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If you really love someone and care about him, you can survive many difficulties  (Survive Quotes) Mankind has survived all catastrophes. It will also survive modern medicine  (Survive Quotes) Like every living thing its prime characteristic is a blind, unreasoned instinct to survive  (Survive Quotes) A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets  (Survive Quotes) But even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever  (Survive Quotes) But what really happened? The answer is simple: the lovers survive and flourish  (Survive Quotes) With three kids you are just trying to survive. You can’t be fastidious  (Survive Quotes) One of the enduring truths of the nation’s capital is that bureaucrats survive  (Survive Quotes) I think the NBA will certainly survive without Michael Jordan  (Survive Quotes) You can’t survive by sucking the juice from a wet mitten  (Survive Quotes) A relationship cannot survive the test of time without trust  (Survive Quotes) Democracy holds little appeal for people who are struggling to survive  (Survive Quotes) We had to forgive to survive the labyrinth  (Survive Quotes) The strong survive, but the courageous triumph  (Survive Quotes) People need space to survive  (Survive Quotes) I want my words to survive translation  (Survive Quotes) To survive, the people in neighborhoods are going to have to secede  (Survive Quotes) You will survive if you believe in yourself  (Survive Quotes) Life isn’t how I survive the storm, but how I dance in the rain  (Survive Quotes) The only way to survive is by taking care of one another  (Survive Quotes) You will survive in any situation with hope  (Survive Quotes) The strength within you, divine soul, can survive any situation  (Survive Quotes) Trust in God, gives us the hope to survive any situation  (Survive Quotes) You can’t be a kid in show business. You will not survive.  (Survive Quotes) Tomorrow could not get better if one failed to survive today  (Survive Quotes) The brave soldiers die. The cowards survive and write the history.  (Survive Quotes) The tragedy of every religion is that it needs a church to survive  (Survive Quotes) May you find the faith, hope and courage to survive life  (Survive Quotes) It’s a cruel reality. But after a week, very few people survive.  (Survive Quotes) Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.  (Survive Quotes)
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