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People who plan their life when they’re 18 years old and say, This is my life plan, would generally be surprised and maybe disappointed.  (Surprised Quotes) We should not be surprised that democracy is imperfect even in Western countries  (Surprised Quotes) When you first are in front of the camera as a young person, you’d be surprised at all the insecurities you can get.  (Surprised Quotes) Parents should conduct their arguments in quiet, respectful tones, but in a foreign language. You’d be surprised what an inducement that is to the education of children.  (Surprised Quotes) The wise man is he who is not surprised when he finds stale tea in a beautiful teapot!  (Surprised Quotes) I’ve been surprised to learn how many people love poetry. It’s beautiful to see that people want poetry in their lives.  (Surprised Quotes) The thing that surprised me the most is just how much money women that weren’t rich were paying for their hair. When you’re in a beauty parlor in Harlem next to abandoned buildings and somebody’s paying five grand for a weave, that’s a bit much.  (Surprised Quotes) I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow was the Final Dawn, the last sunrise before the Earth and Sun are reshaped into computing elements.  (Surprised Quotes) Promise yourself success at the beginning of each day, and you’ll be surprised how often things will turn out that way.  (Surprised Quotes) When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don’t be surprised to see him/her in porn movies.  (Surprised Quotes) The matter of bringing in corrupt leaders was started by [Mwai ] Kibaki, and in truth, do not be surprised if you find that the likes of William Ruto find themselves behind bars after the elections, because he has cases pending against him.  (Surprised Quotes) I always like being surprised and sort of caught off guard by other people’s work. So it doesn’t cause me any anxiety to explore different avenues.  (Surprised Quotes) Can’t blame men for wanting him. And wouldn’t be surprised if Dad even mildly flirted back. Dad somewhat enjoyed being called gay. He said it made women want to prove the assertion wrong.  (Surprised Quotes) Some younger drivers didn’t grow up seeing racing as being dangerous. They break their little finger, and they are surprised. It’s like, ‘Be happy it’s only that.’  (Surprised Quotes) Grunge, man, that was incredible. It was dangerous. It was not verse/chorus. Songs could be short, long, a lark, majestic. You were constantly being surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) It’s funny: I like being surprised as a reader, so it’s difficult for me to spoil my own stuff.  (Surprised Quotes) Octavia Spencer rocks. But just as a human being, she’s so down-to-earth. Talk about being pleasantly surprised. You walk onto set, and she’s making these jokes, and she’s playing around with the cast and the crew, and she invited all to her house for a dinner party. She’s just a genuinely good person.  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised by how much I like being a father; surprised at what a decent father I am, because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to dump my selfishness.  (Surprised Quotes) I love going to theatres and seeing honest little indie films I know nothing about... being surprised by a beautiful film I had no expectations about but just got lost in. I’d like to do more well-written indies. I don’t know exactly what my dream role will be yet, but it’s somewhere within that realm.  (Surprised Quotes) I would never want to do something just for the sake of being independent or for the sake of doing big films. I’m always surprised by the material I’m attracted to. And that’s how I like it. I like to be surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) Refrain from being too judgmental. You’ll often be surprised by what people have to offer.  (Surprised Quotes) People are always surprised to see clues to my being a normal kind of guy. As if I’m somehow letting the team down.  (Surprised Quotes) I do like being surprised by directors and producers and being offered parts I would never have considered, including parts that aren’t necessarily obvious but which would test me.  (Surprised Quotes) I’m always taken aback by things that are successful that I think are just crap, and then I’m completely surprised when things I do end up being successful because you walk into things and you never know... It’s just really remarkable.  (Surprised Quotes) I think I am becoming incapable of being too surprised. But it just makes me sad and sick.  (Surprised Quotes) Be honest: Are you surprised that I didn’t realize sooner? Are you surprised that it took me so long to even /think/ the word -- death? Dying? Dead? Do you think I was being stupid? Naive? Try not to judge. Remember that we’re the same, you and me. I thought I would live forever too.  (Surprised Quotes) I planned on being successful ever since I was young. To me, this is nothing to be surprised about.  (Surprised Quotes) I am becoming increasingly difficult to please as a reader, but I adore being surprised by a really wonderful book, written by someone I’ve never heard of before.  (Surprised Quotes) I’m always imposing my taste in books on others. I hope that people enjoy being surprised by a book they might not otherwise read - I enjoy the surprise myself when others do this to me.  (Surprised Quotes) I’m constantly being surprised and finding unplanned things - because the writing is a process of experiencing things on the ground with the characters.  (Surprised Quotes)
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