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System Quotes

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The justice system is now just a system  (System Quotes) Anger is the immune system of the soul  (System Quotes) Let’s create a legal system that can work  (System Quotes) The system of heroism depends on women to be weak so men can be strong  (System Quotes) The system doesn’t have to be pure, but it does have to work  (System Quotes) Like most men, I’m a life support system for a phallus  (System Quotes) The inherent corruption of man can often bring down the best system  (System Quotes) It’s a crooked system, but gin straight take the pain away  (System Quotes) I have faith in the jury system  (System Quotes) I think of images as an immune system and a transit system  (System Quotes) I think our system is being polluted by money  (System Quotes) Strategy is a system of expedients  (System Quotes) The right raw materials can...double or triple the protective power of the immune system  (System Quotes) The fact is fossil fuel carbon will stay in the surface climate system for millennia  (System Quotes) We reform the system. We save capitalism from its own excesses  (System Quotes) The solar system has no anxiety about its reputation  (System Quotes) Nobody trusts the industrial food system to give them good food  (System Quotes) God invented man, and man invented the metric system  (System Quotes) The reason for the survival of the award system is purely commercial  (System Quotes) Genius is the error in the system  (System Quotes) My work is a support system for people to feel good about themselves  (System Quotes) External reality is sort of an affectation of the nervous system  (System Quotes) Religion without art is a dead system of dogmas which have no effect on life  (System Quotes) Texas has no system in place, and what you have is chaos  (System Quotes) It’s hard in a monetary system to trust people  (System Quotes) The quality of an education system can never exceed the quality of its teachers  (System Quotes) Television has a conscience. It is how we disseminate our value system  (System Quotes) The blue wall will always be there because the system supports it  (System Quotes) Then once you get people locked up, it’s an incredibly inhuman system  (System Quotes) One’s got to change the system, or one changes nothing  (System Quotes)
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