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Synthetic Quotes

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I cannot put this poison on my skin. I do not use anything synthetic  (Synthetic Quotes) Saving animals is as simple as choosing synthetic alternatives instead of real fur  (Synthetic Quotes) Synthetic biology can help address key challenges facing the planet and its population. Research in synthetic biology may lead to new things such as programmed cells that self-assemble at the sites of disease to repair damage.  (Synthetic Quotes) The person of analytic or critical intellect finds something ridiculous in everything. The person of synthetic or constructive intellect, in almost nothing  (Synthetic Quotes) If industrial man continues to multiply his numbers and expand his operations he will succeed in his apparent intention, to seal himself off from the natural and isolate himself within a synthetic prison of his own making  (Synthetic Quotes) True poetry is truer than science, because it is synthetic, and seizes at once what the combination of all the sciences is able, at most, to attain as a final result  (Synthetic Quotes) This... is a synthetic world many of us live in today - a dream, if you will  (Synthetic Quotes) In my view, we ought to replace the notion of analytic philosophy by that of synthetic philosophy  (Synthetic Quotes) Philosophers ought to aspire to know lots of different things and to forge useful synthetic perspectives  (Synthetic Quotes) Fritz Mondale is not some synthetic Masked Marvel or Mystery Man. He is not made of silicon and micro-chip flakes. He is made of flesh and blood and brains  (Synthetic Quotes) I’m gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I’m gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It’ll be an acoustic version of K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Then maybe I’ll design a line of clothes like Puff Daddy, but all in synthetic fur  (Synthetic Quotes) The moment in which the narrator, reaching for his boots, becomes vividly and lastingly aware of the finality of his grandmother’s death is another such moment. It would be interesting to explore Proust’s great novel from the perspective of seeing how stable synthetic complexes are formed and modified  (Synthetic Quotes) The entire Mayron’s Good Baby natural skin care line is free from synthetic fragrances, paraben, sodium lauryl sulfate, and DEA. It was a wonderful experience to work with my father on the creation of these natural products.  (Synthetic Quotes) Jukeboxes, radio and television, going from dawn to dusk, help spread the poison of synthetic, artificial, rhythmical noise  (Synthetic Quotes) The most attractive habitats for synthetic sentience might be the vicinities of exceptional sources of energy - for example black holes, or even the neighbourhoods of large stars, which routinely boil off the energy of ten thousand suns. These are the destinations they may seek.  (Synthetic Quotes) In view of the experience I had acquired in the field of chemical industry, certain Italian government and industrial bodies entrusted me in 1938 with the task of instituting research and development studies on the production of synthetic rubber in Italy.  (Synthetic Quotes) Don’t try to capture a man in one synthetic portrait, but rather in lots of snapshots taken at different times and in different circumstances.  (Synthetic Quotes) I think that by the middle of this century people will still be eating meat (though less), and their meat will mostly be produced in factories through synthetic processes, cell cultures, and so on.  (Synthetic Quotes) Synthetic or inorganic substances do not contain any ‘life force’ they are not dynamic. Everything is made of chemicals, but organic substances like essential oils have a structure which only mother nature can put together. They have a life force, an additional impulse which can only be found in living things.  (Synthetic Quotes) Possession of the pure synthetic specimens of the anthocyanidins and chief anthocyanins enabled my wife and me to devise quick tests for these colouring matters which can be used with the material from a few flower petals.  (Synthetic Quotes) The effort to eliminate synthetic pesticides because of unsubstantiated fears about residues in food will make fruits and vegetables more expensive, decrease consumption, and thus increase cancer rates. The levels of synthetic pesticide residues are trivial in comparison to natural chemicals, and thus their potential for cancer causation is extremely low. [Ames believes that to eat your veggies is the best way to prevent cancer.]  (Synthetic Quotes) Green synthetic practice mats are the worst thing for your golf game that I know of. You can hit six inches behind the ball and not even know it, because the ball still gets airborne. Practice nets are awful, too. Swing a weighted club instead.  (Synthetic Quotes) The mornings themselves were becoming bad now as I wandered about lethargic, following my synthetic sleep, but afternoons were still the worst, beginning at about three o’clock, when I’d feel the horror, like some poisonous fog bank roll in upon my mind, forcing me into bed  (Synthetic Quotes) Today, people struggle to find what’s real. Everything has become so synthetic that a lot of people, all they want is to grasp onto hope  (Synthetic Quotes) I got a pair of red, synthetic satin women’s pants through the post the other day with a phone number on. That was quite strange. I haven’t tried the phone number. In times of stress I may  (Synthetic Quotes) In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed  (Synthetic Quotes) We prefer synthetic rather than natural materials. Natural products are almost too valuable. Wood is much harder to produce than metal. And metal is recyclable, while wood isn’t  (Synthetic Quotes) I have my hormones balanced. Most doctors are giving women synthetic hormones, which just eliminate the symptoms, but it’s doing nothing to actually replace the hormones you have lost. Without our hormones we die  (Synthetic Quotes) There’s so much plastic in this culture that vinyl leopard skin is becoming an endangered synthetic  (Synthetic Quotes) Notwithstanding their attacks on the basic conception of rationalism, on synthetic a priori judgments, that is, material propositions that cannot be contradicted by any experience, the empiricists posits the forms of being as constant  (Synthetic Quotes)
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