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Building new connections is a critical part of building a new economy. The American education system, as flawed as it is, is great for the creative class because of the way it mixes up networks.  (System Quotes) It should begin much earlier with arts education in the American school system, which is sadly deficient.  (System Quotes) I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream, for the environment, for privacy rights, a woman’s right to choose, a good public education system.  (System Quotes) Who was the founder of American education? John Dewey - you know that very well - card-carrying Communist. The American education system, in America - one of the so-called ‘founders’ was a Communist  (System Quotes) We have a lot of rhetoric today about high rigor and you often hear terms like that thrown about when discussing the Common Core. But the American education system historically has not embraced intellectual seriousness.  (System Quotes) To one American family out of four, the idea of capitalism as a benign system of comfort , dignity , and personal advance is only a myth , or worse, a bitter mockery.  (System Quotes) I’m so proud of my Chinese ancestry, but I was born and raised in America, and I really believe in American values, our American system, our freedom, our liberties.  (System Quotes) I couldn’t swear that I believed in the law - or in the American legal system  (System Quotes) There is international criminal organizations penetrating our southern based borders, and we need to do something about it. Secure the border, enforce the law, no amnesty, and go forward with the legal immigration system that gives priority to American working families and wages.  (System Quotes) The legal principle placing the burden of proof on accusers rather than the accused can be traced back to Second and Third Century Roman jurist, Julius Paulus Prudentissimus. Yet, this ancient concept, which forms the legal and moral cornerstone of the American judicial system, is quickly being undermined in the name of ‘national security.’  (System Quotes) The power of the American system of republicanism lies in its capacity to allow religious belief to be a competing, not a controlling, factor in American life.  (System Quotes) I still have a great deal of faith in our political system and a great deal of faith in the American people and voter.  (System Quotes) I believe politics is a team sport. That, for awful and unfortunate reasons beyond any of our control, the American system only allows, effectively, for two teams.  (System Quotes) I have dedicated my political career to bringing fairness to America’s economic system and to our work force, regardless of what people look like or where they may worship.  (System Quotes) For the most part, congressional Republicans represent people who are whiter, older and richer than most Americans, and our creaky old political system gives those Americans disproportionate influence over public policy.  (System Quotes) The genius of the American Founders was to create an intricate system of balanced powers both within the state and between state and society - a system that has fostered unprecedented political, social, and intellectual freedom.  (System Quotes) Not only our political system is broken, but how we do business and have public discourse with one another. The system in Hollywood, specifically, is not depicting people of color; we’re not even talking about Asian Americans or Latino Americans; we’re not even getting into that question.  (System Quotes) The American political system is not good at trading sacrifice now to prevent crises later  (System Quotes) I just didn’t understand the American political system, and I felt really stupid about that  (System Quotes) With all its faults, the American political system is the freest and most democratic in the world  (System Quotes) The American political system is like fast food - mushy, insipid, made out of disgusting parts of things and everybody wants some.  (System Quotes) The greatness of America has grown out of a political and social system and a method of control of economic forces distinctly its own - our American system.  (System Quotes) Politics is corrupting the American judicial system in much the same way the judicial system was corrupted in Nazi Germany.  (System Quotes) The organization of American society is an interlocking system of semi-monopolies notoriously venal, an electorate notoriously unenlightened, misled by mass media notoriously phony.  (System Quotes) There’s an unhealthy obsession in America with royalty and the class system  (System Quotes) America’s health care system is in crisis precisely because we systematically neglect wellness and prevention.  (System Quotes) The great thing about Watergate is, is that the system worked. The American system worked. The press did its job. We did what we were supposed to do.  (System Quotes) I don’t know a politician who enjoys fundraising. The system is such that the American people have lost faith.  (System Quotes) Throughout human history, the American Idea has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.  (System Quotes) When the Muslims deliver the indictment of the American system, it is not the white man per se that is being doomed.  (System Quotes)
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