Swim Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m right there, swimming the river of hardships but I know how to swim (Swim Quotes)
Do you want to understand how to swim, or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of the water want to understand it. Other people jump in and get wet (Swim Quotes)
Your nearness is the nearness of planets. I am the void between you. If I withdraw there will be no void for you to swim in (Swim Quotes)
Now I felt like I was drifting, sucked down by an undertow, and too far out to swim back to the shore (Swim Quotes)
I felt like I was staring out across an ocean that I was going to have to swim from shore to shore before I could rest again (Swim Quotes)
Surely he knows we are all watching. That I am watching. It is always that way when you are in a group and someone decides to go for a swim or walk to the water. The ocean is a giant stage. It is natural that the others watch, if only for a moment (Swim Quotes)
Ours is a terrible religion. The fleets of the world could swim in spacious comfort in the innocent blood it has spilt (Swim Quotes)
I don’t know why we do it. But sometimes we just swim straight for the net (Swim Quotes)
I should learn to run, to wrestle, to swim, to ride horses, to row, to drive a car, to fire a rifle. I should fill my soul with flesh. I should fill my flesh with soul. In fact, I should reconcile at last within me the two internal antagonists (Swim Quotes)
Are you jealous of the ocean’s generosity? Why would you refuse to give this joy to anyone? Fish don’t hold the sacred liquid in cups! They swim the huge fluid freedom (Swim Quotes)
I watch the ashes swim around like dandelion puffs, making swirls where bodies and walls once stood (Swim Quotes)
Tutoring a four year old to get into an exclusive preschool made as much sense as hiring a swim coach for a guppy (Swim Quotes)
The richer we have become materially, the poorer we become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly in the air like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers (Swim Quotes)
No matter what grief or loss takes place, most of life flows on all around us, as though nothing’s changed. At some point in our sorrow, we each make a choice to sink or swim. There’s no alternative (Swim Quotes)
As you swim the river of live, do the breast stroke. It helps to clear the turds from your path (Swim Quotes)
We’re emphasizing the knowable by predicting how certain people and companies will swim against the current. We’re not predicting the fluctuation in the current (Swim Quotes)
I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in the silence, and the truth comes to me (Swim Quotes)
Often it’s just a short swim from the shipwreck of your life to the island paradise of your dreams, assuming you don’t drown in the metaphor (Swim Quotes)
Bliss is the ocean, a towel on the sand, the sun out, the chance to swim in waves or walk dragging a stick behind you, a good book, a cold drink (Swim Quotes)
We’ve learned to fly the air like birds, we’ve learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven’t learned to walk the earth as brothers and sisters (Swim Quotes)
So who’s the big red menace nowadays? Cuba. That’s it? I’m sorry, but it’s hard to whip up any us against them nationalist fervor about a country whose principal export is citizens who can swim (Swim Quotes)
Inside your own self pity there you swim, in sinking down to drown her voice still haunts you, and only with your laughter can you win (Swim Quotes)
They tied his arms behind his back to teach him how to swim, they put blood in his coffee and milk in his gin (Swim Quotes)
Our conscious motivations, ideas, and beliefs are a blend of false information, biases, irrational passions, rationalizations, prejudices, in which morsels of truth swim around and give the reassurance albeit false, that the whole mixture is real and true. The thinking processes attempt to organize this whole cesspool of illusions according to the laws of plausibility. This level of consciousness is supposed to reflect reality; it is the map we use for organizing our life (Swim Quotes)
This is what I mean when I say I would like to swim against the stream of time: I would like to erase the consequences of certain events and restore an initial condition. But every moment of my life brings with it an accumulation of new facts, and each of these new facts bring with it consequences; so the more I seek to return to the zero moment from which I set out, the further I move away from it (Swim Quotes)
I’ve decided that if I had my life to live over again, I would not only climb more mountains, swim more rivers, and watch more sunsets; I wouldn’t only jettison my hot water bottle, raincoat, umbrella, parachute, and raft; I would not only go barefoot earlier in the spring and stay out later in the fall; but I would devote not one more minute to monitoring my spiritual growth. No, not one (Swim Quotes)
There was a magic about the sea. People were drawn to it. People wanted to love by it, swim in it, play in it, look at it. It was a living thing that was as unpredictable as a great stage actor: it could be calm and welcoming, opening its arms to embrace it’s audience one moment, but then could explode with its stormy tempers, flinging people around, wanting them out, attacking coastlines, breaking down islands (Swim Quotes)
A poem needs understanding through the senses. The point of diving in a lake is not immediately to swim to the shore; it’s to be in the lake, to luxuriate in the sensation of water. You do not work the lake out. It is an experience beyond thought. Poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to accept mystery (Swim Quotes)
I am interested in people who swim in the deep end. I want to have conversations about real things with people who have experienced real things. I’m tired of talking about movies and gossiping about friends. Life is crunchy and complicated and all the more delicious (Swim Quotes)
The deepest hunger in life is a secret that is revealed only when a person is willing to unlock a hidden part of the self. In the ancient traditions of wisdom, this quest has been likened to diving for the most precious pearl in existence, a poetic way of saying that you have to swim far out beyond shallow waters, plunge deep into yourself, and search patiently until the pearl beyond price is found (Swim Quotes)