Susan Sontag Quotes

Text Quotes
Kindness, kindness, kindness. I want to make a New Year’s prayer, not a resolution. I’m praying for courage (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Books are not only the arbitrary sum of our dreams, and our memory. They also give us the model of self-transcende nce (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Chris Marker has a brilliant mind and heart and appetite for life, and it’s a privilege to travel with him to whatever he chooses to remember and to evoke. He is one of cinema’s all time greats - the most important reflective or non-narrative filmmaker after Dziga Vertov (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Self-respect. It would make me lovable. And it’s the secret to good sex (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Persons who merely have-a-life customarily move in a dense fluid. That’s how they’re able to conduct their lives at all. Their living depends on not seeing (Susan Sontag Quotes)
But I cannot forgive those who did not care about more than their own glory or well-being. They thought they were civilized. They were despicable. Damn them all (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Everything was simple, physical, painful, exalting. The world consisted of the four elements - land and water, firepower and distancing air (Susan Sontag Quotes)
This is the beauty that emerges from self-confidence, class confidence. That says, I am not born to please. I am born to be pleased (Susan Sontag Quotes)
To camp is a mode of seduction... Behind the ‘straight’ public sense in which something can be taken, one has found a private zany experience of the thing (Susan Sontag Quotes)
And what do I mean by the word ‘perfection’? That I shall not try to explain but only say, ‘Perfection makes me laugh.’ Not cynically, I hasten to add, ‘With joy (Susan Sontag Quotes)
... one of art photography’s most vigorous enterprises--[is] concentrating on victims, on the unfortunate--but without the compassionate purpose that such a project is expected to serve (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Detachment is the prerogative of an elite; and as the dandy is the nineteenth century’s surrogate for the aristocrat in matters ofculture, so Camp is the modern dandyism. Camp is the answer to the problem: how to be a dandy in the age of mass culture (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Salter is a writer who particularly rewards those for whom reading is an intense pleasure. He is among the very few North American writers all of whose work I want to read, whose as-yet-unpublished books I wait for impatiently (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Loeb has been doing wonderfully patient work, exploring the American conscience from the inside. I regard him as something of a national treasure (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I don’t write because there’s an audience. I write because there is literature. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The appetite for thinking must be regulated, as all sensible people know, for it may stifle one’s life. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The only ideals allowed are healthy ones - those everyone may aspire to, or comfortably imagine oneself possessing. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
One of the author’s most ancient roles is to call the community to account for its hypocrisies and bad faith ... (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I don’t want to express alienation. It isn’t what I feel. I’m interested in various kinds of passionate engagement. All my work says be serious, be passionate, wake up. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I write essays first because I have a passionate relationship to the subject and second because the subject is one that people are not talking about. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
That sort of reception - where everything is assimilated to the world of celebrity - makes me dream of becoming a more recalcitrant, harder to assimilate writer. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
To make your life being a writer, it’s an auto-slavery ... you are both the slave and the task-master. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I believe that courage is morally neutral. I can well imagine wicked people being brave and good people being timid or afraid. I don’t consider it a moral virtue. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Cancer patients are lied to, not just because the disease is (or is thought to be) a death sentence, but because it is felt to be obscene - in the original meaning of that word: ill-omened, abominable, repugnant to the senses. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The past itself, as historical change continues to accelerate, has become the most surreal of subjects - making it possible... to see a new beauty in what is vanishing. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The question of the social uses of photography opens out into the very largest issues of the self, of the relationship to community, to reality. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The happening operates by creating an asymmetrical network of surprises, without climax or consummation, this is the alogism of dreams rather than the logic of most art. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I think part of the success which Structuralist or post-Structuralist thought in critical theory has had in literary studies in American universities is due to a theoretical vacuum. (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I have to come out of the closet of the third person and speak in a more direct way (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The decline of education in North America and I suppose in Western Europe makes it harder to have a common body of references. (Susan Sontag Quotes)