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I was definitely surprised when Talk Radio took off as a play. As a film it has become somewhere between a popular thing and a cult thing  (Surprised Quotes) There is some mysterious thing that goes on whereby, in the process of playing Shakespeare continuously, actors are surprised by the way the language actually acts on them  (Surprised Quotes) I like to be surprised. Fresh implications and plot twists erupt as a story unfolds. Characters develop backgrounds, adding depth and feeling. Writing feels like exploring  (Surprised Quotes) Always try to do something for the other fellow and you will be agreeably surprised how things come your way - how many pleasing things are done for you  (Surprised Quotes) For instance, I was a little surprised that the Shiites didn’t rise up against Saddam and the Baath party across most of the country when the Americans moved in March and April of 2003  (Surprised Quotes) If you’re waging war against parts of yourself you dislike, don’t be surprised when they fight back  (Surprised Quotes) I’m never quite sure how the poem is going to resolve itself and that I’m always in some way surprised. I make a discovery in a poem as I write it  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised when I started getting old. I always thought it was one of those things that would happen to someone else  (Surprised Quotes) I’m no stranger to a bit of sexist backlash, but I was surprised by the level of vicious and misogynist hate I received  (Surprised Quotes) If you make the state responsible for everything, you shouldn’t be surprised when you end up with a state that bears some resemblance to a dictatorship  (Surprised Quotes) I was really surprised when I started working and realized that you’re actually on your own, a lot of the time. It makes you really responsible, as an actor  (Surprised Quotes) Those who express random thoughts to legislative committees are often surprised and appalled to find themselves the instigators of law  (Surprised Quotes) You couldn’t even prove the White House staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt. When I was born I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half. I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican  (Surprised Quotes) I have certain beliefs about how people should treat employees and how companies should be run, but I was really surprised though this process to learn that those beliefs are actually good business  (Surprised Quotes) I was an actor in college and it was much easier than being a waiter. I thought it was fun to get paid. People were not exactly surprised to see me going in the field  (Surprised Quotes) Don’t be surprised if in the 21st century lectures on meditation appear in university catalogues for physics  (Surprised Quotes) Sometimes I am still surprised that I’m a model and that people think I’m good-looking  (Surprised Quotes) I like to be surprised by life; it’s a good thing to search for the puzzle pieces  (Surprised Quotes) I’m not a full model like those other girls. Mostly I was surprised that I could hang  (Surprised Quotes) Pope is questioning my faith. I was very surprised to see it. But I am a Christian, and I’m proud of it  (Surprised Quotes) I’m surprised when people who don’t usually smoke weed are into edibles. I can’t believe that  (Surprised Quotes) I think audiences deserve the benefit of the doubt. I prefer to be surprised by them rather then just assume they’ll react negatively to any new idea  (Surprised Quotes) I make my own surprises and I’m always surprised to see what I do, to see it when it’s finished and the biggest challenge is once I finish it, it’s not a failure. It’s not a flop  (Surprised Quotes) I’m shocked and surprised by people that are shocked and surprised that certain things in life are made up or not as true as you might believe them to be  (Surprised Quotes) Sometimes we were really surprised. There were major artists that would come by because they wanted to  (Surprised Quotes) What really surprised me was that more than half of all deaths by gunshot are suicides, more than 20,000 a year, about 58 a day  (Surprised Quotes) I thought they would never select an Eastern writer for the Nobel. I was surprised  (Surprised Quotes) Too many baby showers, not enough weddings. I’m actually surprised when I hear someone I know is getting married, its so rare  (Surprised Quotes) You would be surprised how much a little miscommunication can screw things up  (Surprised Quotes) You’ll be surprised how many artists forget to thank their fans when they win an award  (Surprised Quotes)
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