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When I read a book, I like to be surprised. I don’t want to read the same genre formula that I’ve read a hundred times before.  (Surprised Quotes) I would not be surprised to see interesting new forms of expression and literary genres develop as the e-book movement matures.  (Surprised Quotes) I was surprised recently to find a book called Poetry in Persons that’s coming out about visit to poets to a class that Pearl London gave.  (Surprised Quotes) It seems to me it would do us all good to act from our heart more often. We’ll be surprised how small acts of attention and kindness can release the energy, enthusiasm, and imagination bottled up in our overstressed minds and bodies.  (Surprised Quotes) So, it didn’t do well. But now when I talk to kids who are first seeing it, they’re surprised to hear the movie failed at the box office. Sometimes that’s what happens.  (Surprised Quotes) I’m also interested in pets with alopecia. And design. I’m surprised I haven’t gone through with a homeware brand. The bedding, the comforters, the candles, the this and that. I would like to design everything.  (Surprised Quotes) One of the things that I find so exciting about life is that you’re constantly surprised. You never know what’s going to happen, and it’s certainly like that making movies; every once in a while, one will come along that transcends all of your expectations.  (Surprised Quotes) Don’t burn bridges. You’ll be surprised how many times you have to cross the same river.  (Surprised Quotes) I think people will be surprised at how fast they go next year. I do think world records will get broken next year.  (Surprised Quotes) Staring into the mirror, I was surprised to see a haunted look in my brown eyes. There was pain there, pain and loss that even the nicest dress and makeup couldn’t hide.  (Surprised Quotes) Hide things everywhere. Forget about them. Find them randomly and feel surprised like a pirate finding buried treasure. Avoid scurvy. Love more.  (Surprised Quotes) I don’t really read ‘business books,’ and I didn’t think ‘The Paradox of Choice’ was a business book. I’m very surprised and gratified that the business world thought it was one.  (Surprised Quotes) Always do business as if the person you’re doing business with is trying to screw you, because he probably is. And if he’s not, you can be pleasantly surprised.  (Surprised Quotes) I have no one to blame for the construction for myself, of course, but I’m always surprised and slightly sulky when I realize people are buying the whole thing.  (Surprised Quotes) I’m surprised when people who don’t usually smoke weed are into edibles. I can’t believe that.  (Surprised Quotes) Obviously, it wasn’t meant for me to die of cancer at 40. Every day my life surprises me, just like my cancer diagnosis surprised me. But you roll with it. That’s our job as humans.  (Surprised Quotes) The primary duty of an exception handler is to get the error out of the lap of the programmer and into the surprised face of the user. Provided you keep this cardinal rule in mind, you can’t go far wrong.  (Surprised Quotes) When people meet me in person, they’re usually surprised at how petite I am because there’s just [an] idea that because I’m black I just look a certain way. ...  (Surprised Quotes) We’re not to be surprised at all what we see happening in every part of the world. It’s a change of the return of things.  (Surprised Quotes) I went in for a checkup, and when my doctor had me stand on the scale, even he was surprised. Seeing that number (which I’ll take to the grave) was a turning point. I knew I needed to make a change. I cut out white flour and starches and worked with my doctor and a nutritionist to develop a plan.  (Surprised Quotes) When I had cancer, people were surprised at how cheerful and upbeat I was, but I couldn’t let myself go to depression - to go there, that defeat would allow everything in. If you look too far into the abyss, you might never come out again. You can stand on the abyss and peep but not give in to sadness.  (Surprised Quotes) What surprised me about the Oscars was how familiar it was - because you’re in the room with all these people that have inspired you from your childhood to adulthood in the film industry. It feels like you’ve known them all of your life.  (Surprised Quotes) You may be surprised to know that growing up, I wanted to be a writer of children’s books  (Surprised Quotes) There’s a very secret plan. And it’s a plan that nobody’s going to tell you, ‘Well, we want to diminish Christian philosophy in the U.S.A. because we want X, Y, and Z.’ They’ll never ever say that. But I’m kind of surprised they went after Christmas because it’s such an emotional issue.  (Surprised Quotes) I love living in the country, so much so that I’m even surprised by it. I have met lots of interesting people - the community was really welcoming, and I now probably have a more interesting social life than I did in the city.  (Surprised Quotes) I’ve been surprised by Austin. I had a cowboy image of the place. It’s a pretty sophisticated city - in some ways, more sophisticated than Boston. And there’s a lighter feel to the place. It’s very good for my spirits.  (Surprised Quotes) No one should be surprised that in the balance between national security and civil liberties, President [Donald] Trump, like candidate Trump wants to be more aggressive.  (Surprised Quotes) No one was more surprised than me when my paintings started selling, except maybe my dealer  (Surprised Quotes) To be an actor you have to have a certain amount of madness in you. That’s why, when people meet you and you seem very together, they are quite surprised - they don’t see you behind closed doors.  (Surprised Quotes) Friends and relatives might be surprised that I think of myself as lonely. I’m married to a man I not only love but like, and we spend a lot of time together. If I feel like socializing, I can usually find someone to meet for coffee or a drink.  (Surprised Quotes)
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