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Syrup Quotes

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Waffles are like pancakes with syrup traps  (Syrup Quotes) A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap  (Syrup Quotes) To wash down your chicken nuggets with virtually any soft drink in the supermarket is to have some corn with your corn. Since the 1980s virtually all the sodas and most of the fruit drinks sold in the supermarket have been sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup.  (Syrup Quotes) Life is a velvet crowbar hitting you over the head, you’re bleeding syrup amour, bleeding to death  (Syrup Quotes) Soul is at home in the deep, shaded valleys. Heavy torpid flowers saturated with black grow there. The rivers flow like warm syrup. They empty into huge oceans of soul  (Syrup Quotes) Barley malt has a really deep, rich taste. A lot of manufacturers have switched over to corn syrup over the years because it’s a cheaper sweetener, but it doesn’t have the flavor  (Syrup Quotes) We must keep these waters for wild rice, these trees for maple syrup, our lakes for fish, and our land and aquifers for all of our relatives - whether they have fins, roots, wings, or paws  (Syrup Quotes) I’m a Canadian. Outside Canada I carry the flag. Canadian nationalism isn’t as insidious as American nationalism, though. It’s good natured. It’s all about maple syrup, not war.  (Syrup Quotes) Sugaring season is the season when you tap the trees for sugar that turns into maple syrup. I’ve married someone from Vermont, so it’s an expression I kept hearing, and I’m like, ‘What is that? That’s just so beautiful.’ I like the idea it’s the very, very first murmurings of spring.  (Syrup Quotes) You can’t dump one cup of sugar into the ocean and expect to get syrup. If everybody sweetened her own cup of water, then things would begin to change.  (Syrup Quotes) ... a sad sort of vulnerability was wafting from her, making the night smell like maple syrup  (Syrup Quotes) For the most part, I try to stay away from high fructose corn syrup and citric acid  (Syrup Quotes) As a chef and father, it kills me that children are fed processed foods, fast food clones, foods loaded with preservatives and high-fructose corn syrup.  (Syrup Quotes) If you want to know if your food contains gluten, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, trans-fats or MSG, you simply read the ingredients listed on the label.  (Syrup Quotes) Barley malt has a really deep, rich taste. A lot of manufacturers have switched over to corn syrup over the years because it’s a cheaper sweetener, but it doesn’t have the flavor.  (Syrup Quotes) Cooking for yourself is the only sure way to take back control of your diet from the food scientists and food processors, and to guarantee you’re eating real food rather than edible foodlike substances, with their unhealthy oils, high-fructose corn syrup, and surfeit of salt.  (Syrup Quotes) Only those who will love longer than they expected to can truly love pecan pie, which doesn’t explain its status as death rows most requested last dessert, or why chopped pecans, corn syrup, directions from the Karo bottle’s cherry-red side are what mercy taste like to some. But there you have it.  (Syrup Quotes) We City Folk can pretend that we prefer the rotgut from Starcorps with skim milk and Splenda, but who are we kidding? Maxwell House with French vanilla corn syrup cannot be beat  (Syrup Quotes) I am passionate about tea, running, the idea that we are bound only by the limits of our imaginations, and maple syrup  (Syrup Quotes) Date syrup is a natural sweetener that has wonderful richness and treacly depth; I drizzle it over semolina porridge  (Syrup Quotes) I stared out the window the whole way, because it was raining, which is how I like the city best. It looks like it’s been polished up. All the streets shine and lights from everywhere reflect off the black. It’s like the whole place has been dipped in sugar syrup. Like the city is some kind of big candy apple  (Syrup Quotes) I’m not from a maple producing area and so my maple syrup credentials are very much of the eating side  (Syrup Quotes) It gets to be 2 a.m., and they hand you a bottle of whipped cream and some syrup and things start getting silly  (Syrup Quotes) I guess... I’m going to get that ice cream sundae they give you on the airplane. I usually pass on that, but I think I’m actually going to get extra whipped cream and maybe even the chocolate syrup. I’m really winging it here. I’m going to be flying. It’s really a little too early to start drinking  (Syrup Quotes) You can’t dump one cup of sugar into the ocean and expect to get syrup. If everybody sweetened her own cup of water, then things would begin to change  (Syrup Quotes) I happen to know everything there is to know about maple syrup! I love maple syrup. I love maple syrup on pancakes. I love it on pizza. And I take maple syrup and put a little bit in my hair when I’ve had a rough week. What do you think holds it up, slick?  (Syrup Quotes) I always have a good quality extra virgin olive oil. A cheap quality oil will end up cheapening your dishes. And I love sweetening my dishes with maple syrup. It has a bit of a bitter kick at the end that works wonderfully in savory dishes  (Syrup Quotes) That’s what I do... Some people smoke weed, some people smoke cigarettes, some people snort coke... I pop pills, I smoke and I drink syrup, that’s my twist  (Syrup Quotes) I drink maple syrup. Then I’m hyper so I just run around like crazy and work it all off  (Syrup Quotes) We still have to put some cherry syrup on it, and then we can eat it  (Syrup Quotes)
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