m actually surprised how technical a lot of commercial wine production is. Things are done very much from an industrial chemistry point of view at certain price points, but that’s not the impression you get with wine  (Surprised Quotes) On one tour, I was collecting stories about pet monkeys. You’d be surprised how many people have stories about monkeys. The problem is, most monkey stories end tragically  (Surprised Quotes) I love comedy. I’m not known for comedy, but I love it. I’ve done a lot of it, in my lifetime. But most people are surprised to hear that I made a funny movie  (Surprised Quotes) I want to be surprised and entertained by a movie, so that’s what we’re trying to do for the audience. Obviously, we also have to sell the film  (Surprised Quotes) Usually my favorite joke is whichever joke I most recently came up with that surprised me the first time I thought of it  (Surprised Quotes) I always expect the worst from this evil and wicked world and am often pleasantly surprised when the worst does not come to pass, but never or rarely surprised or upset when it does  (Surprised Quotes) If you start a painting and you don’t like where it’s going, don’t give up on it. Just keep going and follow through. You might be surprised how it ends up  (Surprised Quotes) Borrowing has a bad name, but you would be surprised how it helps in a pinch  (Surprised Quotes) Somebody out there is going to do something that’s far more surprising than anything that I would do. I was surprised by the whole web thing in the first place  (Surprised Quotes) I’ve had people explain to me what one of my poems meant, and I’ve been surprised that it means that to them. If a person can use a poem of mine to interpret her life or his life, good. I can’t control that. Nor would I want to  (Surprised Quotes)
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