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In the final analysis it doesn’t really matter what the political system is... We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation  (System Quotes) Any sensibility which can be crammed into the mold of a system, or handled with the rough tools of proof, is no longer sensibility at all. It has hardened into an idea  (System Quotes) I want to be a politician. I think I understand how the system works, I think a lot of politicians are corrupt, and it’s about time we put some people in there who are going to look out for the majority of the people instead of the rich people  (System Quotes) Science is a mechanism, a way of trying to improve your knowledge of nature. It’s a system for testing your thoughts against the universe, and seeing whether they match  (System Quotes) Asking the legal system to resolve divorce is like asking a boxing coach to be our marriage counselor  (System Quotes) The study of geometry is a petty and idle exercise of the mind, if it is applied to no larger system than the starry one. Mathematics should be mixed not only with physics but with ethics; that is mixed mathematics  (System Quotes) The examination system, and the fact that instruction is treated mainly as a training for a livelihood, leads the young to regard knowledge from a purely utilitarian point of view as the road to money, not as the gateway to wisdom  (System Quotes) The current financial crisis makes it very clears that the system that we have isn’t really working, and this is the right time for us to undo things and build them in a new way  (System Quotes) With all my heart I believe that the world’s present system of sovereign nations can only lead to barbarism, war and inhumanity, and that only world law can assure progress towards a civilized peaceful community  (System Quotes) A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie  (System Quotes) To model our political system upon speculations of lasting tranquility, is to calculate on the weaker springs of the human character  (System Quotes) Man’s unconscious... contains all the patterns of life and behaviour inherited from his ancestors, so that every human child, prior to consciousness, is possessed of a potential system of adapted psychic functioning  (System Quotes) If we suffer ourselves to be frightened from our post by mere lying, surely the enemy will use that weapon; for what one so cheap to those of whose system of politics morality makes no part?  (System Quotes) The fact is that, under a capitalistic system, the ultimate bosses are the consumers. The sovereign is not the state, it is the people  (System Quotes) Capital punishment, like the rest of the criminal justice system, is a government program, so skepticism is in order  (System Quotes) Can it be believed that the democracy which overthrew the feudal system and vanquished kings will retreat before tradesmen and capitalists?  (System Quotes) Roughly speaking, I think it’s accurate to say that a corporate elite of managers and owners governs the economy and the political system as well, at least in very large measure  (System Quotes) What we want to see is the development of human rights and greater democracy, not just because it is our system but because we think that’s the best way that economic and political development go hand in hand  (System Quotes) Capitalism or market economy is that system of social cooperation and division of labor that is based on private ownership of the means of production  (System Quotes) In this system, which tends to devour everything which stands in the way of increased profits, whatever is fragile, like the environment, is defenseless before the interests of a deified market, which become the only rule  (System Quotes) Capitalism is the only system that can make freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of values possible in practice  (System Quotes) We are now moving towards complete collectivism or socialism, a system under which everybody is enslaved to everybody  (System Quotes) This policy of supplying by opposite and rival interests, the defect of better motives, might be traced through the whole system of human affairs, both private and public  (System Quotes) Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands  (System Quotes) Like it or not, we have to have a financial system that is healthy and functioning  (System Quotes) If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people  (System Quotes) We should have a system of economics that is structure that is organic tools. We do not have it. We are all hanging by our eyebrows from skyhooks economically, just as we are architecturally  (System Quotes) The world is full of burled and gnarly knobs on which you can hang a metaphysical system. If you must  (System Quotes) The system of life on this planet is so astoundingly complex that it was a long time before man even realized that it was a system at all and that it wasn’t something that was just there  (System Quotes) Language, in its origin and essence, is simply a system of signs or symbols that denote real occurrences or their echo in the human soul  (System Quotes)
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