Sweet Quotes

Text Quotes
Is a lifetime long enough to hold the regret that I have for that fantastically aborted but crazily sweet love affair? (Sweet Quotes)
Vengeance is sweet. Vengeance taken when the vengee isn't sure who the venger is, is sweeter still (Sweet Quotes)
Around the child bend all the three sweet graces: faith, hope, charity. Around the man bend other faces; pride, envy, malice, are his graces (Sweet Quotes)
I am seventeen. The good things about seventeen is that you're not sixteen. Sixteen goes with the word sweet, and I am so far from sweet (Sweet Quotes)
Sweet desert rose each of her veils, a secret promise this desert flower no sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this (Sweet Quotes)
We loved, sir - used to meet: How sad and bad and mad it was - But then, how it was sweet! (Sweet Quotes)
What good are the passions? For sooner or later their sweet sickness ends when reason speaks up; and life, if surveyed with cold - blooded regard is stupid and empty - a joke (Sweet Quotes)
What a name! Was it love or praise? Speech half asleep or song half awake? I must learn spanish, one of these days, only for that slow sweet name's sake (Sweet Quotes)
Beautiful as sweet! And young as beautiful! And soft as young! And gay as soft! And innocent as gay (Sweet Quotes)
The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep (Sweet Quotes)
Tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep! He, like the world, his ready visit pays Where fortune smiles; the wretched he forsakes (Sweet Quotes)
A waft of sweet hash drifted by, and I wanted to float after it like Wimpy levitating at the scent of a hamburger (Sweet Quotes)
In families well ordered, there is always one firm, sweet temper, which controls without seeming to dictate. The Greeks represented persuasion as crowned (Sweet Quotes)
The nights in Billancourt were soft and sweet, enlivened now and again by those childish airplane or zeppelin alarms which provided the civilian population with thrills and self justification (Sweet Quotes)
Time always wins; our victories are only delays; but delays are sweet, and a delay can last a whole lifetime (Sweet Quotes)
If ill thoughts at any time enter into the mind of a good man, he doth not roll them under his tongue as a sweet morsel (Sweet Quotes)
If we analyze or dissect a flower, looking for the flower among its parts, we shall not find it... And yet, we cannot deny the existence of flowers and of their sweet scent (Sweet Quotes)
The dusky and faintly sweet smell of her perfume came to Therese again, a smell suggestive of dark green silk, that was hers alone, like the smell of a special flower (Sweet Quotes)
The women are young, young, young, liquidy and sweet looking; they are batter, and I am the sponge cake they don't know they'll become. I stand here, a lone loaf, stuck to the pan (Sweet Quotes)
Uncompromising thought is the luxury of the closeted recluse. Untrammeled reasoning is the indulgence of the philosopher, of the dreamer of sweet dreams (Sweet Quotes)
It was the hat. He looked sweet in the hat. How could a man in a fuzzy blue hat have used human bones to pave his roads? (Sweet Quotes)
And it's all kind of moving and sweet except that you're not completely there-a part of you is a few feet away, or above, thinking (Sweet Quotes)
Where the mouth is sweet and the eyes intelligent, there is always the look of beauty, with a right heart (Sweet Quotes)
Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh, When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee; Fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight, Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with thee (Sweet Quotes)
Sweet souls around us watch us still, press nearer to our side; into our thoughts, into our prayers, with gentle helpings glide (Sweet Quotes)
That time of year thou may'st in me behold, when yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang upon those boughs which shake against the cold, bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang (Sweet Quotes)
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many things I sought, and with old woes new wail my dear time's waste (Sweet Quotes)
How sour sweet music is When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men's lives (Sweet Quotes)
Now see that noble and most sovereign reason Like sweet bells jangled out of tune and harsh (Sweet Quotes)
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings That then I scorn to change my state with kings (Sweet Quotes)