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There is, however, a moral basis for the vegetarian diet for which the indeterminate value of an animal’s life takes on irrelevance. And that moral basis is a concern for the environment, a value as absolute as the value we all place on human life, since humanity will not survive for long on a poisoned planet. To be an environmentalist who happens to eat meat is like being a philanthropist who doesn’t happen to give to charity  (Survive Quotes) It’s possible to take that as a personal metaphor and then multiply it to a people, a race, a sex, a time. If we can keep this thing going long enough, if we can survive and teach what we know, we’ll make it  (Survive Quotes) That, in essence, is the catastrophe of suicide for those who survive: not only the loss of someone, but the loss of the chance to persuade that person to act differently, the loss of the chance to connect  (Survive Quotes) It’s not human nature to be great. It’s human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it’s the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished  (Survive Quotes) We must treat ideas somewhat as though they were baby fish. Throw thousands out into the waters. Only a handful will survive but that is plenty  (Survive Quotes) I am presenting here today both revolution and anarchy, for which I am fortunately not the only one responsible. However, anarchy cannot survive and prosper except in an ordered society, and revolution becomes sooner or later the new order. Viruses have not failed to follow the general law. They are strict parasites which, born of disorder, have created a very remarkable new order to ensure their own perpetuation  (Survive Quotes) No institution will go through fundamental change unless it believes it is in deep trouble and needs to do something different to survive  (Survive Quotes) Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Grateful to survive. I’s frustrating. Mentally hard. Hard work. I’m trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I’ve lost... I will get stronger. I will return  (Survive Quotes) Yes I pay taxes... There are no ethics in the face of coercion, that is blaming the victim. Focus on the man with the gun, not the man in the crosshairs trying to survive  (Survive Quotes) Gesture will survive whatever kind of light you have. Gesture can triumph over anything because of its narrative content  (Survive Quotes) When you are a beginning film maker you are desperate to survive. The most important thing in the end is survival and being able to get to your next picture  (Survive Quotes) Commodity exchanges have a lot of advantages. One, you are helping transparency. Two, they are not political. It’s institutional building. It can survive any environment, in theory  (Survive Quotes) We are animals, born from the land with the other species. Since we’ve been living in cities, we’ve become more and more stupid, not smarter. What made us survive all these hundreds of thousands of years is our spirituality; the link to our land  (Survive Quotes) Fairy tales are about money, marriage, and men. They are the maps and manuals that are passed down from mothers and grandmothers to help them survive  (Survive Quotes) We buy things. We wear them or put them on our walls, or sit on them, but anyone who wants to can take them away from us. Or break them.... Long after he’s dead, someone else will own those stupid little boxes, and then someone after him, just as someone owned them before he did. But no one ever thinks of that: objects survive us and go on living. It’s stupid to believe we own them. And it’s sinful for them to be so important  (Survive Quotes) The conventional wisdom in our business is that you have to grow and keep moving to survive. We never grew, always stayed tiny, and it serves us very well over the years, allowing us to pick and choose projects, and keeping our financial independence from our clients. We actually have a rather good track record, because we do select projects carefully. Most of our ideas don’t eat dust but glimpse the light of day because we find it much more helpful to spend some serious time and effort before we start working on a project, rather than suffer through it afterwards  (Survive Quotes) It’s survival of the fittest. You can’t have everything perfect, that’s impossible, but the fit survive. The fit can handle the impurities in the air and in the water, but the poor people who are sick, it really affects them more  (Survive Quotes) Families survive the terrible twos because toddlers aren’t strong enough to kill with their hands and aren’t capable of using lethal weapons  (Survive Quotes) From the point where our ancestors started making tools, people have been unable to survive without the things they make; in this sense, it is making things that makes us human  (Survive Quotes) I have come to the conclusion that it is attitude that determines how you handle and survive life  (Survive Quotes) Friendship is usually treated... as a tough... thing which will survive all manner of bad treatment. But this is an exceedingly great and foolish error; it may die in an hour of a single unwise word  (Survive Quotes) We would like to believe that we are not in the business of surviving but in being good, and we do not like to admit to ourselves that we are good in order to survive  (Survive Quotes) That is my story, simply told. Please do not ask again. I have told you in order to issue a warning. I have been damaged. Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive  (Survive Quotes) It’s funny how the world works, how we win and lose, how we can never really know what’s ahead though we never stop planning. How we survive and move on. There’s a sadness that comes with survival, but also more joy to be had  (Survive Quotes) We humans have the capacity to wreak horrors on each other. But we also have the capacity to survive those horrors  (Survive Quotes) Here’s the thing about broken hearts. You can always survive them. Always. No matter how deep the hurt, the capacity to heal and move on is even stronger  (Survive Quotes) I would like to live to 120, because conceptually, people can survive to 120. Every 20 years, it changes. So maybe, in the next 20 years people can go to space. I don’t know what the next revolution will be. I want to watch  (Survive Quotes) Fear is killing us, but true love can survive. If we cooperate, we can beat doubt. But first, rebuild trust. Take responsibility. Happiness is still free, though not always apparent when it’s right in front of us. So keep calm, it’s gonna get better  (Survive Quotes) Love and peace of mind do protect us. They allow us to overcome the problems that life hands us. They teach us to survive... to live now... to have the courage to confront each day  (Survive Quotes) Life is a hurricane, and we board up to save what we can and bow low to the earth to crouch in that small space above the dirt where the wind will not reach. We honor anniversaries of deaths by cleaning graves and sitting next to them before fires, sharing food with those who will not eat again. We raise children and tell them other things about who they can be and what they are worth: to us, everything. We love each other fiercely, while we live and after we die. We survive; we are savages  (Survive Quotes)
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