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Swans Quotes

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I don’t have ugly ducklings turning into swans in my stories. I have ugly ducklings turning into confident ducks  (Swans Quotes) Silence is a strange thing to us who live: we desire it, we fear it, we worship it, we hate it. There is a divinity about cats, as long as they are silent: the silence of swans gives them an air of legend  (Swans Quotes) The evening advanced. The shadows lengthened. The waters of the lake grew pitchy black. The gliding of the ghostly swans became rare and more rare  (Swans Quotes) ... No matter how many instances of white swans we may have observed, this does not justify the conclusion that all swans are white  (Swans Quotes) We still have slept together, rose at an instant, learned, played, eat together; and wheresoe'er we went, like Juno's swans, still we went coupled and inseparable  (Swans Quotes)
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