Susan Sontag Quotes

Text Quotes
A good book is an education of the heart. It enlarges your sense of human possibility what human nature is of what happens in the world. It’s a creator of inwardness (Susan Sontag Quotes)
If I thought that what I’m doing when I write is expressing myself, I’d junk the typewriter. Writing is a much more complicated activity that that (Susan Sontag Quotes)
As objects of contemplation, images of the atrocious can answer to several different needs. To steel oneself against weakness. To make oneself more numb. To acknowledge the existence of the incorrigible (Susan Sontag Quotes)
What I really wanted was every kind of life, and the writer’s life seemed the most inclusive (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Gide and I have attained such perfect intellectual communion that I experience the appropriate labor pains for every thought he gives birth to! (Susan Sontag Quotes)
One can know worlds one has not experienced, choose a response to life that has never been offered, create an inwardness utterly strong and fruitful (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Whoever invented marriage was an ingenious tormentor. It is an institution committed to the dulling of the feelings. The whole point of marriage is repetition. The best it aims for is the creation of strong, mutual dependencies (Susan Sontag Quotes)
My emotional life: dialectic between craving for privacy and need to submerge myself in a passionate relationship to another (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Instead of expecting all and being lowered into despair each time I get less, I expect nothing now and, occasionally, I get a little, and am more than a little happy (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Literature was the passport to enter a larger life; that is, the zone of freedom. Literature was freedom. Especially in a time in which the values of reading and inwardness are so strenuously challenged, literature is freedom (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Each of us carries a room within ourselves, waiting to be furnished and peopled, and if you listen closely, you may need to silence everything in your own room, you can hear the sounds of that other room inside your head (Susan Sontag Quotes)
If literature has engaged me as a project, first as a reader, then as a writer, it is as an extension of my sympathies to other selves, other domains, other dreams, other territories (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The fear of becoming old is born of the recognition that one is not living now the life that one wishes (Susan Sontag Quotes)
It hurts to love. It’s like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I like to feel dumb. That’s how I know there’s more in the world than me (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Reading usually precedes writing. And the impulse to write is almost always fired by reading. Reading, the love of reading, is what makes you dream of becoming a writer (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Remember when you hear yourself saying one day that you don’t have time anymore to read or listen to music or look at paintings or go to the movies or do whatever feeds your head now. Then you’re getting old. That means they got you, after all (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Any sensibility which can be crammed into the mold of a system, or handled with the rough tools of proof, is no longer sensibility at all. It has hardened into an idea (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The work of art itself is... a vibrant, magical, and exemplary object which returns us to the world in some way more open and enriched (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Why wouldn’t you write to escape yourself as much as you might write to express yourself? It’s far more interesting to write about others (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I don’t write easily or rapidly. My first draft usually has only a few elements worth keeping. I have to find what those are and build from them and throw out what doesn’t work, or what simply is not alive (Susan Sontag Quotes)
I am profoundly uncertain how to write. I know what I love and what I like, because it’s a direct passionate response. But when I write, I’m very uncertain whether it’s good enough. That is, of course, the writer’s agony (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Photographs are perhaps the most mysterious of all the objects that make up, and thicken, the environment we recognize as modern. Photographs really are experience captured, and the camera is the ideal arm of consciousness in its acquisitive mood (Susan Sontag Quotes)
It seems positively unnatural to travel without taking a camera along... The very activity of taking pictures is soothing and assuages general feelings of disorientation that are likely to be exacerbated by travel (Susan Sontag Quotes)
The photographer’s intentions do not determine the meaning of a photograph, which will have its own career, blown by the whims and loyalties of the diverse communities that have use for it (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Photographed images do not seem to be statements about the world so much as pieces of it, miniatures of reality that anyone can make or acquire (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Although there is a sense in which the camera does indeed capture reality, not just interpret it, photographs are as much an interpretation of the world as paintings and drawings are (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Art is not only about something; it is something. A work of art is a thing in the world, not just a text or commentary on the world (Susan Sontag Quotes)
Instead of just recording reality, photographs have become the norm for the way things appear to us, thereby changing the very idea of reality and of realism (Susan Sontag Quotes)
There is a great deal that either has to be given up or be taken away from you if you are going to succeed in writing a body of work (Susan Sontag Quotes)