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System Quotes

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Your system was liable to periodical convulsions... Business crises at intervals of five to ten years, which wrecked the industries of the nation  (System Quotes) The free market tide has now receded. In its place has come state capitalism, a system in which the state functions as the leading economic actor and uses markets primarily for political gain  (System Quotes) We were all victims of an oppressive system, but that mattered far less to us than our deep bonding with our owners  (System Quotes) For what is more glorious than music, which modulates the heavenly system with its sonorous sweetness, and binds together with its virtue the concord of nature which is scattered everywhere?  (System Quotes) Canadian federalism is more than a form of government. It’s also a system of values that allows different people in diverse communities to live and work together in harmony for the good of all  (System Quotes) It’s as if what the system opposes, the kids are going to do it harder. Saying no is the greatest aphrodisiac there is  (System Quotes) Sometimes slavery is founded upon the inferiority of one race to another; and then it appears in its most agreeable garb, for the system may be necessary to tame and civilize a race of savages  (System Quotes) Industrial society has made of high school a social system of adolescents... Set apart, in an institution of their own  (System Quotes) The first priority of humankind in this era is to establish an effective system of world law that will assure peace with justice among the peoples of the world  (System Quotes) Wikis work best in environments where you’re comfortable delegating control to the users of the system  (System Quotes) Whenever a system of communication evolves, there is always the danger that some will exploit the system for their own ends  (System Quotes) And when we look closely, we find a system of morals which any civilised person today should surely find poisonous  (System Quotes) The absolutist begins a work, others take it up and try to spread it. Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system  (System Quotes) I would like to create a speedier and more efficient system. Careers and reputations are at stake, and it would be good to be able to inject a sense of calm and transparency into procedures  (System Quotes) We shall therefore assume the complete physical equivalence of a gravitational field and a corresponding acceleration of the reference system  (System Quotes) The broader and more influential organisations of businessmen have acted to undermine the basic foundation of the free market system they purport to represent and defend  (System Quotes) Topology provides the synergetic means of ascertaining the values of any system of experiences. Topology is the science of fundamental pattern and structural relationships of event constellations  (System Quotes) Marx profoundly affected those who did not accept his system. His influence extended to those who least supposed they were subject to it  (System Quotes) The overall effect of the rise of the industrial system is greatly to reduce the union as a social force. But it will not disappear or become entirely unimportant  (System Quotes) We have parts of our system which are overwhelmed by regulation. It wasn’t the absence of regulation that was the problem. It was despite the presence of regulation you got huge risks built up  (System Quotes) It is desperately hard these days for an average child to grow up to be a man, for our present organized system does not want men. They are not safe  (System Quotes) The object of the educational system is to make the child feel suitably guilty for the harm that has been done to him  (System Quotes) An area in which more rather than less government involvement is needed, in my judgment, is the rooting out of fraud. It is the bane of any market system  (System Quotes) There seems to be no end to the senseless wickedness done on this little planet in a minor solar system, and we puny mortals appear to be decreasing in importance so far as the universe is concerned  (System Quotes) Workers then have a strong stake in the preservation of the very system that exploits them because the destruction of that system entails the destruction of their savings  (System Quotes) The world is facing a historic turning point because the system of materialistic liberalism has come to a deadlock  (System Quotes) Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children’s immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two  (System Quotes) This is really a pretty good system you have here. What do you call it? Due process. We’re very proud of it  (System Quotes) But, fortunately for mankind, the neat rents of the land, under a system of private property, can never be diminished by the progress of cultivation  (System Quotes) It is sometimes said, that the abundance of vacant land operates as the safety valve of our system  (System Quotes)
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