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My laundry list of wants in a partner is basically kindness. I want someone who is kind, and that’s kind of where it begins and ends. I’m open to being surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) I should be an affected women, if I made any pretence of being surprised by my son’s inspiring such emotions; but I can’t be indifferent to anyone who is so sensible on his merits  (Surprised Quotes) I continue to be surprised by judgmental native stereotypes and apathy, but if I wasn’t that would mean I’d become accustomed and tolerant. I don’t want to stop being surprised. I just want them to stop.  (Surprised Quotes) I can’t recall a story that played out exactly as I’d expected it to. That’s one of the thrills of journalism - being surprised, and learning new stuff, but it also poses the biggest challenge to a writer’s character.  (Surprised Quotes) Our lives are so visual now, with social media and we’re constantly shifting gears. Nobody requires a table of contents. Nobody requires that one page leads to the next page, we’re okay being surprised by things that are eclectic.  (Surprised Quotes) Getting angry over something that won’t change is like seeing what happens if you hit your hand with a hammer over and over again, and being surprised each time when it hurts. So you might as well stop doing it.  (Surprised Quotes) I remember seeing this image of these women wearing these bright clothes and patterns, and it struck me. I remember taking note and going, like, What is that? Who is that? and finding out it was Gucci and being surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) However softly we speak, God is so close to us that he can hear us; nor do we need wings to go in search of him, but merely to seek solitude and contemplate him within ourselves, without being surprised to find such a good Guest there.  (Surprised Quotes) If you’re used to being a maverick, then people don’t get surprised when you start acting strangely.  (Surprised Quotes) That’s what’s so wonderful about being in this business because you’re constantly surprised. You have to be up for anything.  (Surprised Quotes) Being constantly surprised about what nature can create, that inspires me beyond belief  (Surprised Quotes) I’m not really good at being predictive, so I guess I’m willing to be surprised  (Surprised Quotes) There seem to be a lot of black artists making very good videos that I’m surprised aren’t being used on MTV.  (Surprised Quotes) The fact that people are embracing me so well as a new artist and being taken so seriously is something I’m really surprised by.  (Surprised Quotes) Pop music can absorb so many peculiar talents, ranging from the completely nonmusical poseur who just uses music as a kind of springboard for a sense of style, to people who just love putting all that complicated stuff together, brick by brick, on their computers, to people like me who like playing conceptual games and being surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) I think audiences deserve the benefit of the doubt. I prefer to be surprised by them rather then just assume they’ll react negatively to any new idea.  (Surprised Quotes) Yeah, we try to get the best musicians possible, and Justin [Robinson] is a great musician, man, a great player. You must have been surprised to see him out there, then.  (Surprised Quotes) Even in the best times, managing science has been compared to herding cats; it is not done well, but one is surprised to find it done at all.  (Surprised Quotes) When you feel an audience engaged and surprised and enthusiastic, reacting to what you’ve planned, that is the reward. It’s better than the Emmys.  (Surprised Quotes) You’ll be surprised how much better you feel about the world when you feel better about your self.  (Surprised Quotes) We wouldn’t be alive without love we wouldn’t have survived without running maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that getting better at one could make you better at the other.  (Surprised Quotes) You couldn’t even prove the White House staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt. When I was born I was so surprised I didn’t talk for a year and a half. I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.  (Surprised Quotes) My face seems too square and my eyes too big, like I’m perpetually surprised, but there’s nothing wrong with me that I can fix.  (Surprised Quotes) You’d be surprised how many stupid mistakes I’ve made. I make stupid mistakes all the time, and some of them have been very big stupid mistakes.  (Surprised Quotes) The world used to think we are a land of snake charmers and black magic. But our youth has surprised the world with its IT skills. I dream of a digital India.  (Surprised Quotes) I mean, I’m pretty good in real life, but sometimes people seem surprised that I’m like a normal teenager and wear black nail polish and I’m just a little bit more edgy than the person I play on television.  (Surprised Quotes) I had great admiration for the election of President Obama. I believe that the U.S. at that moment showed tremendous capacity to show that it is a great nation, and it surprised the world. It may be very difficult to be able to elect a black president in the U.S. - as it was very difficult to elect a woman president in Brazil.  (Surprised Quotes) I blend in the backgroud. when I arive for lunch my friends are surprised I’m not already there.  (Surprised Quotes) Japanese people accept that art and commerce will be blended; and, in fact, they are surprised by the rigid and pretentious Western hierarchy of ‘high art.’  (Surprised Quotes) I sleep till one, and I’m always surprised when someone in blue rinse on a talk show says, ‘You’re a genius, Mr. Newley, you do so many things.’ Tony Newley never realized his potential, did the things he should have done.  (Surprised Quotes)
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