Suzanne Collins Quotes

Text Quotes
I pull the sleeping bag up to his chin and kiss his forehead, not for the audience, but for me. Because I’m so grateful that he’s here, not dead by the stream as I’d thought. So glad I don’t have to face Cato alone (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
In District 12, looking old is something of an achievement since so many people die early. You see an elderly person, you want to congratulate them on their longevity, ask the secret of survival. A plump person is envied because they aren’t scraping by like the majority of us. But here is different. Wrinkles aren’t desirable. A round belly isn’t a sign of success (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Despite serious reservations, I had to forgive Finnick for his role in the conspiracy that landed me here. He, at least has some idea of what I’m going through. And it takes too much energy to stay angry with someone who cries so much (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
I don’t want to cry. Everyone will make note of my tears and I’ll be marked as an easy target. A weakling. I will give no one that satisfaction (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
All those months of taking it for granted that Peeta thought I was wonderful are over. Finally, he can see me for who I really am. Violent. Distrustful. Manipulative. Deadly. And I hate him for it (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
But I feel as if I did know Rue, and she’ll always be with me. Everything beautiful brings her to mind. I see her in the yellow flowers that grow in the Meadow by my house. I see her in the Mockingjays that sing in the trees. But most of all, I see her in my sister, Prim (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
No one will forget me. Not my look, not my name. Katniss. The girl who was on fire (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
He never lets go of Annie’s hand. Not when they walk, not when they eat. I doubt he ever plans to (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Star-crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
I’m not prepared for Rue’s family. Her parents, whose faces are still fresh with sorrow. Her fiver younger siblings, who resemble her so closely. The slight builds, the luminous brown eyes. They form a flock of small dark birds (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
If you die and I live there’s no life for me back in District 12. You’re my whole life. I would never be happy again (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
It’s impossible to be the Mockingjay. Impossible to complete even this one sentence. Because now I know that everything I say will be directly taken out on Peeta. Result in his torture. But not his death, no nothing so merciful as that. Snow will ensure that his life is much worse than death (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
My voice, at first rough and breaking on the high notes, warms up into something splendid. A voice that would make the mockingjays fall silent and then tumble over themselves to join in (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Peeta smiles and douses Haymitch’s knife in white liquor from a bottle on the floor. He wipes the blade clean on his shirt tail and slices the bread. Peeta keeps all of us in fresh baked goods. I hunt. He bakes. Haymitch drinks. We have our own ways to stay busy, to keep thought of our time as contestants in the Hunger Games at bay (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
I merely feel emptyness. A hollow of dead brush where flowers use to bloom (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Making knots. Making knots. No word. Making knots. Tick-tock. This is a clock. Do not think of Gale. Do not think of Peeta. Making knots (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Something inside me shuts down and I’m too numb to feel anything. It’s like watching complete strangers in another Hunger Games. But I do notice they omit the part where I covered her in flowers. Right. Because even that smacks of rebellion (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
What does this mean? It means I get to spend the morning having the hair ripped off my body while Peeta sleeps in (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Positioned on my dresser, that white-as-snow rose is a personal message to me. It speaks of unfinished business. It whispers, I can find you. I can reach you. Perhaps I am watching you now (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
The audience must be sick to death of the star-crossed lovers from District 12. I know I am (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Behind a rack of framed photos of Snow, we encounter a wounded Peacekeeper propped up against a strip of brick wall. He asks us for help. Gale knees him in the side of the head and takes his gun (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Peeta: You be nice to her, Finnick. Or I might try and take her away from you. Finnick: Oh, Peeta. Don’t make me sorry I restarted your heart (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
Yes, they have to have a victor. Without a victor, the whole thing would blow up in the Gamemakers’ faces. They’d have failed the Capitol. Might possibly even be executed, slowly and painfully, while the cameras broadcast it to every screen in the country (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
I have zero interest in these Capitol people. They are only distractions from the food (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
There’s no district 12 to escape from now, no Peacekeepers to trick, no hungry mouths to feed. The Capitol took away all of that, and I’m on the verge of losing Gale as well. The glue of mutual needs that bonded us so tightly together for all those years is melting away (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
It’s there. The white rose among the dried flowers in the vase. Shriveled and fragile, but holding on to that unnatural perfection cultivated in Snows greenhouse. I grab the vase, stumble down to the kitchen, and throw its contents into the embers. As the flowers flare up, a burst of blue flame envelops the rose and devours it. Fire beats roses again (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
That’s when I hear the scream. So full of fear and pain it ices my blood. And so familiar. I drop the spile, forget where I am or what lies ahead, only know I must reach her, protect her. I run wildly in the direction of the voice, heedless of danger, ripping through vines and branches, through anything that keeps me from reaching her. From reaching my little sister (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
I wish she was dead,’ he says. ‘I wish they were all dead and we were, too. It would be best (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
They recognize me. Of course they recognize me. My face is uncovered and I’m standing here outside of District 12 pointing an arrow at them. Who else would I be? (Suzanne Collins Quotes)
But in school I remember hearing that for the second Quarter Quell, the Capitol demanded that twice the number of tributes be provided for the arena. The teachers didn’t go into much more detail, which is surprising, because that was the year District 12’s very own Haymitch Abernathy won the crown (Suzanne Collins Quotes)