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Sweeping Quotes

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Vampires are sexy to a woman perhaps because the fantasy is similar to that of the man on the white horse sweeping her off to paradise  (Sweeping Quotes) A week of sweeping fogs has passed over and given me a strange sense of exile and desolation. I walk round the island nearly every day, yet I can see nothing anywhere but a mass of wet rock, a strip of surf, and then a tumult of waves  (Sweeping Quotes) There are some scenes that work beautifully in a moving, sweeping master, which is how I like to work  (Sweeping Quotes) I do chores around the house, but I don’t get an allowance for them. I wash the dishes and sweep the floor... I’m sweeping the floor quite a lot, and my mum always expects me to get a broom and swagger it across the floor all the time  (Sweeping Quotes) Another night, I dreamed I saw my father sweeping out the barn floor clean, and would not suffer the wheat to be brought in the barn. He appeared to me to be in anger  (Sweeping Quotes) We must have sweeping, generous immigration reform, make existing law-abiding Hispanics welcome. Most are hard working family people  (Sweeping Quotes) You might as well try and dam Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stop the reform wave sweeping our land  (Sweeping Quotes) A fresher gale begins to wave the wood, and stir the stream, sweeping with shadowy gust the fields of corn; while the quail clamors for his running mate  (Sweeping Quotes) Twentieth century Russian literature has produced nothing special except perhaps one novel and two stories by Andrei Platonov, who ended his days sweeping streets  (Sweeping Quotes) Whether they’ll write the story of my life as a tragedy or an epic fantasy... I was wondering if it was going to be a kiss at the end, or sad music and a sweeping camera shot over the fields I once roamed freely. I’m hoping for the kiss, but expecting the sweeping camera shot  (Sweeping Quotes) On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government  (Sweeping Quotes) When there’s a terrible illness like AIDS sweeping through, you help people  (Sweeping Quotes) What is needed now is a transformation of the major systems of production more profound than even the sweeping post-World War II changes in production technology  (Sweeping Quotes) I am never at my best in the early morning, especially a cold morning in the Yorkshire spring with a piercing March wind sweeping down from the fells, finding it's way inside my clothing, nipping at my nose and ears  (Sweeping Quotes) The hardest part of gaining any new idea is sweeping out the false idea occupying that niche  (Sweeping Quotes) Bird of the broad and sweeping wing, thy home is high in heaven, where wide the storms their banners fling, and the tempest clouds are driven  (Sweeping Quotes) Sweeping, confident articles on the future seem to me, intellectually, the most disreputable of all forms of public utterance  (Sweeping Quotes) An expert is a person who avoids the small errors while sweeping on to the grand fallacy  (Sweeping Quotes) Just as with other great words, the word environment means different things. You might say that a cave woman twenty thousand years ago sweeping out the cave was improving the environment. Many people improving the environment think only in terms of the air they breathe in their hometown and the water in the aquifer under their hometown. My guess is very few are thinking centuries ahead or thousand of years ahead, but that’s what we have to do  (Sweeping Quotes) In the broad and sweeping sense which the use of the term generally implies, I am not a free - trader  (Sweeping Quotes) The drum of the realization of the promise is beating, we are sweeping the road to the sky. Your joy is here today, what remains for tomorrow?  (Sweeping Quotes) A dark horse, which had never been thought of, rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph  (Sweeping Quotes) It is not the rich man’s son that the young struggler for advancement has to fear in the race for life, nor his nephew, nor his cousin. Let him look out for the dark horse in the boy who begins by sweeping out the office  (Sweeping Quotes) The scientific attitude of mind involves a sweeping away of all other desires in the interest of the desire to know  (Sweeping Quotes) I think there are crossroads in our lives when we make grand, sweeping decisions without even realizing it  (Sweeping Quotes) I increasingly fear that nothing good can come of almost any adaptation, and obviously that’s sweeping. There are a couple of adaptations that are perhaps as good or better than the original work. But the vast majority of them are pointless  (Sweeping Quotes) Rest not. Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die. Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time  (Sweeping Quotes) If income tax is the price you have to pay to keep the government on its feet, alimony is the price we have to pay for sweeping a woman off hers  (Sweeping Quotes) The secret to it all is just to enjoy what you’re doing. This is not working at the coal face, this is not sweeping behind a restaurant. It’s work, but it’s not work. It gives me a different type of energy. I’m grateful for that  (Sweeping Quotes)
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