Susan Jeffers Quotes

Text Quotes
A ship in harbour is safe, but it’s not fulfilling its potential (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
The knowledge that you can handle anything that comes your way is the key to allowing yourself to take risks. ... security is not having things; it’s handling things. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
What I try to control ends up controlling me (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
I never knew how high a price one pays for being taken care of (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
You can have anything in life, but you can’t have everything! (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
The truth is that love and power go together (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Remember that underlying all our fears is a lack of trust in ourselves (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Patience means knowing it will happen... and giving it time to happen (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
One step at a time is enough for me. Impatience is simply a way of beating yourself up (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
All the dangers in our world are like a blessed wake up call. They tell us to live life NOW... not tomorrow, not when the children grow up, not when we retire... but NOW (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
You are innately designed to use your personal power. When you don’t, you experience a sense of helplessness, paralysis, and depression-which is your clue that something is not working as it could. You, like all of us, deserve everything that is wonderful and exciting in life. And those feelings emerge only when you get in touch with your powerful self (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Commitment doesn’t mean that it has to last forever, but while you are there, commit yourself 100%. By doing this, the quality of your life improves 100% (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
The truth is: If you knew you could handle anything that came your way, what would you have to fear. The answer is: NOTHING! (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Everyone in your life is a ‘practise person.’ How you react to them allows you to see what you have to work on within yourself (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Whatever the method, the purpose of quieting the mind is always the same... to step out of you own way and touch a Universal Oneness with all things (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Dancing with life is moving into the flow of our experiences - good or bad - with a feeling of harmony, trust, guidance and love. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Taking responsibility means never blaming anyone else for anything you are being..... doing.... having, or feeling. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
There is not a person alive who is not capable of greatly contributing to the well - being of this planet. Just changing your attitude can affect the world around you. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
I am powerful and I am loving. I have much to give to this world. I am a person of worth. I deserve love. I am a capable person. My life has meaning. My life is unfolding perfectly. There is plenty of time. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
By reeducating the mind, you can accept fear as simply a fact of life rather than a barrier to success. (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
At the bottom of all our fears is simply the that we can’t handle what life hands us (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Patience means knowing it will happen . . . and giving it time to happen (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Take a risk a day - one small or bold stroke that will make you feel great once you have done it (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
There is an automatic assumption that negative is realistic and positive is unrealistic (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
If you haven’t made any mistakes lately, you must be doing something wrong (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Our goal is to enjoy, not to achieve perfection (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Your inner peace has nothing to do with your dramas of your life (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
We have been taught to believe that negative equals realistic and positive equals unrealistic (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Listen to the silence... it has much to say (Susan Jeffers Quotes)
Security isn’t having things, it’s handling things (Susan Jeffers Quotes)