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If you leave someone for another person, don’t be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else  (Surprised Quotes) Don’t be surprised that when you finally realized that you care, you look behind. And I’m not there  (Surprised Quotes) People are surprised to find out that an awful lot of people think that they’re idiots  (Surprised Quotes) You’d be surprised at how many valuable people have settled for mediocrity because they were afraid of being alone  (Surprised Quotes) Start viewing the possible as probable. You’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish  (Surprised Quotes) People who leave their own time out of their work cannot be surprised if their time fails to find them interesting  (Surprised Quotes) There are many lessons to learn from mistakes. You’d be surprised by how many things your past taught you  (Surprised Quotes) Don’t isolate yourself, get out there and explore you will be surprised with what you find  (Surprised Quotes) If the novelist isn’t surprised by where his book ends up, he or she probably hasn’t written anything worth remembering  (Surprised Quotes) If you ask the fish whether they’d rather have an oil spill or a season of fishing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d vote for another blowout  (Surprised Quotes) Don’t expect things to happen. It’s better to feel surprised, than be disappointing  (Surprised Quotes) Well, I bought a ticket to the circus. I don’t know why I was surprised to see elephants  (Surprised Quotes) Former Enron founder Ken Lay and CEO Jeffrey Skilling found guilty in the Enron case. Ken Lay is so guilty I’m surprised people aren’t calling him Congressman Ken Lay. Wait ‘till these guys find out in prison that insider trading has a whole new meaning  (Surprised Quotes) I am just a normal human being - I am alive! Why is anyone surprised that I am human? Like many New Yorkers, I have a multifaceted life  (Surprised Quotes) I was totally surprised by the spread of the legalization of same-sex marriage. In just my lifetime we have gone from a taboo to even talk about homosexuality, to the sanction by governments of homosexual marriage. Few such large social considerations have ever before been turned over in such a short time  (Surprised Quotes) I was really surprised when I was told that my grandmother did not come to see me till a month after my birth. I was born seven years after my only sister Chandranshu, and my birth was a big disappointment for her  (Surprised Quotes) I find ‘Fatal Attraction’ really romantic. I really like the seduction. Almost every time I see it, I’m surprised when it goes dark. I know that’s the claim to fame, but I key into how genuinely romantic it is  (Surprised Quotes) India is a place where one of the great pleasures for a foreigner is that you’re constantly surprised. Everywhere you look is something that is either funny, or very moving, but there is always so much that is so unexpected. That’s part of the reason why people who like it tend to love it  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised when the ultrasound revealed that I was having a girl. I was convinced I was having a boy. And I was completely confounded by the fact that I wasn’t in control of the situation; that I was being introduced to a different individual coming into my life  (Surprised Quotes) On October 19, 1949, I got a telephone call from the Philadelphia (A’s) front office informing me I had been traded to the White Sox for Joe Tipton. I was surprised and hurt  (Surprised Quotes) When I published my first novel, Slammed, I included lyrics at the beginning of each chapter from one of my favorite bands, The Avett Brothers. The overwhelmingly positive response from readers to those lyrics really surprised me  (Surprised Quotes) At 78 years old, I am not surprised at much anymore. Germany has taken divergent positions before, so has France, so has England, so has the US  (Surprised Quotes) Sonic Youth, for better or worse, is/was a machine that carried me along through pregnancy, motherhood, and creative opportunities I never would have achieved on my own. I’m grateful and surprised that we were listened to, loved, ignored, and overrated  (Surprised Quotes) I think we have reached a level in society - with Helen Mirren playing The Queen - when we’re not surprised any more. We don’t mention names. Yes, it’s obvious by inference. But we don’t mention names and the film is not up to point fingers at Royalty  (Surprised Quotes) In studies asking why young people left their family religion, their most frequent response was unanswered doubts and questions. The researchers were surprised: They expected to hear stories of broken relationships and wounded feelings. But the top reason given by young adults was that they did not get answers to their questions  (Surprised Quotes) I’m frequently surprised, sometimes bugged off, and sometimes happy, depending on the actor. It’s a fact of life that just as often as not an actor can breathe life into a line as he can destroy it by misinterpretation, and I’ve been blessed frequently by having good actors  (Surprised Quotes) To fill a world with religion, or religions of the Abrahamic kind, is like littering the streets with loaded guns. Do not be surprised if they are used  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised I was nominated for an Oscar because ‘Cocoon’ was such an ensemble picture. But now I’m certain it wasn’t only for ‘Cocoon.’ It was a lifetime award, so I accepted it in that vein, and it probably meant more from a recognition standpoint  (Surprised Quotes) Create a dream and give it everything you have, you could be surprised just how much you are capable of achieving  (Surprised Quotes) For sure, I’m an acquired taste. People who’ve had that acquisition, who’ve acquired it, are quite surprised when they see me  (Surprised Quotes)
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