Sweet Quotes

Text Quotes
Here are sweet peas, on tiptoe for a flight; with wings of gentle flush over delicate white, and taper fingers catching at all things, to bind them all about with tiny rings (Sweet Quotes)
The instruction received at the mother’s knee, and the paternal lessons, together with the pious and sweet souvenirs of the fireside, are never effaced entirely from the soul (Sweet Quotes)
Morn on the mountain, like a summer bird, lifts up her purple wing, and in the vales the gentle wind, a sweet and passionate wooer, kisses the blushing leaf (Sweet Quotes)
Good thoughts are blessed guests, and should be heartily welcomed, well fed, and much sought after. Like rose leaves, they give out a sweet smell if laid up in the jar of memory (Sweet Quotes)
Sweet and low, sweet and low, wind of the western sea, low, low, breathe and blow, wind of the western sea! (Sweet Quotes)
A wreath of dewy roses, fresh and sweet, just brought from out the garden’s cool retreat (Sweet Quotes)
Moral virtues are so many sweet flowers strewed over a dead corpse, which hide the loathsomeness of it, but inspire not life into it (Sweet Quotes)
Not the rich viol, trump, cymbal, nor horn, guitar, nor cittern, nor the pining flute, are half so sweet as tender human words (Sweet Quotes)
As in the soft and sweet eclipse, when soul meets soul on lover’s lips (Sweet Quotes)
They seemed to whisper: How handsome she is! What wavy tresses! What sweet perfume! Under her mantle she hides her wings; her flower of a bonnet is just in bloom (Sweet Quotes)
Tis no sin love’s fruits to steal; but the sweet thefts to reveal; to be taken, to be seen, these have crimes accounted been (Sweet Quotes)
So was she soon exhaled, and vanished hence; as a sweet odour, of a vast expense. She vanished, we can scarcely say she died (Sweet Quotes)
Ah love is bitter and sweet, but which is more sweet the bitterness or the sweetness, none has spoken it (Sweet Quotes)
How sweet from the green mossy brim to receive it, as, poised on the curb, it inclined to my lips! Not a full blushing goblet could tempt me to leave it, the brightest that beauty or revelry sips (Sweet Quotes)
By the fireside still the light is shining, the children’s arms round the parents twining. From love so sweet, o who would roam? Be it ever so homely, home is home (Sweet Quotes)
O, the sweet, sweet twilight just before the time of rest, when the black clouds are driven away, and the stormy winds suppressed (Sweet Quotes)
The golden beams of truth and the silken cords of love, twisted together, will draw men on with a sweet violence, whether they will or not (Sweet Quotes)
The gods conceal from those destined to live how sweet it is to die, that they may continue living (Sweet Quotes)
Oh, fair, oh sweet and holy as dew at morning tide, I gaze on thee, and yearnings, sad in my bosom hide (Sweet Quotes)
Sweet bird! Thy bower is ever green, thy sky is ever clear; thou hast no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year (Sweet Quotes)
The rose is fragrant, but it fades in time: The violet sweet, but quickly past the prime: White lilies hang their heads, and soon decay, and white snow in minutes melts away (Sweet Quotes)
Comfort, like the golden sun, dispels the sullen shade with her sweet influence, and cheers the melancholy house of care (Sweet Quotes)
Woman is fickle as a feather in the wind, she changes her tune and her thoughts. A sweet, fair face, in tears or in laughter, always deceive us (Sweet Quotes)
She it is who proposes the correcting of pretentiousness, of inflation, of dulness, and of the vestiges of rawness and grossness to be found among us. She is the ultimate civilizer, the polisher, a sweet cook (Sweet Quotes)
Happy birthday my dear sweet sister. I hope your special day is blessed with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love. To a perfect sister (Sweet Quotes)
O, train me not, sweet mermaid, with thy note, to drown me in thy sister’s flood of tears (Sweet Quotes)
Mincing she was, as is a wanton colt, sweet as a flower and upright as a bolt (Sweet Quotes)
She will not be simple and sweet. She will not be what people tell her she should be (Sweet Quotes)
Besides, you think I’m not used to hurting? For me, it’s home sweet home, my brother (Sweet Quotes)
We risk life and limb and my princely good looks for a spoonful of sweet sock? (Sweet Quotes)